Ariel Forestlaw, the bureaucratic caretaker of the Celadon while Liggy was in Middle Earth.

He has Leadership and his cohort, David, is also a Druid on the council (thus he has two votes, though they do not vote so much as reach consensus). 

Ariel has become a political animal and seeks the Great Druid station. He has traveled with the Grand Druid (Sorshella Dungeon) so he could be observed and the Grand Druid was pleased with his performance. 

Lately, Ariel has been traveling with the Regent and the Screaming Griffon to “get in good” with the Regent and the most famous adventuring party in the Celadon as well cement his power base amongst the rulers of Selid-Din. He was the Druid that originally traveled with Arathron. He went to the Land with him and stayed there for a few years studying. After that he was sent to Harn to work with Liggy when Liggy was becoming the Great Druid there. He was in Harn when the old Druids keep fell and the dark times happened. After Loric re-drew the pattern he returned to Grayhawk to run the Celadin and watch over the tree. He is currently planning on taking over as Great Druid, either by defeating Liggy or when Liggy becomes Grand Druid. 

Ariel traveled with Lorocus and Kothlun on an adventure. He did all of the adventure in Liggy’s name. Ariel doesn’t really like Liggy (sees Liggy as an idiot :-) since he has been doing all of the management for him. He is politically to the right of Liggy very conservative. 

Ariel believes that Earth Power is more of a religion to the Druids replacing the other Gods. He believes more old style druid (before earth power). 

He gets along ok with the Shield Knights but doesn’t not think they are in the right mind either but are necessary to the balance. 

He currently doesn’t have any family living or any love interests. 

When Ariel is not adventuring he is running the day to day stuff for the Tree and the Druids circle.