Breakdown of Selid-Din |
As of July 28th,
18 (City Established) |
Grand Total all
Celadon: |
24025 |
Grand Total City
Proper: |
10675 |
Humans |
Ishtarian Worshippers (Good/Druid
supportive) |
400 |
100 per year immigration |
Shield Knights |
520 |
Shield Knight Army / Servants /
Pages / Engineers |
2240 |
Shield Knight Family |
2760 |
Merchant population &
families (Various cities) |
1000 |
Druid population / supporting
family / henchmen / Woodsmen |
500 |
McBains Refugees (Good Health
& Cash Flow) |
1000 |
Keoland Refugees (Not Citizens) |
400 |
Empty Space |
Total |
8820 |
Elves |
High Elves (scouts from King
Arnath) |
50 |
Half Elves (immgrated from
outside lands escaping persecution) |
250 |
Total |
300 |
Dwarves |
Oakenshield Clan (live in
Burrows) |
75 |
Depthowler Clan (derro included -
live beneath regent Keep) |
30 |
Total |
105 |
Halflings |
Slinger Militia (Shire and the
Burrows) |
300 |
Slinger Militia Family (given
homesteads in Burrows) |
600 |
Total |
900 |
Races: |
Adventurer Types (all races) |
100 |
Numbers may swell |
Faeries |
300 |
Numbers vary widely |
Wemics |
100 |
Centaurs |
250 |
Total |
750 |
City Proper Citizens: |
Big Red One (normally in Towers) |
1650 |
Big Red One Family (in Tower
"villages") |
1650 |
Shireland Population (Hills to
South) |
3000 |
Woodsmen |
250 |
Elves (Secret Elvish City) |
5000 |
Wemics (Plains outside
wood…migratory) |
2000 |
Various Fairy Races number
unknown |