Church of Gula

The Healer

The Church of Gula is located in the impoverished city of Woodwych. Here they manage the great Mudpits of Woodwych - large tracts of mud withfantastic healing properties. In this city, and only here, do the clerics practice their arts of healing for which they are unparalleled. They have little sway in the Theocracy, though they tend to vote along with clerics of Sin (their closest neighbors) and Ishtar.


Healing, Clay

The Clerics

The clerics are marked at birth by their strange appearance. Their faces are always rounded and their heads are larger than average. Throughout their lives they will maintain the rounded faces of children. Often, they will have a cleft lip as well. When such a child is born in any Nyrundian city, they are easily recognized as marked by the gods to learn at the Church of Gula and sent to Woodwych. Once there, the children begin their tutalage to Gula. They learn the healing arts and the proper prayers to the mud god. The clerics of Gula rarely leave their city - and will be found outside only by direct order of the Theocracy. If peole seek healing from these clerics, they must travel to Woodwych where healing can be garnered with the proper gifts, (gifts of any type so long as their value equals the price of the healing), otherwise the subject must become a citizen of Woodwych and vow to protect it always and stay and work in the city.

Clerical Requirements

It is against the Law of Gula for a cleric to kill another sentient life form of the flesh. 

Rumour has it that they are pacifists - these rumours are wrong. The church maintains a large number of zealots willing to fight and die for their god's will (these people are usually resurected in mass resurection ceremonies and are known as the Jakkud 'Warradanum). 

Clerics of Gula are always good. all are very simple, appearing to have Down’s Syndrome.

Clerics of Gula do not travel away from Woodwych. 

They are the only Nyrundian clerics with access to resurrection and regeneration miracles except Ishtar clerics in love. 

The clerics of Gula in Woodwych can resurrect the entire city during battles, but all citizens must come to the city’s defense or lose ability to be healed through supernatural means forever.


Due to their strange appearance, clerics of Gula are at -5% reaction adjustment. 

Clerics of Gula tend to be less intelligent (roll 3d6 only for startup characters). 

Cannot counter the effects of non-magical aging or that due to wishes. 

Clerics of Gula cannot lie of their own free will.

God Granted Powers

By nature of birth, they are immune to insanity and fear and immune to psionic attacks as if they were insane.

1st lvl - All healing spells are at +1 HP/lvl. Clerics are immune to disease.

7th lvl - May pray for healing miracles as a cleric 3 levels higher. 

Only a cleric of Gula may cure a disease cast by a cleric of Irra and then they must be higher level than the disease casting cleric. 

Diseases from lesser daemons may be healed but not greater ones.

Grand Miracles:

Mass Resurection (City)- Only affects worshippers of Nusku. May raise all worshippers within a 100ft x 100ft area. 1 Mile range.

Summon pits of Hurtloam (6th) - Creates the special healing mud pits. Also called the healing clay or the life-making clay. These mud pits heal wounds at a rate of 4 per day including those not healable by magical means (i.e. sword of wounding). Additionally they cure disease as a third level cleric of Gula and the mud also reduces pain.

Beneficence of Gula (7th) - Cleric can place a Beneficence on another cleric or even another church for a duration (includes a service) or permanently. The recipient(s) gain +1 hp per level on all healing miracle. This miracle has been placed onto the Church of Sin.

Shape Clay (levels vary depending on volume) - these spells can harden, soften, or manipulate clay in a variety of ways. It is usually used to help with the pottery trade of Woodwych.

Golem (5th) - Creates a clay golem with +2 per level hit points.

Protection from Disease (4th) - Protects target creature from disease for 1 month. Only a cleric of Irra of higher level may affect said creature with a disease (or greater daemon).

Protection from Harm (5th) - Protects target creature from all Harm or Cause Wounds spells for 1 day.

Endure Pain (3rd) - Allows target creature to resist effects of a Symbol of Pain or other such affect for 1 turn/lvl.

Regeneration (7th) - As per miracle OR grants regeneration ability at 3 hp/rnd per wound (including beyond death) for the durration of 1 turn/lvl. Material component: life-clay (hurtloam).

Will of Gula (2nd) - Durration 1 day. Allows any healing miracle in memory to be cast at will but requires touch for this effect.

Bless (1st) - As the bless spell but additionally allows the cleric to cast normal healing miracles at a distance on blessed creatures. does NOT work in conjunction with Will of Gula.

Note: Clerics of Gula are the only clerics which can call upon their god to ressurect. Bishops, Archbishops, Cardinals, and patrons may however ask St Keoghtum to intecede for a ressurection.

Hierarchy of the Church Of Gula

Bishop Gedanken (female)

A very quiet woman, Gedanken is a master at healing. No other before her has ever been so adept. She tends not to be wise in the ways of politics or the theocracratic beurocracy but she does have a very good intuition about people whom she meets face to face. Even if they are protected from detection, she is able to tell if they are good or evil and if their intent is boon or bane. She will turn away healing for those whom she feels it would be a greater danger to heal. Gedanken is Neutral Good. She is usually found outside in a garden or grove and seldom found in the church itself. The Jakkud'warradanum is fanatical about her protection yet she tends to be unwary of her own safety. If in dire danger however she will invoke Regeneration by the Will of Gula.

The rest of the Church of Gula obeys little hierarchy. Most just deal with the situations that come before them, if they meet something they cannot handle they will as the help of another cleric - with no reguard tolevel - only talent at particular kinds of wounds. Gedanken rarely gives any kind of Edicts or orders, prefering to have the time to tend to her own duties.