Timberlands & Forests

Adri Forest Dreadwood Hraak Forest Sablewood
Amedio Jungle Fellreev Forest Loftwood Silverwood
Axewood Forlorn Forest Meniwood Forest Spikey Forest
Bramblewood Forest Gamboge Forest Nutherwood Suss Forest
Burneal Forest Gnarley Forest Oytwood Tangleforest
Celadon Forest Grandwood  Phostwood Timberway Forest
Dim Forest Horn wood Rieuwood Udgruwood


Population: 25,000
Demi-humans: Few
Humanoids: Few

This great area of ancient forest lies principally within the borders of the Great Kingdom, although its north-western tip (that part west of the Harp River) belongs to the Prelacy of Almor. The forest abounds with game, and it is carefully forested and maintained by those who dwell within its confines. The wood found here is generally employed for shipbuilding, spear shafts, bows, and arrows. Weapons common to the inhabitants include the longbow, battleaxe, and short spear.


Population: Unknown Demi-humans: Unlikely Humanoids:
Possible Resources: foodstuffs, rare woods, spices, ivory, platinum, gems (111, IV)

Little is known of the Amedio Jungle, except that it is inhabited by tribes of cannibal savages - some purportedly of Suloise extraction or admixture. Expeditions have sometimes returned with considerable wealth and tales of mines where gems abound. A large lake is reportedly the gathering place for the savage tribes when they ready for warfare and raiding. Contact has been through various of the Sea Princes. Amedio savages employ the following weapons: darts, javelins, spears, clubs, shortbows. Some natives use blowguns, a 5' to 7' long hollow tube which guides a breath-propelled wooden sliver coated with poison from 1 " to 3 " distance (short to long range). Penetration is against AC 10 or 9 or exposed flesh only. Accuracy is +2. Poison varies from standard to -4 on saving throw.


The trackless wastes of the Burneal Forest stretch for over a thousand miles from just beyond the shore of the Dramidj Ocean to the bogs of Blackmoor. This huge and sprawling forest of pines and firs is nowhere less than 100 miles broad and in places over 200. Beneath these woodlands are the prairies of the Tiger and Wolf Nomads, and these fearless horsemen often roam the Burneal seeking sport. They do so at peril, however, for little-known savages dwell in this vastness, and they lurk amidst the thick trunks to attack by stealth and surprise. Reports state that these tribes of hunters are humans, aboriginal Flannae people, who five in small huts made of green boughs in the summer and in burrows dug into the ground in the cold months. They hunt by means of pits, snares, and with bow and spear, using huge wolf-dogs to locate and comer or bring down prey. Such inhabitants would have to be tough and strong in the extreme in order to survive the harsh temperatures of winters in the Burneal and live amongst the creatures who also dwell therein.

Celadon Forest

The sprawling oaks and mighty elms of Celadon grow from the edge of the Duntide to lap over the rolling hummocks of the Abbor-Alz. Yew and ash trees older than memory grow from the Gnatmarsh northwards to the City of Nellix and the Frdm River. Within the precincts of these ancient trees roam many Sylvan Elves and Treants, for the forest of Celadon is virtually a realm apart. The woodland is pierced by the Nesser, a third of the area being in the territory of the Duchy of Urnst and the balance within the Kingdom of Nyrond, but neither state cuts timber or otherwise disturbs the natural balance of the forest. The Celadon was home to the Council of the Druids of Oerth. Nine druids were responsible for the nine greater forests of the land and three Archdruids were responsible for the three regions of the continent. All were ruled by the Great Druid Allanon until his disapearance in CY 570. In CY 526, the famed Druid's Keep was built by the Druid Liguarious Drolithe. This became a bastion of might and good for the fifty years that it stood. Bards from all over Oerth would come to the Druid's Keep to learn and put to paper the many stories and histories they had learned. By the advent of the Dark Times when the armies of Iuz were marching and the fall of Greyhawk seamed imminent, tens of thousands of good and neutral people flocked to the forest and its Keep for safety. Legend had it that the Elcrys, the powerful Tree of Life that held demons at bay from the real world was planted here and guarded by 20 immortal Ranger Lords. Suppossedly none were turned away from the Keep in times of need but the numbers of people purported to seek refuge there far outweighed its capacity.* During the Dark times, then Archdruid Liguarious is reported to have gone mad and attacked the Elcrys, wounding or destroying it. Pedron Nial led his army of the Knights of the Holy Shielding, aka the Children of the Light, into the forest to rest guardianship of the Tree from the druids and the elves. Nial used the Sword of Power, Doomgiver, Sword of Justice to JUDGE the Keep and its inhabitants for their failure to adequately protect the Tree. The Keep fell and all of its inhabitant were damned. The Tree was found but it had already been long dead. The ruins of the Kep remain to this day, haunted and forgotten. In CY 583, an Archdruid calling himself Liguarious exacted a treaty with the Duke of Urnst and, with a great sum, bought the building of a great stone wall around the Celadon with stipulation that Urnst and Nyrond didn't want to see anyone coming out and the Druid didnt want to see anyone going in. A large armed force loyal to the Great Druid mans these walls. Trade for herbs, spices, and spell components unique to the Celadon (there are many) goes through the City of Beer. There is rumour that a ranger in the Celadon, loyal to this Liguarious is to be married to a noble of the Duchy of Urnst. These rumours are unsubstantiated.

