Iuz, Lord of Evil (evil Demi-god)
Humanoids: Few
Capital: Molag (pop. 10,000 +)
Humanoids: Many (numbers unknown)
Resources: furs, electrum .
Iuz, old luz of fearbabe talk, may be human - or may once have been
human, but this is not known for certain one way or another. Some of Nyrundian
belief, think he was a Pattern Mage of the Balcuni-Sulouisie Empire who
disturbed Tiamat sleeping at the Gates of Hell while he was on a quest
for greater power and thereby caused Tiamat's creation of the Dark One.
He has ruled the lands from the Howling Hills south to the Lake of Whyestil
for ages longer than anyone can remember. The lands between the Dulsi and
the Opicm Rivers are steeped in wickedness and evil, so much so that the
otherwise fearless Wolf Nomads and Rovers of the Barrens shun the Land
of Iuz. For a time the land was leaderless, for Iuz himself was missing.
For many decades the evil of the place was in relative quietude for lack
of evil direction, and the neighbors of good ilk prospered. Iuz had been
trapped by the mirthful and mad Zagig, locked away in a strange chamber
deep below the ruins of Greyhawk Castle, one of nine powerful demi-gods
so confined. These prisoners were loosed in 570 CY. After their own version
of the Night of Blood where the human rulers of Molag city and the chief
clerics were duped into losing their souls (kind of a house cleaning) once
again Iuz ruled, and his forces gatherd for fell purposes. In the first
year of the Dark Times, CY 576, Iuz led a great army south through the
Vesve Forest killing most of the elves in a war called the Secret War.
From there they launched a surprise attack into Veluna just one day after
the assasination of the Velunian King by Stilleto Jim. Veluna was quickly
conquered and its population interred into death/food camps for the gnolls
and goblins in Iuz' armies. The forces of Iuz then pushed south while the
Horned Society kept Furyondy busy with a war of their own. Bissel and the
Gran March fell quickly but the forces of Iuz were ousted from this region
by the Ketian armies advancing eastward under the power of the Mindsword
sword of power.
Iuz's avatar fell to Gorkin of Good and Finerio McBain in CY 578, and
clerics of Ninerta from Furyundy created a huge wall of ice between the
two kingdoms. The lands have been quiet ever since.
In addition to the many evil clerics, thieves, fighters, assassins, and magic-users who have gathered under the grim banner of Iuz, numbers of the foulest tribes of humanoids have grown in strength and are ready to march again. Goblins, orcs, and hobgoblins in the thousands are known to be in arms, swelling the human contingents of Iuz's armies.