Population Breakdown of Selid-Din
        As of July 28th, 18 (City Established)
Grand Total all Celadon: 24025
Grand Total City Proper: 10675
Ishtarian Worshippers (Good/Druid supportive) 400 100 per year immigration
Shield Knights 520
Shield Knight Army / Servants / Pages / Engineers 2240
Shield Knight Family 2760
Merchant population & families (Various cities) 1000
Druid population / supporting family / henchmen / Woodsmen 500
McBains Refugees (Good Health & Cash Flow) 1000
Keoland Refugees (Not Citizens) 400
Empty Space
Total 8820
High Elves (scouts from King Arnath) 50
Half Elves (immgrated from outside lands escaping persecution) 250
Total 300
Oakenshield Clan (live in Burrows) 75
Depthowler Clan (derro included - live beneath regent Keep) 30
Total 105
Slinger Militia (Shire and the Burrows) 300
Slinger Militia Family (given homesteads in Burrows) 600
Total 900
Other Races:
Adventurer Types (all races) 100 Numbers may swell
Faeries 300 Numbers vary widely
Wemics 100
Centaurs 250
Total 750
Outside City Proper Citizens:
Big Red One (normally in Towers) 1650
Big Red One Family (in Tower "villages") 1650
Shireland Population (Hills to South) 3000
Woodsmen 250
Elves (Secret Elvish City) 5000
Wemics (Plains outside wood…migratory) 2000
Various Fairy Races number unknown