Tiers of the Celladon
Tree Sense of a Forestall, distance spellcasting, 18th lvl druid
Druids tend tree, train druids, stewards of forest
Rangers tracking, watching/protecting/protecting against adventurers, two-swords OR hated foe
Duidic Miracles Precast plant growths (make certain areas 10x height, create natural barriers
plant doors (to various locations in Celladon & outside to other forests
Elves natural harmony magics, moon-only magics, secret groves
Wildlife  mini-ecosystems set up by region each based by top of food chain down,

Region 1 - Valley
Chimera dominates at top of food chain, hind querters of a goat, front end of lion, wings of a dragon, & heads of all three.
This chimera is 16HD+ and represents a fierce beast as it can breath for up to 1/3rds its hit points, three times a day. This is one of the most dangerous places in the forest.
Chimera Cryosphinx trolls constricting snakes baboons
cockatrice ettins harpies giant centipedes (10-60)
Greater Basilisk manticore flocks desert barbarians sylph
Cryosphynx will bargain with travelers to reveal location of save caves/hidding places. The desert barbarians make quests/tribal tests of sneaking over the walls (past the Big Red One) to go into the forest and hunt (and be hunted) by great beasts. Its is quite dangerous and many do not survive.

Region 2 - Peek near valley, cliffed area, closer to desert
Dracolisk dominates top of food chain
Drackolisk basilisks (normal) owlbears wolves stirge
gryphon poisonous snakes harpies rock reptile
xorn ogre
giant mongoose
Region 3 -
Androsphynx & gynomates su-monster apes giant skunk
sabre tooth tiger (imported) wolf stag

Region 4- neer old Druids Keep
off the Main Road, in the western half of the forest?
Undead (various sorts) giant spiders keck giant ants fungal spores
Demonkind (various) pixies poisonous snakes thorn thallids thalids
owlbears willow-wisp giant termintes
orcs mole worms
undead and demonkind do not last long in the forest proper by the old druids keep continues to generate them. Druidic magics do not work in certain areas due to mole worms etc. Every night at midnight, the undead war chariot comes out of the keep and attacks the forest - it is usually destroyed fairly quickly but reforms by the next midnight. The orcs are based in the druids keep as well.

Region 5 - deep in heart, not far from elven enclave region
faerie queen (faerie dragon) wood elves brownies giant skunk
Unicorn centaurs pixies stag
mist wolves sprites deer
giant toads dryad
spitting snakes changecat*
Region 5 is repleate with elven hidden groves that have been overtaken by the faerie folk and the faerie dragon. The spitting snakes can be very dangerous and many plants can be dangerous. The changecats are rumoured to be either blessed by the pixies or the product of a mating between a female cat and a male pixie (latter is probably true).

Notes on faerie folk:
many sprites and pixies detest evil and will seek to kill it directly but they also fundamentally believe that life and fate work the best when creatures are randomly thrown into new situations not of their own chosing above and beyond their cappabilities (remember that these creatures are small and usually faced with foes 20x their size). Hence, they like to use sleep arowws etc to put characters unconcious and move them to new areas of the forest (or maybe another forest). Most faery folk can identify where the plant doors are.

