Not too long ago, the elves revealed that they have a small city deep within the Celladon. Its rare for them to accept non elves inside and they are keeping a very very low prophile. They do not want the humans outside to know of their existence or location due to the problems they have had in the past. Their city is hidden by hallucinatory forests and other elven magics. For trade, they deal exclusively with the flying elven longships which in turn deal with the druids which in turn deal with the outside world.
The city has pixie sentries and
guards as well as elven rangers and
swere-arcana to protect it. The population is about 70% high elves, 10%
elves (in the port keeping an eye on the ship that goes to Evermeet),
satyrs, 5% grey elves, and 5% half elves.
There are a number of faery folk there but due to the invisible
& flighty
nature they are not counted as part of the population. The wood elves
of the
forest do not usually go into the city.
The city is built as a three
tiered structure in the trees. Neerly primarily
of wood. The city itself is spread out over a wide area and is more
winedy than
circular or square.
There is a King -Corilleon decreed that High elves would rule in the
forests and
grey elves in the meadows so the king is High elven, named Aranath. But
as the
elves are a very advanced race there is little, if any, formallized
Most elves simply live a lifestyle in harmony with the rest of the
peoples and
life there. Elves and other pitch in as needed with chores etc. It is a
communal lifestyle. The common tavern is owned by all the residents and
no one
person manages or directs it. Many just bring food and wine and beer to
it, etc. Descission making is usually made during formal wine &
cheese type
parties that doubles as a speak easy/council meeting. As there is no
'council' of ruling members, information is passed on at these parties
spread via secondary parties until some sort of consensus is reached.
Many look
to the grey elves for their wisdom in these matters. Quite often there
is only
one grey elf at a party (in extreame cases maybe two).
As with most elven societies,
they dohave a rigid caste system that is
reallyonly perceptible to other elves. The elves prize artistic
creation and
skill. Those families which have had a tradition in producing great
works of art
(more than one virtuoso) are the most revered. The more prestegious the
form, the more respected the family.
They rank (best to last): poetry, music, painting, scultping,
philosophy, etc
etc and finally things like archery, swordsmanship, magic and science.
You cant get invited to cool parties unless youve got the respect. Swere-arcanna are the one exception. They are revered as heroes (mostly because to become swere arcanna you need to be a hero)
Elvish Essence Filter
Before any non elves are allowed into the city (or new elves) they have
to be
taken first to an elvish secret grove where they wash under a water
fall. the
water fall is an elvish essence filter that dispells magic 3x at 16th
removes curse 2x at 16th, and cures disease. Any magics which force a
against their alignments may be washed away if a save vs spells is made.
The elves consider it their duty to help protect the forest. This protection includes watching ovr the faery folk and helping the Faery Queen against any evils she sees out in the forest or beyond.