Warmok Spear


Armor: AC 2, MR 40% (20% unadjustable), -3/die of damage, no monk attacks work, free action, immune to poison, death magic, paralyzation, quivering palm, 1/week call up 19 strength (+3 +7) may exceed that strength only with clumsiness, raise resurrection survival to 00%.

Warmok the Blade:

forged of the dead god Solus, +7 broadsword of meteoric eog w/notched blades (+2 under anti-magic), 9 lives stealer, upon 9th life will also affect wielder, casts 20th lvl mind disease upon command 60’ radius at scarab upon natural 20, will drain ½ or all lvls (+save) 50%/50%, costs 50 psi points or I + W points, fully heals bearer, souls of all victims slain normally, deposited in abyss and 1-4 hp drained permanently, detects clerics/clerical magics 1 mile. As sword draws hp from victims, ego will gain as does power of sword. If start fresh, sword is +3 and has life stealing power only. Armor allow start at above. Mind diseases applicable (save negates/affects permanent until healed/contagious after one week with affected, save +2): suicidal mania black eyes, terror do nothing except scream and partially defend yellow eyes, Battle frenzy red eyes +2 perm to hit/damage +2 AC--will always attack all creatures on sight, Feeblemind non-contagious gray eyes, hallucinationatory insanity color-changing eyes.

Warmok boots: high hard jet black boots with flashy silvery lips, upon command spines in circlar array appear from bottom of each boot, rooting wearer to spot. Spikes are +5 and pass through stone, obsidian, armor, scales, etc. 2-5+5. Power assisted jump—vertical jump at 50’ allowed, immune to acid and fire, worn with armor gets armor immunities and whole armor immune to acid. Spear of Malorean Rist: 1d8+1, speed 6, two-handed, natural 20 exude poison (1d12/save 1d4)for rest of battle or can be used to reduce AC by 2 and do 1d6 concussion damage and possibly stun.

Crystal Mind: crystal ball of Precognitive scrying: can forsee grand machinations/overall plots/how they come to fruition, based on present knowledge. What is seen is only what will probably happen. Treat as Mass Appraisal x 10. Side effect: Meglomania/Manipulative reservedness. Crystal Mind (unbeknownst to all) is intelligent, very psionic and potent 21 intelligence, can bestow up to 150 points when held, clairvoyance, clairsentience over large areas, must be 7th lvl to concentrate on individuals, forged by Erebir Pendragon to help rule Melderyn but stolen by Morador.


Warmok has artistic ability in music (composing) W nat +2, musical instrument D-1, Singing Chr +1, Endurance C, Weaponsmithing I-3, Running C-6. When under extreme duress may fight up to 14th lvl fighter ability but only as needed, double Dex bonus to initiative. Normal: hear noise ats previous class, regeneration, +2 all saves.

Miracles: Tensers eye of the Tiger, Tensers steady aim, Remove fear, Detect Warrior, Adreniline rush, cat’s eye, call upon faith. Tensers Brawl, aid, measure of the warrior, Sees Champion strength.


Warmok Allies:

Demogorgon, Kostitche, Astaroth, Bael, Duke of Hell (3), Various Type 6 Demons, Consorted with Glasya, 5 yrs. With Githyanki, 30 yrs with Drow, Stephen Amber, Lorthrim, Lord Morador.



Slaade, Githerzai (15% bad), Melniuel, Male evil dragons, disciples of Lugh, various type 6 demons, Martin Marador III, Known in Kaldour, Older dwarves, Morgana’s priests, Selcunde Drema.