Some Faerie magic:
shrink, giant growth, lure, rabbidness, stoned (whne used in tandem with many faeries can be devistating), confusion, Otto's ires. dance

The elvish hidden groves usually have some magics upon them - i.e. magic ponds, etc
Manyof them have Essence Filters that remove curse and dispell magic at the same time. The groves that the pixies and prites have overtaken sometimes work in reverse (permanent stoned, confusion (gets confused in emotinal cuircumstances, etc))


Population: 5,000
Demi-humans: Sylvan Elves (8,000), Gnomes (1,000 +), Halflings
Humanoids: Some

This substantial forest lies north of the Hool Marshes of the lower Javan River in Keoland. It is some 200 miles from the Good Hills in the west to the coast of the Azure Sea in the east and about 70 to 100 miles deep. There is constant warfare within the Dreadwood, with monsters and humanoids battling the elves who ward the place in behalf of the King in return for Keolsh protection of the forest Large-scale efforts have been mounted to clear the woods of evil creatures time and again, but the enemy retreats into hidden places and beyond the trees into the trackless Hool Marshes, to return when the companies of woodsmen and elves retire. It Is suspected that the Sea Princes are in collusion with certain bandits and humanoid bands who creep through the Dreadwood on their way to raid Keoland and the Yeomanry.


Population: 7,000
Demi-humans: Sylvan Elves (11,000), Gnomes (3,000),
High Elves (1,500), Halflings
Humanoids: Some

The Gamboge lies between Nyrond and the Pale, east of Midmeadow Town along the Flinty Hills and the lower Rakers. It is an old and especially dense forest. Neither state has a certain claim to the place, so it Is virtually an independent nation unto itself, and its folk treat and trade with the gnomes, halflings, and even the dwarves to the east in the hills and mountains. Although there is no love for the Kingdom of Nyrond, the Gambogefolk regard it far more favorably than they do the Pale, so allegiance is typically sworn to Nyrond and the arms of the kingdom are occasionally shown within the forest to prevent any takeover by minions of the Theocrat It is rumored that the demi-humans (and humankind too) within the region are seeking to ally with their fellows in the Flinty Hills and create a demi-human realm, but this is highly doubtful due to the threat of the humanoid hordes and the Overking. The Gamboge is sometimes a dangerous place, as humanoid bands and monsters from the mountains use it as a route in their excursions to pillage the territory roundabout


Population: 12,000
Demi-humans: Sylvan Elves (7,000), Gnomes (3,000), others
Humanoids: Some

Parts of the Gnarley Forest are claimed by Celene, Dyvers, Verbobonc, and GTeyhawk. Most is generally considered as part of the Wild Coast region, however, and the inhabitants of these woodlands are free-spirited folk, so no formal government is ever likely to hold sway as long as there are deep woods to shelter resisters. The Viscount of Verbobonc is well liked by the folk dwelling in northeastern portions of the Gnarley, while the Queen of Celene is favored by those in the south. The forest is home to many fierce creatures as well, and many humanoid bands rove about seeking to murder and loot. These invaders work their way up from the Pomaj, through the Suss and Welkwood. Some come via the mountains and hills from the north.


