Archmage Sultan Zyntax (Babylon's School of Politics and Shadow)
Archmage Mordenkainen and his servant Archmage Kierian Jalucian (Greyhawk University)
Archmage Garrul Corrum-Likuth (Corrum-Likuth School of High Sorcery in Trigol)
Archmage Chadrak Naelix (Royal Aerdian Defense School in the Southlands)
Archmage Graendahl de'Modrius (School of the Word in the Southlands)
Archmage Kll'kth'kssr (School of Malcontent Intelects Now Dreaded)
ArchArcanna School of Archmages in NewEvermore
Archmage Oreon Theristal (Tamaralien Insitute of Neutrality)
Archmage of the Vale, the Exalted Mage, the Black One, Jaraan Krimeah (exile of the Great Kingdom)
Mordenkainen Tenser Bigby Rary Dramiji Nystal Ottiluke Otto
Master Magician Ren 'O the Star
Timitrious Spartakos Guiliana Mortidus
Archmagi Genin Fateshaper, Master of the Five Magics
First Council of Melderyn:
Archmagist Mandrake Mandragoran
Archmagist Merlin
Archmagist Math Mathonwy
Archmagist and Demigod Ivanshu
Archmagist Baba-Yaga
Second Council of Melderyn
Archmage Par Salian Angel Mallock, the Dominator Archmage Steven Amber
Archmage Thoth Amon Lord of Menzoberanzan, Archmage Kelsin