Warmok’s Spear:

Born in the year 90 in Chelni gap, place known as the Seven Seas of Thye. Peaceful rural town. During childhood happened upon Djinn King, wished all achievements would be known. Result=10% per level in fame; applies especially to lawmen/militia etc. +/- 2 %/level reaction where appropriate. Psychologically tortured by Demon of the Burning Night through dreams. Also, father driven to drink and violence by such and children taught to taunt Warmok. At age 16 while on patrol, encounters violently unbalanced Priest Malorein Rist and after death of friend kills him. He is wanted and hunted, leaves home. After weeks of travel with his two friends, the adrive? at Devil’s Door, camp of fabled Lord Morador, an uncrowned king of faraway lands and hero here. Owing debt to Warmok’s friend Edgar’s father, Morador allows them to stay in return for their service. In the following year, Morador trains the young Warmok knowing that he has the proper "karma" but not knowing how. In the bloody defeat of agents sent after Warmok (unbeknownst to him) Edgar dies a horrible death and the troop sends Warmok and the other friend Dalmor called Merak to bring news back to village. In the village, Warmok learns that his father has been slain by an assassin similar to the one who killed Edgar. Also the town has ostracized him—calling him coward and misfit. Only his childhood love Keilli’s family stood up for him—they have apparently been run out of town or taken. It is not long after that new agents sent to get Warmok grab him and his friend Delmor and bring them to Elionon, Church of Morgenian. It is here Warmok learns the demon and all the bad tidings of his childhood have been orchestrated by the priesthood and by priest Sekunde Drema. She forces him into priesthood claiming he will one day serve and using the kidnapped Kielli as a blackmailing chip. This however does not begin before Warmok makes a blood pact with Delmor and vows to never wholly serve the warrior maiden. Plans: KilKuielli to tell Warmok she loved song when she gives him book. He can’t read music! She teaches him to read music, goes along with composing. At same time; tower bally comes up gives Warmok problem about Kielli, wants her! Warmok to defend. Gets hit, bites lip, tastes blood. Adrenaline builds, sees Kielli being dragged, hears her crying, tastes blood, adrenaline flows, is carried to his feet, fight! Father reprimands him, says never fight. Blames Warmok for what happened. Gives him a good beating (possessed by Warmok demons) Tells him never to fight, makes oath. Has dream of brother fighting in war, marching over dead bodies with his spear. Finds dead friend, but keeps running, fights two men. Later seen dead with spear broken in his stomach. After darkness, he is a spectre/ghost reaching for Warmok. Tells W that they are after him, many plots, but don’t serve them, don’t hurt anyone… don’t fight. Big trap to see what he does.



Upon Warmok’s return to village of Blackmoors, the whole town knows that Warmok has run out on them. Albrecht lauded as one of the heroes, went off to get reinforcements, supposedly was captured and fought 5 men to get free. A calls W coward. The people that have loved him even the adults have grown an intense hatred of his cowardice. Father won’t even speak to him. Mother smacks him. All of the people he loved had turned against him, making him outcast. Edgar senses some psychic cloud around the place, and should investigate. Albrecht F3, HP 19, St +2, +3, has spear necklace. Evael=Shava.


Begin Bandit campaign. Fame: Warmok wanted to be 1st level knight of the rose. Gains granted clerical spells. Detect warrior, Strength, Rally, Cause Wounds, Aid, Speed, Running warrior.

+2 all saves, immune to fear spells 5’ radius, when holding equivalent of holy sword projects a circle of power 30’ diameter; dispels magic at level of character. Spells are combat only and war sphere only. Can be used to augment any types of fighting, melee, conflict, including grappling, pummeling, overbearing, parrying and combat abilities. Get hand-to-hand as monk of ½ level, includes stun, damage, move, and AC, but not melee weapon damage. Must continue to travel., May have no henchmen nor build strongholds, may have no more than 5 magic items, must donate 10% of all treasure gained to teaching and learning of other warriors.