Population: 25,000
Demi-humans: few, drow?
Humanoids: Many

It is fortunate for the people and elves of Grandwood Forest that a more able ruler does not sit upon the Malachite Throne. Likewise, it is indeed to their good fortune that the Holy Censor of the See of Medegia covets that portion of these woodlands which lies south of the Mikar, while the nobles of Rel Astra strive to thwart him and yet remain uncommitted to actual warfare. The Grandwood, lying scarcely 25 leagues from Rauxes is yet a haven for those escaping from oppression - outlaws both good and bad, demi-humans, and those who hate cruelty and tyranny. The western third of the forest is relatively uninhabited, for there the troops of the Overking are numerous, but deeper within the Grandwood the Overking's minions do not go for fear of attack. The impassable tangles and thickets are haven to waiting halflings, the high branches hide elven archers, and woodsmen lie in ambush along the tracks. Occasionally Censorial troops win push into the heartland, but they return fewer in number than they started out, often never seeing the enemy who harried their march. Men of Rel Astra likewise enter the Grandwood and post it in the name of their city, but no serious attempt to hold any portion is ever made. A tale relates that the freefolk of the Grandwood once led divergent parties of intruders into battle with each other, so that the Overking's men-at-arms slew and were slain by troops of his liegemen of Rel Astra and Medegia. It is certain that the woodsmen dress in the coats of their enemies at times, and those who dare the forest know not friend from foe. To counter this, the Overking has of late enlisted humanoid troops to flush the woodlands of those who oppose him, and the eventual results of this move are yet to be determined. It has angered the Censor, and his troops are reported to have orders to cut down all humans and humanoids on sight, regardless of whose colors they wear. This certainly aids the dissident folk of Grandwood.


The Suss is a dreary place, U of thorn trees, brambles, briars, and thickets. Its massive trees are black with age, and seem to whisper and talk amongst them selves when an interloper dares to pass beneath. Some claim that ripples of waving leaves and moving branches can be seen in the path of those entering the place, but this Is unproven. The western end of the forest is of a different nature than the rest Where it grows upon the Lortmil Mts. the woodlands are open and clean, but east of the Jewel River their character becomes forboding and hateful. The farther south one goes, the worse the forest becomes, until it is filled with An oppressive and evil atmosphere where it climbs the Drachensgrab hills. The humanoid bands of the Pomarj, particularly kobolds, orcs, and gnolls, seem to love this forest, and many hundreds are known to dwell within its depths. They likewise use it as a highway to move northwards to raid in the Wild Coast Celene, or even the LRek states and into Verbobonc. The folk of the Wild Coast at one time made concerted efforts to dear the Suss, and managed to drive its verge back several leagues. Due to the disappearance of timbering parties and the threat of marauding humanoids, such operations are no longer conducted anywhere, however. The edges of the Suss are watched closely by the petty nobles and lordlings of the Wild Coast A lost, ruined city of the Old Suloise is said to be hidden somewhere in the Suss forest, but few dare to venture on such quest particularly today.

Axewood Axewood is a relatively small woodland on the border between upper Keoland and the Duchy of Ulek It is said to be inhabited by treants and some elves as well.

Bramblewood Forest: A large and dense forest which grows in the plains between the Barrier Peaks and the southernmost arm of the Yatils, spreading east and west in Ket, the Bramblewood has only one main mad and possibly several secondary tracks. Its southern edge is warded by the wailed city and castle of Thornward.

Dim Forest: The huge old trees of this vast forest are so broad and leafy as to make the ground beneath dim on the brightest and sunniest of days. No tracks are known, but some certainly must exist to allow passage through the leagues of woodland. Olvenfolk are said to dwell in that portion west of the Javan; terrible creatures five elsewhere within its bounds.

Fellreev Forest Once hunted extensively-by the Rovers of the Barrens, the whole of the Fellreev is now under control by the Bandit Kingdoms or the Homed Society. Many strange creatures roam the backless woodlands in the central fastness, including a few small bands of Sylvan Elves, it is said.

Forlorn Forest: The Forlorn Forest is an evergreen woodland of fair size which lies just south of the Icy Sea and whose eastern edge marks the boundary of the Rovers of the Barrens.

Hornwood: The Homwood is a fair sized woodland within the Grand Duchy of Geoff. It is the Grand Duke's favorite hunting place despite (or possibly because of) the ferocious creatures often found there (many making their way down from the Crystalmists). Several groups of Sylvan Elves dwell within the Homwood. The area is named for the homwood tree whose straightest limbs are specially treated and seasoned to make the finest of elven bows. Hornwood is exceptionally tough and resilient but first grade wood is not common and is hard to pre- for use in bows.

Hraak Forest: The Hraak is a largish pine and fir woodland within the territory claimed by the descendants of Stonefist It borders the Corusks north of Hraak Pass.

Loftwood: A smallish pine forest growing on the coast of Bone March between the foothills of the Rakers and Grendep Bay, the tall trees of this woodland are prized as masts for large ships. It is now undoubtedly being despoiled by humanoids.

