Prismatica Dimension

Formerly the Dark Crystal Dimension

    The Dimension of the Dark Crystal – Lena was sent with the three Mhorams to gain access to the True Shard. The indigenous races were friendly and agreed. A small shard was taken of the True Shard resulting in some calamity and hard feelings. It was presumed to be an accident although the indigenous people are now very warry. Some of the lords have magic items indigenous to this area. Severe minning as of late has caused some animosity and forces were sent to quell the opposition. Some among the Skeksis (you don’t know who, neither does Grak) were charmed, beguiled, reprogrammed or otherwise affected by Sheol. He suspects the Mhorams don’t know all of them either as Sheol liked to keep tabs on the Mhorams. Interesting note, Because Sheol never really could affect Lena Lighthope, sheol did employ grak to help find a suitable dark soul to help form into the genetically correct (as if they were blood) Mhorams. Grak did even know their true names but he believes Sheol changed the true names some how – or convinced Grak he knew other names.