Mithat, City to Shammash
Ruler: High Lord Garek DuAlmor of House Almor’s Palatial Garrison
Religious leader: Cardinal Karul’Kanor
Built high atop a precipice overlooking the
Throughout the city, artworks speak to the city’s knightly pursuits: frescoes of the seven-year war on Kontied; the first, second, and third wars of contrition; statues of heroes from these wars; statues of heroes from the Troubled War, Gaen’Told. Along the Road of the Righteous (which only lawful good may walk without fine, although this is not posted) are statues of Gareth Bryne, Pedron Nial, Heshrick Nial, Patem Nial, Hereft, Kinsar, etc…., in all ten generations of Shield Knight commanders.