Menowood: A fair sized woodland in the southernmost comer of Idee, the Menowood is reportedly home to many treants and elvenfolk. The Hollow Highlands run through its eastern portion. This forest is virgin, and few humans venture into it.

Nutherwood: This forest lies to the south of the Yol River, its southern edge marking the end of the writ of the Theocrat of the Pale. It is not frequented, and reports state that many monsters and bandits are hidden within.

Oytwood: Also within the borders of Geoff, the Oytwood is a smallish woodland which is inhabited mainly by elves.

Phostwood: The forest on the northern bank of the Yol belongs to Tenh, although this possession is disputed continually by bandits from the bordering states. Certain species of trees found only within this forest have a strange phosphorescent quality when they die and begin to rot, giving the place an eerie air at night. (A branch of phostwood glows sufficiently to light a 5' radius area.)

Rieuwood: This forest caps the northern end of Sunndi. Its mighty trees stretch from the middle portion of the Hollow Highlands to the rises of the Glorioles. It is patrolled by the forces of Sunndi and made dangerous to enemies by elves and rangers. Despite this, raiders and even humanoid marauders are sometimes found therein.

Sable Wood: This evergreen forest is within the realm of the King of the Ice Barbarians. Its most interesting feature is the particular fir tree whose wood turns a deep lustrous black when harvested in the dead of winter and rubbed with hot oils. The barbarians prize this material greatly, and they will not export it.

Silverwood: The smallish forestland within the Duchy of Ulek which is the home of many Sylvan Elves is called the Silverwood. Certain trees which are greatly loved by elvenkind grow in abundance in this forest, and it is said that its inhabitants prize these trees more highly than silver.

Spikey Forest: This smallish woodland divides the lands of the Frost and Snow Barbarians. Its tall pines are used by both peoples for ship masts and spars.

Tangles: This is a jungle-like woodland of no great size within the Bandit Kingdoms above Riftcanyon.

Timberway Forest: This vast stretch of pines, firs, and other northern forest growths reaches from the lands of the Frost Barbarians all the way to the Barony of Ratik, from the shores of Grendep Bay to the shoulders of the Rakers. Although its growth is not as fine as that of the Loftwood, it is still very valuable in shipbuilding.

Udgru Forest: This woodland within the realms of Ekbir and Tusmit is quite extensive and very dense. It is filled with game and less desirable creatures also, of course. Dissident citizens of both states are prone to use the woodland as a sanctuary.


Population: 20,000+
Demi-humans: Sylvan Elves (10,000), Gnomes (6,000),
High Elves (3,000), Halflings
Humanoids: Hobgoblins (5,000 or more), Gnolls (3,000+)

The Vesve is the largest hardwood forest in all of the Flanaess. Its southern half, as well as the strip which borders upon the Sepia Hills and the Clatspurs down to Highfolk Town, are relatively free of baneful creatures, although inhabited by a fair share of predators. Since the resurgence of luz, however, the northern quarter of the Vesve is filled with hateful settlements of evil humanoids, and these tribes and bands press everyhwere upon the human and demi-human folk elsewhere in these woodlands. Rangers and light troops from Furyondy aid the Highfolk in organized expeditions to check the influx of humanoids and drive them out, but fresh hordes from the spawning grounds of luz are apparently endlessly available to replace those slaughtered by such punitive forces, and a war of attrition will doom the goodfolk of the Vesve. It is expected that each side will certainly make a major attempt to settle the issue soon.


Population: 10,000+
Demi-humans: Many
Humanoids: Some (raiding parties)

The extent of the Welkwood is obvious to the observer, for its limits are easily defined by its growth. The majesty of the huge trees of the forest is apparent, for they tower over their neighbors in the Suss below and the Gnarley to the west and north. lpt grow to heights of I 00' and more while the mighty roanwoods are taller still. Even the locusts, elders, maples, and the like grow to unusual size, so that the whole is most imposing. The eastern portion of the woodland is part of the Wild Coast, and many of its folk reside within the shelter of the forest; the Welkwood west of the Jewel River is within the realm of Celene and home to elves. The woodsmen of the Welkwood are brave and sturdy, well renowned throughout the land as huntsmen, trackers, and bold adventurers.