The Cairns are fully
described on the link. In addition, low level magistrates (Druid 1st level) are
on hand to explain the laws and customs to new comers. They often tend to
explain the reason behind the law instead of technicalities.
Prison Hill
There is a hill jus to the
North of the city that has a variety of different, scary looking tree’s
upon it. This is a prison where prisoners are polymorph
into tree’s and a plaque is put in front of the tree outlining their
offense. The tree’s are guarded by many
Shambling Mounds and a Treant who will only act if someone defaces, tried to
free or harms the tree’s. In addition, this area is warded by protections
of the Warden of Seliid-Din (Court mage of Sparhawk).
We, the inhabitants of the Celadon Forest
Protectorate, in order to provide for the protection and betterment of the
common good, do found
1.01 Citizenship -All beings
permanently residing in the woods at the time of founding shall be considered
citizens. Migratory or nomadic tribes can have citizenship, provided that the
major portions of their travels are bounded within the confines of the Celadon
and its environs or the principal source of seasonal sustenance is located therein.
Citizens have certain rights and privileges detailed hereafter
Section 1.02 Migratory Freedom
The aforementioned
migratory patterns will not be interfered with and the Citizens will have
freedom of movement within the confines of the
1.03 Citizenship after the
All beings born to a citizen of the
Celadon shall be considered Citizens.
(b) Non-citizens
desiring to be come citizens must meet the following criteria.
(i) Establish permanent
residence within the Celadon proper.
(ii) Appear before a magistrate and formally request
(iii) Live in peace and harmony for one year and a day
within the Celadon.
(iv) Exception: Migratory
tribes or beings shall be eligible upon magistrate’s determination but no
less than one migratory period.
(v) Appear before a magistrate and take an Oath of
(vi) The protectorate council
or the Regent may award citizenship at their discretion provided the being(s)
are willing to take the oath of citizenship.
Section 1.04 Loss of
Beings may renounce citizenship at any time by appearing before a city
magistrate or providing a written and notarized statement before said
(b) Beings
committing crimes such as treason or other such with penalties as listed in the
penal code may be stripped of citizenship during sentencing upon being
convicted of said crime.
1.05 Regaining Citizenship
Citizenship once renounced takes majority vote in the council to reinstate or
successful petition to the Regent. The council or Regent may stipulate
conditions that must be met, either to consider reinstatement or to maintain
citizenship. The First Citizen may petition the council or the Regent on an
individual’s behalf.
1.06 Citizen’s Bill of
Citizens of the City of the Celadon are hereby granted the following civil
liberties and personal freedoms. Such freedoms may not be revoked or curtailed
except in the following conditions.
(i) The Citizen is convicted
of a crime.
(ii) The Regent has declared Martial Law.
(iii) The Council has voted to amend / change the bill
of rights by ¾ majority and has changed the
(b) No citizen
may be willingly or unwilling brought in to servitude. Slavery does not exist
in the Celadon.
Citizens may freely enter and leave the city proper and the Celadon.
(d) No citizen
may be tortured without written order from the Regent. In order to secure such
a writ, petitioning parties must demonstrate the exhaustion of other means has
failed to provide the truth.
Citizens have the right to trial before magistrate.
No Citizen’s person or property may be searched or seized without just
(g) All
Citizens may appeal to the Regent for justice.
(h) All
Citizens have the right to conduct commerce within the Celadon subject to the
All citizens have a right to face a magistrate and have all charges explained
to them or their counselor. All Citizens may only be judged by a magistrate
II. Council of the Protectorate
2.01 "The
day to day affairs of the city would be handled by a council of
representatives, the protectorate council, is made up of representatives of the
various demographics of the citizenry of the Celadon Forest Protectorate
(Elves, Druids, Trees, Fairies, Halflings, Humans, Wemmek,
etc.) The individual groups may determine their own representatives in a manner
of their choosing. (All methods must be non lethal...)
(a) Each
race may have a representative on the council. In addition, the Regent may
appoint the one member to represent him.
