Aaron Krestor-Mandragoran, Last of the Mandragorans

13th lvl Character
   6th level Rogue /
(7th level caster)
   Casting classes: 2nd level Thaumaturge  /  1st level Sorcerer / 1st level Magician / 3rd  Keeper of the cerulean sign

119 need new rogue hps , need new mu hps



Conditional Bonuses
Strength 13 2 Fortitude +10/+12 +3 +3 +5 ring  +2 vs evil, enchantment
Dexterity 20 5

Reflex +22/28 +6 +10 (intuitive reflexes) +5 ring +2 light reflex +2 vs evil, enchantment,
+2 cats grace, +2 haste,
+1 traps
Constitution 15 3
Will +11/+13 +5 +2 +5 ring, -1 perm,  +2 vs evil, enchantment
Intelligence 23 30
Wisdom 16 2

Spell Resistence 27 +1 all rolls (luck)
Charisma 20 5

Str: 13   Int: 23+5 (+5 circlet of intellect)=28(+9)    but 30 in mandragoran aura (+10)   
Wis: 16 (+2)    Dx: 20 (+5)    Cn: 15 +3  Ch: 20 (+5)
+2 perm chaotic bonus to inelligence (leviathan)
AC: 23   
 Base Saves:        
+1 +1 +4 wizard
+1 +4 +1 rogue
 Bonuses: +2 vs. enchantments,
Fort +5 ring, +2 base +3 con
Ref +5 ring +5 base +10 (int (intuitive reflex) +2 lightning relfexes
Will +5 ring +5 base +2 wis
                                                Fort: +10  Ref:+22  (+2 if with cats grace, +2 haste]Will:+11
Base attack rogue +3 wizard +2 = +5
Initiative: +9 (dex + improved init)
Psionics (94 pnts)
-          Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions
-          Invisibility
-          Pyrokinesis
dungeon delver
Sneak attack (Thief 4th)
   - 3d6 sneak attack damage, must be denied dex bonus
Trap Finding (Thief 1st)
-          must do search check
Trap sense
-          +1 reflex saves vs traps
Detect aberant taint (keeper 1st)
Greater bane magic (Keeper)
  - 1 /day can tripple benefit against bane magic, DC goes up by for swift action, pumps it to 6d6
Impromptu Spell (for neg feat)
    – 1/day may spontaneously cast a wizard spell he has seen before (must be of a level castable and must have spell slot available)
Insightful Reflexes (for neg feat)
     - Add int to reflex save instead of dex
Sociable Personality: (1st Character lvl)
 - may reroll any diplomacy or gather information check, must take new result.
   Prereqs: half-elf only, chr: 13
Dive for cover (3rd character lvl )
  – if you fail a reflex save  get a second save, failure means end up prone
craft wonderous item (6th Character level)
 - hand crossbows
Darkstalker - (9th lvl character)
- may hide from creatures with darkvision, blindsight, blindsense
Skill Focus: Hide +3 on Hide checks (12th lvl character)

cerulean focus, has sign on his body

craft wonderous items,
aberation bane magic - if it does damage to aberation it does extra 2d6 (each round) DC, +2 vs aberations
Allowed to keep 3 feats from previous (drained) levels:
Improved Reflexes: +2 reflexes
Improved Initiative: +4 initiative
Two Weapon Fighting  (usually dual reloading hand crossbows with various types of bolts) he is always looking around for more bolts.

Bonus Feats
Slippery Mind (Ex)
This ability represents the rogue's ability to wriggle free from magical effects that would otherwise control or compel her. If a rogue with slippery mind is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails her saving throw, she can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. She gets only this one extra chance to succeed on her saving throw.
Abberatant Insight
- Aaron adds his Intelligence bonus to all spellcaster level checks vs SR and for his attempts to dispel magics of any creature with the Abberant or Elder Evil subtypes

Masters Will "You will die last!" [Vile Feat]
 - Aaron does NOT have the prerequisites but has been granted this by Father Lymic due to fantastic role play. As an immediate action, Aaron may beeseech Father Lymic for aid. Roll a d20, iff odd, Aaron gains a +8 to one attack rooll, saving throw, ability check or skill check for one round. If the result is even, take 1 point of damage per level Aaron has. This also reduces his Charisma by 1 each time used (may be restored normally).

Training with Darkaneon Flemendon
   If he would go below 0 hit points from fire damage he instead gains a Darkaneon's Flame (and is immune to the flames) otherwise he takes damage normally.
Insecure, Afraid to Leave Father (Disadvantage)
 - when without father, is shaken
Terrified of Constructs (Disadvantage)
- when in presence of a construct becomes shaken
Skirt-chaser (Quirk)
+2 reaction towards women, -2 will saves vs women
Memorable (Mandragoran)
 - Remembered by people interacted with.
 - Gain +2 diplomacy conversations may be remembered that drive life changing events
May Call Upon the Fire Plane for Aid (Mandrake’s Family)
   for the next 1,001 yrs - 20)
Word of Revelation (su) standard action word
---dispel magic, dispell checks against all illusions cast by aberations 30ft radius centered on caster, d4 charisma save,
---will add on to spot checks (+ 3/lvl of ceruleanmage) in 30ft
---anyone who is charmed enchanted or any magics cast by aberations will become visible
----will add cerulean level to any bard checks dealin g with aberation

