Wintershiven, The Emerald City & the Palace of Nirvana

City of the Sky God Anu



     Prime Temp (Prime Temporal Ruler): Marcum nur’Droltus

            Dominars – Viceroys –


     Archcleric: The Emerald Seat (Prime Religious Ruler) Siuan Sanche

            (formerly worshipper of Marduke from Furyondy, born in Dyvers, parents = fisherman)

            knows how to bargain well

            Has instituted some merchant reforms – Wintershiven has trade pact with Rel Mord


The Archcleric’s Palace, known and the Palace of Nirvana, is atop the Cathedral of St. Hamurabi.

She resides here and has a direct portal to the Grey Mountain of the Mountains of the Pale.

Top of Cathedral of Hamurabi made from an Emerald Dragon (qv)– supposedly a gift of Kishar’s son - Dungeongorgon

Archcleric’s Corolax Garden

Glimmerskin from positive material plane

The Pool of Radiance and the Spring of Night



Many flocks of sheep outside city,


Chaos Roc – comes down from mountains and takes off with carts of sheep

- flies into the sky, Anu clerics make fire in the sky


Emerald SoldieryLoyal to the Archleric and the Church of Wintershiven


Many tall towers, Dominar Towers made of Emerald


Many statues –

            St Anda, -

            St Hamurabu, - 60ft tall Iron Golem - next to place where Hamurabis Tablet is to go

            St Dalvernar

            St Uptananishiptim

            St Balice

            St Gregarin

Bell tower announcing prayer times

See people praying


Top of the world inn – dark alley 

All temples must have a staff of Modrons


Most powerful modrons- hierarchs can DETERMINE THE ORDER OF INITIATIVE


Dominar Towers


In market for sale  - incense that boosts wisdom (black market for non clerics who want to resist pronouncements)

-         blankroot – numbs the mind to mind influencing magics, (gives +15 on saves) int drops by 2, while under the effects, side effect – colored vision (minor)

-         scrolls (clerical)


St Hamurabi’s Cathedral, Archclerics Courtyard, Archlerics Tower,

TemplesGregarin, Balice, Anda, Sunniva,


Tower of Punishments – large balls moving on iron bars along the building, several rows representing the movements of the constellations that depict nyrundic gods. A punishment is ascribe on a ball and then the ball is placed on a pole representing the god whom has a claim to their soul, but the time of day that it is placed on the pole is dictated by the date of birth of individual, the weight of the ball is determined by the crime – thus the” weight of your crime”, the size of the ball is determined by the day that the charge was filed in the theocracy.  Small ones are the worst- they get through holes easier and faster...




Nabu clerics & scribes

Map maker bringing new maps

People from Ogburg,

Pale knights

Knights of the flame

Clerics of Nusku

Clerics of Anshar

 Lots of Pilgrams - Crockport

Pilgrams coming to see the Archcleric

Base Modrons at temples


Tales of the corpse gatherer outside the city…



Entorage entering city from the pale mountain – cardinals from the council. Pale Knight escorts,

Black market for blankroot and scrolls could lead into the underside of the city…

n      forgers looking to sell all sorts of documents

n      some trying to find fences for clerical items

n      spies selling info on new documents

n      Kaybrie Golumtet – ex cleric of Anu who now runs black market guild

n      Has right hand man who is a fallen Pale Knight (anti paladin) – can teleport at will

n      Wont share real good info unless they do a job to prove they are willing to break the law



Erul Avatone – LN cleric from wintershiven


Temple of St Anda, Temple of the Seven Cups

      Has large number of pilgrim daily

Knights visit often

Holy water acts as bless spell for 6 hours

They have 7 diff magical cups – each effect lasts for a week. Each does an atonement plus:

            Strength, Fortitude, Courage, Purity (no alignments changes), Wisdom, Faith,  Humility

The Torch of St Anda with 4 pale knight guards

With the expeniditure of 1 5th lvl slot a cleric can make the cups alternately perform:

            Wrath, Succor, Astral Projection, Find the Path & Bless (lasts 1 month), Heroes Feast & Heal, Dispell Evil & Create Holy Water,

All quest spells cast in Temple are as if cast by a caster 10 levels higher.

Teleports into the Temple occur without error but only a word of recall brings to altar



Words of Recall by Cardinals and Bishops, and several knights to the altar,

Also several succor miracles bring possessor of  item to a particular chamber of meditation. – one of these will be stolen by Vishnu


Hermits Cave-


Former Cardinal Pertain du’Arval

    Cleric of Anshar, 18th lvl

