Waylan the Wanderer (NG
Ranger 26th level)
Embassy of Urnstian Cities (52a)
Embassy of Celadonian
Alliance (52b)
Embassy of Ishtarian Cities (52c)
In thanks for Umi & Companies help and the Regents empathy
for Umi's plight, he establishes an
Embassy for Keoland. It would allow Keoland
refugees a place to gain the latest news and insights on the wars,
reunite as
needed and gather records from prior to the conquest. It could also
house Umi when he is in town and would
allow room for perhaps 100
political refugees from Keoland.
Waylan was a very high level ranger in the
Kings Service
(Kings Huntsmen) and a mentor to Umi in
childhood. He is 70 years old but has not aged well as his hard life in
Wilds has taken his toll. Luckily for him, he is very happy in his old
despite his exile status. He has his wife and children and
grandchildren who
all escaped the dark times.
Waylan (NG 26th lvl Ranger –
HP 26 S 6 I13
W18 DX3
CN3 CH15 Has the shakes VERY
bad in his old
age. Sword “Lucky” is a Luck Blade with 1 Wish left (the
saved his family during the Dark Times). He is very happy and will
never leave
his home or family. Training under lucky allows the person to take a
Luck Feat
the next time they get a feat (+1 TH/Dam/Skill).