Iron League

The Iron Leaugue was a treaty between Nyrond and a number of countries and Free Cities located around the Great Kingdom. Out of fear of the Great Kingdom they banded together in oaths of mutual protection and trade embargoes to control and otherwise thwart the Overking's rule.

Sunndi (County of), Member of the Iron League

His Brilliant Lordship, the Count of Sunndi; Olvensteward of the South Cleric/Fighter/Magic-user
Capital: Pitchfield (3,600)
Population: 50,000+
Demi-humans: Gray Elves (7,000), Mountain Dwarves (3,000 +),Gnomes (2,000 +)
Humanoids: Some (see VAST SWAMP)
Resources: electrum, platinum, gems (11, IV)

The County of Sunndi was once a fief within a fief, being granted to a loyal peer of the Overking's Herzog of the South Province of the Great Kingdom. After a long period of oppressive taxation, maltreatment by royal troops and those of the Herzog as well, and harrying of its demi-human inhabitants, the nobles of human and non-human folk in the area joined the general uprising against Aerdian rule, and in 455 CY became a part of the Iron League. The county is well protected by natural barriers which enable it to be defended—the dense Rieuwood and hills to east and west. The neck of the Tilvanot Peninsula below Sunndi is corked with a great, semi-salt swamp. (This is a mixed blessing, as there are numbers of very unpleasant creatures dwelling therein.) The county benefits both from its natural resources (including agriculture) and from trade—overland with Idee, by sea with Duxchan. It is threatened continually, however, from the north by the Herzog's legions, from the east by the forces of the Holy Censor of Medegia, and by the Sea Barons along its coasts. Surind troops are always in arms - human and dwarven contingents in the Glorioles, human and gnome companies guarding the eastern hills, human and elven foresters ranging the northern woodlands. The Surind hillmen employ slings and morningstars, while the men of the interior prefer crossbows and bardiches. Except for the nobles and their equerries, Surind horse is medium or light, and not numerous in any event, for they rely upon their confederates to the west (Idee) to provide cavalry. (See also IDEE, IRONGATE, ONNWAL and GLORIOLES and HESTMARK HIGHLANDS under GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES.)

IDEE (County of), Member of the Iron League

His Brilliant Lordship, the Count of Idee (Fighter)
Capital: Naerie (pop. 4,900)
Population: 50,000 +
Demi-humans: Some
Humanoids: Doubtful
Resources: foodstuffs, copper, gold

When the South Province rose in revolt against the Overking and the Herzog, the nobles and men of Idee were in the forefront. This territory is the most open to attack by the vengeful Aerdians, and so the Count maintains a standing army to man and support the chain of castles and fortresses which guard his northern frontier. Militia contingents are ready to stand to arms on instant notice. Meanwhile, Idee carries on a brisk trade via the sealanes; with Onnwal and Nyrond. (See also IRONGATE, ONNWAL, SUNNDI, and GLORIOLES and HESTMARK HIGHLANDS under GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES.)

IRONGATE (Free City of), Member of the Iron League

His Resolute Honor, the Lord High Mayor of Irongate
Population: 43,700 (city), 55,000 total (including surrounding area)
Demi-humans: Many
Humanoids: None
Resources: gems (11, 111)

This large and thriving city is based on sea commerce and trade between Onnwal and the east. Irongate developed an Independent spirit early in its history due to its mingling of peoples and ideas. As the rule of the Overking grew more despotic, the people of the city began to murmur, and the Lord Mayor headed a deputation bearing grievances to the Herzog. These emissaries were thrown Into prison, given a mock trial, and executed by ritual torture for the Overking's entertainment (446 CY). The following year the whole of the south was in arms against the realm, and after a brief struggle the Iron League was founded, an alliance of mutual support which aided the rebellious states to throw off the yoke of the Aerdi tyrants. Irongate has a strong naval squadron and a large company of well armored high morale and excellent training. These troops are speturn or glaive-gulsarme equipped and can march in a single day after muster, (See also IDEE, ONNWAL, SUNNDI, and GLORIOLES and HESTMARK HIGHLANDS under GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES.)

LORDSHIP OF THE ISLES (Principality) Member of the Iron League
His Exulted Highness, the Prince of Duxchan; Lord of the Isles; Scourge of the Waves (Fighter, 16th level)
Capital: Sulward (pop. 5,500)
Population: 80,000 +
Demi-humans: Few
Humanoids: Doubtful
Resources: rare woods, spices

This scattered principality stretches over seven major islands, from the Spindrift Sound to the mouth of the Tilva Strait. These islands are rich and fertile, and enjoy the benefits of their strategic location. They profit hugely from cargoes of goods brought from Hepmonaland to the Great Kingdom and collect tribute from those states which wish to use the Tilva Straits in commerce. The rulers Duxchan gave up piracy in favor of more lucrative methods of extracting money ) from merchants. There is particular enmity between the Sea Barons and the Lord of the Isles for rather obvious reasons. The Duxchaners are still smarting from the Battle of Medegia (572 CY), wherein the Sea Barons sank four of their warships and made prizes of three loaded cogs before they could gain safety in Pontylver.

ONNWAL (Free State of), Member of the Iron League

His Noble Authority, the Szek of Onnwal (Fighter, 12th level)
Capital: Scant (pop. 3,800)
Population: 25,000+
Demi-humans: Dwarves (2,000+)
Humanoids: None
Resources: platinum, gems (111)

Onnwal was originally a lesser fief of the Herzog of South Province, to be granted as he saw fit to his faithful followers. The oppressive rule of the Great Kingdom brought great discontent and instigated open rebellion, the whole of the South Province being in arms. AD of the lower portion was lost to the empire when the Iron League was founded In 447 CY. This alliance joined Onnwal with the Free City of Irongate (which barred the Onnwal peninsula), Idee, Sunndi, and the demi-humans of the Glorioles; and Hestmark Highlands in economic and military alliance. Onnwal and Irongate supplied the sea power, while the other members furnished troops for land actions - although strong contingents from both of the former places were also sent to battle. Irongate was besieged by Aerdian forces for several months, but in the Battle of a Thousand Banners the siege was lifted when a ruse panicked the northerners, and great numbers of them were subsequently slain by a combined host of men and gray elves of the League. While never invaded, Onnwal is subject to periodic sea raids from the Herzog's squadrons. The major port of Scant is exceptionally well-fortified because of this fact. Other than a small force of regulars and her marines, Onnwal relies upon levies in time of way. (See also DEE, IRONGATE, SUNNDI, and Glorioles and Hestmark Highlands under geographical features.)