Lord Morador was once a paladin of Nuada, god of warriors of battle, chivalry in the lands of solamnia. In Solamnia, the teachings of Nuada are much different—the style is completely different as well as many of the codes and customs of fighting. In these far-away lands Morador was to become a king, but his paladin lord fell and the lands were shattered due to civil war. Morgana shattered his morale; Nuada forsook him. Lord of the 7 broken towers, lord of the striken lands, uncrowned king of Malteren, symbol: golden crane. 15th lvl spiritual warrior, black skinned, barbarian looking moor, Chr 18, 19 for loyalty and followers, -15% RA here due to race, must travel and may not have a kingdom. As 7th lvl monk, +3 ½ damage with melee weapons, stun, instant KO and quivering palm, AC base 4, MV 21, 2-8 points, 3/2 attacks, immune to possession, energy drain, restoration, protection from summoned creatures only 10’ radius, +2 saves as paladin, immune to disease, surprise 1-4, 7 lvls of druidical spells (max 5th lvl), turn wood, cats eye, etc., S 18 95, I 14, W 15, C 17, D 12, Chr 18. May fight with 2 major weapons. Carries/uses: moorish telescope, Moorish calendar, Moorish medicine, accelerate healing to 4 hp/day for next d6 days, 2 cutlasses +4 non-magical, 1-8/1-12 speed 6. 4 attacks per round (2 attacks, 2 weapons), +6 to hit, +12 ½ damage. Miracles: Endow warrior aids teaching proficiency.


Order of the Seventh Spear: Gain non-weapon proficiency of Religion at no cost, may drop present class for 3rd level priest, necessary for Rogue Spiritual Warrior class, Attempting to brainwash—must focus on something to avoid, we will take and you will give, may use poison, allow battle spells. Very rough training. Bard is imported for indoctrination, witnesses much training, tear of the statue drops on fighter, must walk down path of piers, save v. fear at end. Bard will sing cry sister. Purpose is to plead for the love of the warrior maiden for her pity. Morigan views people as vestibules for conflict; their flesh and blood is just the currency of her sphere. Her spheres are war, destruction, devastation. Her priests/officers always rule through fear. Any amount of casualties in war is OK as long as objective is achieved. She rules over conflicts between men, orcs, elves, and all races. Greater God in Celtic pantheon. Priests serve to help train new warriors, teach battlefield tactics, and make records or the most vigilant fights of any warrior battle. The priests are required to accompany armies on the march of war. At every war, priests of this sect will be in attendance on the officers and the rulers of both sides.




Barbarian Table of Wild Sciences.

Combat Mind, Danger Senses, Complete Healing, Death Field, Adrenaline Control, Biofeedback, Body Control, Cell Adjust, Enhanced Strength, Flesh Armor, Heightened Senses, Ejection, Awe, Synaptic Static, Inflict Pain, Cannot Be Contacted (16 + on 30 sider).


6th level: 3 disciplines, psychometabolic, telepathic. 3 sciences, 11 devotions, 3 defenses.

Life draining, shadow form, probe

Lend health, share strength, mind over body, heightened senses, double pain, displacement, contact, empathy, ESP


"Kumite" the 9th tier. The Final Nata

Holders of medallions from the 8th tier, run of korate mt, contend for the title of champion. Entrants are ranked according to scoring in the Run of Korak Mt and points accrued from total tiers. More points are gained the quicker the boat, points from archery are added, ranking in Run of Korak Mt: 110 pts 1st, 90 pts 2nd, 80 3rd, etc.

Highest rankers are paired with lowest rankers.

Yr 108 conquest of champions, 27 contenders in the "Kumite"

All barbarians thus far have horsemanship 2 slots, w+5, endurance 2slots, wrestling: extra 2 HP/lvl towards pummeling, wrestling attacks, +2%/lvl on % KO, -5 % chance to KO, only 2-handed weapon proficiency.

7th level 50% mountaineering, 25% direction sense, 25% hunting or snares

9th level 20% blind fighting, 80% some survival

12th lvl 40% blind fighting, 60% some directional

15th lvl blindfighting (-2 blind swing)



Warmok's endings

Virama and Warmok/Tilak was solely responsible for Warmok’s death originally. Warmok had settled in –Kulthea to keep a distance from Takhisias (this was shortly after battle with the Dragon King). It was a bad idea to make rest and not war for Warmok. Shortly after winning large chunks of land/continent, the warrior queen Virana came. Virama was great in her evil. Greater than Warmok in his evil for sure. Battles/wars ensued. Finally culminating in Virama ripping Warmok’s armor apart and thrusting a light mace? Into his heart! The Amamisi actually helped Warmok! His armor was left there to be guarded by an Amarishi undead body (Arganthal-Raz) possessed by a great prevento demon. When she returned, Stephen had grabbed Warmok and forever vanished. The Helm of Iddaena is still locked away and Virama uses its powers sparingly. She had come to also retrieve the Helm from Mount Kadaena. Now she raids other areas and is slowly taking on power. Her city has grown immensely (esp. with teroglustied) but still remains in ruins from the great battle.