2.02 The council shall be
charges with legislating the laws of the land. Such
laws may pass by simple majority. Laws that change or amend this charter must
pass by a ¾ majority.
2.03 The council shall have the
following rights and responsibilities.
(a) The
council shall have the right to tax the citizenry for the benefit of the city.
(b) The council
shall appoint a treasurer who will prepare a budget for the spending of the
public trust. The council shall review the budget and cast a majority vote for
The council shall review the Regents civil appointments and either confirm or
dismiss by majority vote.
3.01 The First Regent is
appointed by the First Citizen, and thereafter may be passed down to the
regent’s chosen heir and is hereafter referred to as
Section 3.02
The Regent will be responsible for representing the citizenry to the world at
large and be given over to the primary defense of the city. The Regent shall
have the following powers.
(a) The
Regent shall have the power to over rule the council decision unless the
measure was passed in council by a 3/4 vote or a second such majority vote were
(b) The Regent
shall have the power to veto any legislature passed by the council. The council
may override the veto of the Regent with a 2/3 majority.
The Regent shall have the power to show mercy and pardon or commute sentences.
The Supreme Magistrate Council may censure such decisions.
(d) The Regent
shall have the power to defend the Protectorate and call up militia.
(e) The
Regent may declare Martial Law in an emergency. However, during such time, the
free movement of Council members, the magistrates, or The First Citizen shall
not be impeded. The Council may overturn Martial law by a 2/3 majority vote.
The Regent is the supreme commander of all military and Police forces within
the Celadon.
(g) The regent
may appoint advisors for his counsel. Such personal advisors are not subject to
Council review.
(h) The regent
may appoint beings for execution of civil duties. These are subject to
confirmation by the council.
3.03 The Regent shall have a
monthly stipend as set by the council.
4.01 The armor is the symbol of
the Regents station; it may be passed down to an heir, the ceremony being officiated by a Druid, provided the following conditions are
(a) The
armor agrees to bond with the individual, and its conditions for bonding have
been met.
(b) The heir is
of good and noble character, chosen for merit, not solely on birth order or
The Heir has undertaken or will undertake a quest for the benefit of the city,
to demonstrate the aforementioned good character, loyalty, ability, and
dedication to the city.
(d) If the
above conditions are not met, the heir will be found unacceptable, and the
armor may not be passed at that time. Should the heir later qualify, then heir
will be found acceptable.
Should no heir be produced from the Regent’s line, The Regent may adopt a
suitable heir into his/ her line should they qualify. In the event of the
termination of the line of the ruling Regent, a heir
shall be chosen by the city council and subject to the same criteria as
5.01 Ligarius
Drolith, as the principal lawful landowner of the
Celadon forest and its environs, does bequeath the land, located on the banks
of the
(a) The
First Citizen shall have the right of first refusal for all land sold in the
Celadon. The First Citizen may appoint an agent to handle such matters.
(b) The First
Citizen has the right of appeal. He may appeal any ruling of the Regent or the
Council, or magistrate. He may appeal to any or all of the following and ask
for reconsideration or revote.
The First Citizen has the right of Audience, both before the council and the
Regent. Requests for Audience must be honored immediately.
(d) The First
Citizen has right of refusal on any measure that impacts land use or the
ecology of the Celadon.
(e) Land
owned by The First Citizen is not subject to Condemnation, eminent domain, or
other such forced purchase or seizure.
The First Citizen may pass the title and privilege to an heir of his choosing.
6.01 The area around the trees shall remain
held as private land, titled to the druids, in perpetuity.
6.02 Each tree will be allotted
seven (7) knights to guard the perimeter of the mounds in shifts, so that 7
guards are on duty at all times.
6.03 The trees reserve the right to approve
of the individuals guarding them. The guards will not interfere with
druid’s passage to and from the trees nor hamper the trees chosen
guardians in any manner.
6.04 The area is to remain in
its pristine natural state, and the guards may not erect any permanent
6.05 Any over flight by gryphons or otherwise will not be allowed. All flight
patterns are to remain clear of the tree.
