Oerth Beholders:
Direct agents of the Dark One's will. Sent to destroy cities.
Represent the lost Eye of Vecna and are searching Oerth to find the
lost Eye of
Vecna and meet out her directives as needed. Owes alegience ONLY to
Dark One
herself, and not Forsaken or any other powers. 100% loyal to the Dark
One - they
are her creations. Anything a beholder sees, so does the Dark One.
May use Dark One's initiative against demi-powers and above.
Radiates evil in all directions (300ft)
AC 40 HP 700 SR 26
Invulnerbility: +5 or better weapon (50 HP)
Bite does 6-60 hull points of damage.
movement as per monster manual.
all rays are at 20th lvl caster, ( Can use telekinesis to lift
buildings or pull
them apart)
all eye rays work inside the anit-magic ray.
anti-magic ray can shut off quest spells as well as artifacts! (this
the swords of power).
Each eyestalk has AC 50 (very dexterous), and 75HP (not counted
Central Eye has AC -28 and has 202 hp but it has a protection akin to a
wall of
force. As the lesser eyes are destroyed this wall of force weakens.
(after one
of the lesser eyes is destroyed, attacks at the central eye can be made
at AC60,
dropping by 5 for each lesser eye destroyed).. ((obviously magic spells
work against the central eye due to the anti-magic zone))
The central eye gives the creature the ability of Forsight (q.v). IE
knows in
advance attacks this round against him and knows best reaction for that)
Beholders are not blocked by magics which cloak (see through any
Beholders have X-ray vision and True Sight from all eyes.
Beholders cannot be forseen or sensed (except as evil)
Treat as if a secret or under the detection effects of a Mind Blank.
Beholders are immune to fear, charm, and mental control.
blindness does inhibit the power of any eye so affected!
remember, the central eye is in an anti-magic field however.
All Darkfriends in area have the Dark One's luck (+10%). beholders generally do not attack Darkfriends.
No information about the beholders such as weakeneses are known by people. those weaknesses are a secret!