Warmok’s purpose on Kulthea is to find a way to Orhan and deal with lords on Orhan; see they cannot punch another hole into the Harnic world. While on Kulthea achieving this purpose he might want to investigate previous presence on Kulthea. Deal with Virama Vair.


Lords of Orhan have attempted to punch a hole into the Harnic universe. Their powers are shaky in Harn right now. They need to learn more to be formidable. In punching the hole through they made contact with evil (through the deathstone) and then bargained for power if they defended the stone. The lords guessed they’d sooner or later find out but they overestimated how hard it would be to destroy. Now they are preparing a different method.


Stephen has had dealings with the Lords of Orhan before in fact Warmok and Amber held rulings on Kulthean long ago. Warmok was finally killed on Kulthea by Virama Vair. Warmok has drawn himself back here in efforts to get Stephen Amber’s attention—alter reality. If Warmok can destroy Virama Vair, that would prove his greatest personal accomplishment since conversion. It indeed would get Stephen’s attention and he will return thinking Warmok is back. Already Stephen is very curious—has Warmok returned? He found out what happened with the deathstone after the fact. Stephen does NOT know Warmok has gone on to Kulthea. He will only find out after the Death of Virama Vair. Once this is accomplished Stephen and Warmok meet. Independently, Morgana has her hand in Warmok’s fate, whatever it may be, to see that Kuzoun goes back in time or to see Warmok’s true soul is revived due to the defeat by Vair. Par Salien also sends Sagely.


The cleric of Arawn was drawn by the undeath of the deathstone. He served/pacted with the lords of Orhan. The deathstone under the lords’ power caused minor insanities in the priest (they knew he might betray them), and he started to worship demons as well as Arawn (losing alignment status and some spells) but did manage to trump weird books from Kulthea (random) and learned of Orgiana—even managed to draw a trump. The lords due to their distance never really found out about this in specific, thinking the demons were from his own world.


Stone Golem: st 20, dx 11, HT 14/30, iq 8. Strikes with first for 2d-1 dur…? Weapon skill of 11. Pd2. Dr 4, spd=6, parry 7, dodge 8.

Bronze Golem: st 25, dx 13, ht 15/30, iq 9, first 2d +2, weapon skill 13, pd 3, dr 6, spd 7, parry 9, dodge 10.

Iron Golem: st 30, dx 12, ht 15/40, iq 9, first with 4d, weapon skill 13, spd 6, pd 3, dr 6, parry 9, dodge 9.

Skeletons: impaling attacks do -2 damage, no bonus damage, cutting attacks do no bonus damage, crushing attacks that get through armor do double damage, no pain or stun, -2 iq, -1 st, +2 dx, norm ht, +1 basic move.

Zombie: +5 ht, +1 st, -2 iq, dx norm. no pain or stun.