(a) The exception is an alert or drill.
Drills must be arranged prior and alert must show due cause.
6.06 The Tree is protected by
means that can be lethal, therefore the knights shall
not pass beyond the edge nor climb the mound.
6.07 The tree retains the right
of self-determination and the right to defend itself from trespass. Any loss
due to trespass or infringement of the aforementioned rights is solely the
responsibility of the perpetrator.
6.08 The tree or Trees may
appoint a speaker to address the council on its behalf.
7.01 Privately held land
remains in private hands at time of founding.
7.02 The parceling of land and
it current or future use is subject to druidical approval, either by the First
Citizen or appointed agents, to protect the forest and its ecology.
7.03 The provision for the
towers of the elemental council and requisite land is reserved for that use.
7.04 The provision for the City
proper, boulevards, city edifices, and other civil structures is reserved.
7.05 The Council or Regent may
purchase land from the existing owner for Public benefit at the fair market
value. The sale must be reviewed and approved by a magistrate and is still
subject to the First Citizen’s right of refusal.
7.06 In event of compelling
public interest, the City has Eminent Domain for all lands within the city and
its immediate environs. Such cause must be demonstrated before a magistrate.
8.01 The Master of the Hunt shall retain his
current station, estate and duties as shall the rest of my followers and their
8.02 The Regent shall be
charged with enforcing the laws of the city throughout the city proper.
8.03 He may appoint deputies as
required and will receive a monthly stipend from the council to carryout his
Section 9.01
The City of
9.02 There will be a separation
of church and state.
Section 10.01
All laws, once ratified, shall be etched in stone, and placed in the city
square, where all citizens may see and read. All future laws will be publicly
displayed in the square where the citizenry can read.
Section 11.01
The Magistrates shall be
charged with adjudicating the laws of the city throughout the forest.
Section 11.02
Magistrates are appointed by the First Citizen, and confirmed by the City
Council by majority vote.
Section 11.03
From within the numbers of Magistrates, shall be appointed seven (7)
magistrates to serve on the
11.04 All Magistrates are to provide fair and just decisions in
civil and criminal matters and are empowered by this charter to make legally
binding decisions to parties who sit in their judgment. Parties who fail to
comply are in further violation of the law and subject subsequent penalties.
Section 11.05
Magistrates may travel and hold court within the
11.06 Magistrates shall
provide a
Section 11.07
Decisions of the Magistrate court, Supreme or otherwise are final and
immediately binding. Such decisions
may only be appealed under the following conditions.
(a) The
City Council revokes/ revises/ amends or otherwise changes the underlying legal
statute that the decision was base on.
(b) The First
Citizen invokes the right of appeal.
The Magistrate(s) rendering the decision is convicted of corruption directly
associated with the decision.
Section 11.09
Persons of Station are automatically tried before the
Section 11.10
The Magistrates shall appoint one of their numbers to be the Chief Magistrate
with the following duties, rights, and responsibilities:
(a) The
Chief Magistrate shall sit on the
(b) The Chief
Magistrate shall have authority over the marshals.
The Chief Magistrate shall declare all decisions of the
Section 12.01
The First Citizen shall appoint the First High Marshal, the First High Marshal
with the following duties, rights, and responsibilities:
(a) The
care, preservation, guidance, and protection of local wildlife resources and
citizenry within Celedon Forest Protectorate.
(b) The
marshals shall have law enforcement powers and follow the enforcement
guidelines set by the Regent.
The apprehension of escaped prisoners, convicted felons, or suspects who have
fled pending trial.
(d) The
direction of summons of subpoenaed witnesses and prisoners to court
(e) The
escort and protection of Magistrates to remote court locations, and during
remote court proceedings.
The escorting of prisoners to and from remote location.
(g) Duties as
assigned by the Chief Magistrate.
Section 12.02
The First High Marshal may appoint deputies marshals as required and will
receive a monthly stipend from the council to carryout his work.
13.01 The following items are crimes in Selid Din.