His Illustrious Glory, the Beygraf of Ket, Shield of theTrueFaith, King of Priests (Cleric/Fighter, 3rd/14th level)
Capital: Lopolla (pop. 23,400)
Population: 50,000 +
Humanoids: Few
Resources: silver, gems (1, IV)
Ket is the frontier state of the Baklunish and a trading center between
eastern Flanaess and the world beyond. For many decades it has alternately
menaced the Oeridian/Suloise states east and south and threatened them
by invasion. This continues yet despite this continual warfare, the land
flourished due to the rich trade with the Paynims, Tusmit, Ekbir, Perrenland,
Bissel, and Veluna. Goods from Zeif and luz, Wintershriven pass through
Lopolla as well. Religion permeates their society and their gods have supposedly
played a direct role in the enlightenment of the people of Ket - sharing
with them knowledge of magic, technology, and other things. The Ketites
are decendants of Baklunish racial stock. They are very strict about race
in their society, only pure-bred Ketians may join the militia, army, or
the ruling class. Those of other races born in Ket are considered second
class citizens and Foreigners are very restricted in what they are allowed
to do - they are nearly kept as prisoners! The court of the Beygraf is
a strange mixture of eastern culture and old Baklunish ways. This admixture
of customs pervades the military as well. The Ketite army is well honed
and very advanced.
Population: Uncertain, possibly 500,000 or more
Demi-humans: Doubtful
Humanoids: Doubtful but possible
Resources: Unknown
Only a small portion of the rolling plains inhabited by nomadic Baklunish tribes falls within the Flanaess. The part which is on our portion of the continent is sometimes nearly empty of human life, and at other times it is reported to Swarm with horsemen. These nomads evidently move out of the Dry Steppes region when summer makes the area an arid waste, and return there in the rainy season. Of course, the tribe of LAI (q.v.) has a permanent territory, and the northern parts of the plains are held by the more civilized states bordering the Dramidj Ocean. Each tribe is ruled by a noble, variously called Amir or Khan. Greater nobles are called Ukhan, Orakhon, or Shah. Leaders of the royal rank are known as Tarkhan, Padishah, or Kha-Khan, The northern and western tribes use the titles Amir, Shah, and Padishah, while those from the south (Dry Steppes) favor Khan. These horsed nomads are poorly armoured but very mobile troops. The most lightly protected wield short, powerful horn bows and light, curved swords, while the remainder (20% to 30%) employ light lance and mace or flail. Little else is known. The western states such as Ket, Tusmit, and Ekbir will often employ forces of mercenary Paynim nomads against each other or other marauding nomads. As the Tiger and Wolf Nomads (qq. v.) also used the title of Khan et al., it is speculated that these peoples are branches of the same race separated by an influx of later nomads (those using the tides Amir et al.
His Exalted Splendor, the Pasha of Tusmit (Fighter, 15th level)
Capital: Sefmur (pop. 18,500)
Population: 150,000
Demi-humans: Few
Humanoids: Few
Resources: foodstuffs, silver, gold
The state of Tusmit is maintained through the crafty playing off of one neighbor against the other - Ekbir against Zeif, Zeif against Paynim nomads, Paynims against Ket, and so forth. By such careful diplomacy, Tusmit maintains her rich holdings south of the Tuflik and avoids costly warfare of an open nature. Of course, her forces are engaged in frequent border clashes with Ekbir and Ket, as well as skirmishes with raiding tumans of Paynim horsemen. The Pasha fears absorption by Ekbir, and most of the politics he engages in reflect this. It is said that the Pasha plans to hire both Perrender and Uli mercenaries to settle the problem. The soldiery of Tusmit is similar to that of Ekbir in most respects.
His Illustrious Ferocity, the Orakhon of Ull (Fighter, 13th
Capital: Ulakand (pop. 6,000
Population: 100,000+
Demi-humans: Doubtful
Humanoids: Some (in mountains)
Resources: silver, gems (11)
A strong tribal clan of the Paynim nomads found the rich area between the Barrier Peaks and the Ulsprue Mountains provided them with ample grazing and a perfect territory to "settle" in. The Ull claimed this area of land for themselves and have held it against all comers. The territory comprises over 800, 000 square miles, including the hills that separate the Ulsprue from the Crystalmists. While many of the Uli retain their nomadic habits and roam the open plains to the north, a fair number of these people have taken to more settled ways. A caravan town is situated near the center of Ull (Ulakand), and there are numerous hill and mountain villages to the south. The numbers of the Uli enable them to field a strong force of cavalry and still protect their town and villages with tough infantry. The latter use huge bows, strange pole arms, and great maces. As traders, the Uli are crafty and sly. They are fierce, warlike, and highly unpredictable otherwise.
His Sublime Magnificence, the Caliph of Ekbir (Cleric, 16th level)
Capital: Ekbir (pop. 29,400)
Population: 100,000 +
Demi-humans: Doubtful
Humanoids: Few
Resources: foodstuffs, cloth
Ekbir is the strongest city of the Bakluni in the Flanaess. Founded
by survivors of the Invoked Devastation, the small port quickly grew into
a place for nomad's goods as well. The original village grew into a walled
town, and town grew into thriving city. Ekbir controls a sizeable territory
and has a large warfleet. Her forces consist principally of light and medium
cavalry, although there are 1,000 heavy foot in her standing army which
is reported to number some 5,000 soldiers.