The Faery Queen
A faery dragon of immense power (20th lvl casting ability in illusion and MU).
Most faeries (but not all) are loyal to the faery queen and her decrees. They
are supposs\ed to be law amongst all faery folk although considering their
chaotic ways this is rarely the case.
The faerie queen lives hidden deep in the forest in an area primarily of only faerie folk such as pixies, nixies, dryads, brownies, etc.
Only when she feels its nescessary or desired does she reveal herself to others.
The faery queen has either real control or illusory control over weather
throughout the area. she can make it become winter or summer at a whim (probably
illusions, but will use control weather to back it up). She has unlimited use of
all at will abilities of all faerie folk. (may do 2 at will abilities
simultaneous with her action).
The Queen has a special love for the Regentess Morgana and has helped them on several occasions.