There are currently 32 Stonedowns and 7 Woodhelvins. Each is ruled by a separate leader.---We will be, as I mentioned in the New Age, working toward a council in every city. or council and have their own militia. Additionally, about 200 hucharachi are stationed in each of the eastern cities to keep them in check. -----Not anymore of course.

Those in the eastern lands (18/3) have sworn fealty to the Overlord while those in the western have not. It should be noted that in many cases it was a forced fealty and that a great amount of animosity remains in some areas. --We will certainly start by creating a truce/peace and then reach out to thise who will come…then to those who do  not come to council Lena will go to them.

9 Stonedowns and 1 woodhelven are fiercely loyal to Ridject Partain no matter who rules there and regardless of the presence any hucharachi. They are of course free but there assistance, and resources, are welcome as long as freely given and their peoples needs are met.

It should be noted that 1 of the woodhelvens – Searing Woodhelvin – is abandoned. The Overlord and the Lords gave an evil, angry sentience to the living trees there and the city destroyed its own inhabitants. It attacks ANYONE who enters – even repel trees, charm plants and etc fail to work there.

Lena the Diplomat