Northern Suburbs


The Northern burns are a mish mash of various newly arrived races. This is the easiest area to find accommodations and the newest arrivals.

Tarranites Living Area (35) 1

Challenge Ring


Juniors Workshop (605) 1

Titus’s Tatoo Parlor (605) 1


Taxidermist 3


Tarranites Living Area (35)

150 people (merchants, traders, craftspeople, normal folks, etc.) that is also loyal to Tarran/Ishtar. These people are called Tarranites

Challenge Ring (10)

Used often for the ritual wrestling of lions necessary for all young palladins to go up in rank, these arenas also attract gladiators from Rel Mord, duelists from Leukish, and fighters from across the globe who come to meet the challenge of Selid-Din champions and gladiators in the pits. On Sappatu the arenas are filled with lion fights, the great magical Festival of War, chariot races, fights against forest creatures and contests against noted Nyrondian gladiators.

Hacdeshani Quarters (34)

There is also a substantial transitory Hacdeshani population in Northern Suburbia of approx 3000. 100 conquered hachdeshani (which are loyal to Tarran/Ishtar) are quartered here. Also, this is the home of a  Hachdeshani Mindbender of 7th lvl specializing in telepathy & psychokinesis as an assistant. He has identity penetration, truth ear, and telekinetic wall (creates a 10x10 barrier). 

667 Tinkerers Way – Juniors Workshop (605)


665 Tinkerers Way -  Titus’s Tatoo Parlor (605)


Local Knowledge DC20 to know that Psion Power tattoos are available.


Sign hangs with name of shop and a drawing that varies from week to week. Many painting and examples of Tattoos on wall. The shop is clean but not spectacular in appearance other than the artwork on the walls.  There are ALWAYS 1-2 Shield waiting for tattoos and the area is very well-lt with many mirrors and continual lights.


Contains the following:


Celia the Tramp (Runs the place for Titus) Psion Lvl 10   Align CN  

She runs a good shop. Keeps a low profile for the shop but pushing the “tattoo” artform. She uses lots of psionical Charms and Memory affecting powers to control her neighbors (but only to play and keep things “nice”) not for nefarious means. She handles people very well (Diplomacy 17, Sense Motive 20).


Clientele can vary, but she has scheduled some “regular groups” include set appointments for 1-2 Shield Knights, 1-2 Adventures Guild members and then a various members of influential people.  She has intentionally scheduled the Shield Knights and guards so she has 1-2 there nearly always. She will take new clients on a Diplomacy DC25 assuming she likes you.


“Skin Artisits

Old Beth – Grandmotherly looking, cigar smoking human Psi-Lvl 4  Align CN

Age “Don’t ask! – Titus hates her smell and attiude but love her artwork. “The bitch can draw!” 


Ben Stiller – Comical idiot Psi- 3  Align CG – Great artist


Cratchet the Hobbit – Psi 2 - Recently turned to service of Duke. Local young hobbit naturally gifted.


667 Tinkerers Way - Glimmsters

A pub a small brewery run by Glimmster Greentounge, a gnome brewmaster (Expert Book). He specializes in Beers, Porter Ales and Brandy Spirits. He is located across the street from Twiddlescrews Production facilities in North Suburbs.

667 Tinkerers Way – Taxidermist

 Bombal of Chievere- - He lives in the North burbs and works out of his apartment. He does taxidermy cheap...and is worth every penny! (Expert Book)