Theleb Ki’aarna--Dan Tangian Wizard: st 9 (14), iq 17, dx 11, ht 14, will do death vision spell on sight. Advantages: high pain threshold, infravision 120, secret sign 17, no taste/smell, combat reflexes, albinism, dark aspected magery +3, strong will +3, eidetic memory (+1). Helm adds magery +1 (will add to current magery), alertness +3, peripheral vision, adds voice advantage, adds +3 to skill with mind control spells, pd 2, dr 4. Staff: +2 accuracy, +3 puissance, has several powerstones along staff act as one st 18. Armor: drow chain, pd 3, dr 6 (4 v. impaling), adds +1 to basic move, weighs as chain +10. Ring: adds +4 to contest of wills, acts as powerstone st 40 for summoning spells only, adds overconfidence disadvantage. Base skill with spells: 20. Will roll: spell +24, having demon true name gives +4 to control. Summon Demon spell: 22 Contest, 45. May make sill roll to control each of the 7 demon die rolls p. 103, any critical failure on these rolls and the demon is uncontrolled. Duration 1 hr or 1 task, whichever is less. Cost 20. Time to cast 5 minutes, requires contest of wills (spell skill + will v demon’s st + iq). Planar Summons Spell (Elenoin) 20, cost 35, time to cast 5 minutes, duration 1 battle only, ¼ hour (whichever less), can pull through maximum 3-18 creatures in 1 casting, must make skill roll for each as well as contest, if any result in critical failure, all are uncontrolled. Banish 22 (46) cost demon’s st + iq/2, time to cast 5 seconds. The house aligned diametrically against Elric. Very evil, untrustworthy, Black leather. Rapier adds fencing skill of 20, will not break! +3 damage.

Other spells:




cast time




Death Vision







Summon Shade

1 m


1 min



1 per year/subs

Skull Spirit







Steal Youth



1 hour



crit failure, caster ages 20 years


10 m










20 (23)


fright check -3, knowledge of phobias = +2 skill



1/-iq pnt; ½


20 (23)







20 (23)



Mass Daze




20 (23)


min 2 hex radius


1 hr



21 (24)


iq-4 to realize dream, no sleep + lose 2 fat


1 hr



20 (23)







21 (24)







22 (25)



Lesser Geas




21 (24)



Rear Vision




20 (23)


can only be cast while wearing helm



1/8; 18




-1 to -3

Conceal magic

10 hr

1-5 (0-3)





Scry Guard

10 hr





contest of spells



½ cost spell countered




must know spell to counter it, contest of spells

Dispel Magic






contest of spells

See Secrets






detects secret doors








Ancient History






over item









Elenoin: summoned dark elves with flaming red hair and shark like teeth, fight with two-handed swords. St 14, iq 8, dx 17, ht 11 (15), thrust 1d, swing 2d. Abilities: bloodlust, berserks when fighting (always) +4 to HT v death, hpt, body sense 13, infravision as drow, magic resistance +2, two-handed 20 (22) will not parry or dodge, need magical weapons to hit, same negatives in sunlight (-4 on abilities) otherwise the Elonin have no other abilities. Their 2-handed swords have +2 accuracy and quickdraw, destroyed by sunlight (wk).

Demon of the Burning Night: Originally found in the future, its task to kill Warmok in vengeance for his part against Kulthean plots. The demon temple has learned of Warmok’s plot to alterh the past and since failed in his attempts to kill him, launched a deadly and painful plot to alter his future. Plans to engineer many psychologically painful tests to drive him from his gods through dreams of himself and his father, creating insanity in his father, infiltrating the community.


Vrama: HP 170, AC -6, MU 20, has shield maidens, violet phantom beings with shield on either side

Mortillas: Fighter 16, HP 220, AC -6, MV 6, armor immune to any one weapon, does cure crit 3/day, mental resistances, attacker must roll 16 + natural, resistance as constraint of demon, 5%xW + ½ lvl-lvl of demon (15), MR 50%.

Teserakt the Defiler bears the sword Warmok, hp 150, duelist 14, Scarab of Insanity acts as conflict, AC -10, will parry, disarm.



Dungeons with Gargan connected to Mamuke. Master of Steel Armory. Smithing weapons for Lorthrim where heart is strong. Also connected to Dungeons for pre-gorgon is the Shelliak Lab. Using ancient arts of Drow to create the Gargun. Lorthrim is desperately looking for an edge to win the war. Lorthrim needs the life-giving secrets of the dark elf magics. There is a sage/seer among the darkest of elves who may have the answer. Lorthrim dare not go to the depths, not yet. He has a war that is going badly. Will send Warmok and Seige’s character.