Personality: Looks to mother as moral guide (alignment), brother as best friend (demeanor), and father as teacher and source of strength (profession)
Spells:       3 x 0     6 x 1    5 x 2    3 x 3
0 lvl spells: (3) at zero lvl
Arcane Mark (crossed hand crossbows over a half elven face that has a leech on forehead)
Arcane Mark
Spells: 6+3 (DC = 20 + Spell level) (if in madrake’s aura, otherwise DC = 19 + Sp Lvl
(1)for Kyuss adventure: Expeditious Retreat: Your speed increases by 30 ft. 1 min/lvl   Normally: Scholars Touch (div) - read one non magical book touched per round,
(1)  Know Protections (div): determine DR, spell resistance, energy resistances, and all immunities 
(1) Friendly Face (ill): +5 circumstance bonus to diplomacy and gather information -- used
(1) Feather fall .)
(1) Jump: Subject gets bonus on Jump checks. 1 min/lvl
(1) Instant Search (div) – swift action to cast, free action search
(1) Protection from Evil: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.
(Rary1) Arrow Mind (div)
-          All squares within rang are treated as threatened, allowing attacks of opportunity with bow, lasts 1  rnd/lvl, immediate action to cast
(Rary1) True Strike (div) - +20 insight bonus to hit
(Rary1) True Strike (div) - +20 insight bonus to hit
(not currently memorized) Instant locksmith – disable device or open locks as free action, swift to cast
                             in spell book: Masters Touch – use 1 touched weapon? Swift to cast, last 1 min/lvl,
(2nd)  Flaming Sphere: Creates rolling ball of fire, 2d6 damage, lasts 1 round/level.
(2nd)  Web: Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs.
(2nd)  Web: Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs.
(2nd)  Darkness: 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.
(2nd)   Spider Climb
(2nd)  Misdirection: Misleads divinations for one creature or object.
(3rd) Dispel Magic    (roll d20+5 vs spell casters; d20+15 vs aberrations)
(3rdProtection from Energy: Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
(3rd) Fly
(3rd) Haste  

(4th) Mandrake's Magical Enhancer: (Dispell Magic) Release a stored spell as an Immediate action.
(4th) Mnemonic Enhancer F: Wizard only. Prepares extra spells or retains one just cast.
(4th) Dimensional Anchor: Bars extradimensional movement. 

Permanency: (mandrake’s xp’s)
Arcane Sight (1500)
Telepathic Bond (2500) w/ Mandrake
       Leather belt (mandrake has pieces of belt affixed to non-magical ring for thaum purposes)
       Thieves tools, 2x25ft nylon rope attacked to winches on left and right sides of belt
       2 pouches, vest with 2 pockets  
       Lute – 5,000gp learned to play from lorocus, practiced with nuggent, used to have lvl in bard
In hand: carries: 2 hand crossbows
Wand of Cats grace (43 charges, cl 6th),  (inner coat)
Wand of Eagles splendor (inside robes) (22 charges, cl 6th), leg
Wand of Stoneskin (22), (leg)
Wand - Wall of Ice (11) (sleeve)
wand of bulls strength (inner coat)
wand of magic missile 50 chars 9th lvl
potion of gaseous form
bracers +4 armour
cerulean sign - medalion, +1 namesless bonus on all will saves

Gold Dragon Pin
 +5% luck (once) - USED, permanent unseen servant

+4 hand crossbows of reloading. x2,
   Bolts fitted with beads of force x3 , bead of stinking cloud x5, bead of fog cloud x5, bolt with sticky glue (in a glass vial) & cable attached to winch mounted on belt x10

hide +5 when using elfstones

Ring Chains of Vlad
 Up to 10 magical rings (5 for each hand) or on slim silver chains tucked against the wearers wrist.  It prevents the rings from theft (+40 DC Pick Pocket) as well as allow the switching of rings as free action once per round

     +5 ring (saves) (on)
     Ring of free action (on)
     Ring of Blinking
     Ring of Spellstoring (10 levels)
     Ring of fire pro, (30) (ring of chains) – fire pro 60 from ring of mandragorans automatic!
     AntiAberation Ring +5 luck bonus to ac, level checks for sr, saving throws, vs aberations 4,000xp
Circlet of Intellect (+5 enhancement bonus to int) -head
Cloak of displacement, major 50% miss chance
Magic mouth as per mandrahe pouch 1
     Blue elfstones of seeking from starrider pouch
     5 levels of spell absorption from ion stone head
     Magical dice: 2x 6 sided dice (can add to any roll) each usable once (hidden up sleave)
Magic mouth (used) pouch 2
     Clear elfstones of defense (wisx2 16 =32) pouch
     dc 16 concentration, -
Vest pouches (2)
    (1) thaumaturgical supplies and spell components
      (2) gaming dice, cards, gambling coins,
Boots of evasion (give away to next low level person?)
Cube of force
It enables its possessor to put up a special wall of force 10 feet on a side around her person. This cubic screen moves with the character and is impervious to the attack forms mentioned on the table below. The cube has 36 charges, which are renewed each day. The possessor presses one face of the cube to activate a particular type of screen or to deactivate the device. Each effect costs a certain number of charges to maintain for every minute (or portion of a minute) it is in operation. Also, when an effect is active, the possessor’s speed is limited to the maximum value given on the table.
When the cube of force is active, attacks dealing more than 30 points of damage drain 1 charge for every 10 points of damage beyond 30 that they deal. Spells that affect the integrity of the screen also drain extra charges. These spells (given in the list below) cannot be cast into or out of the cube:
36 charges
Cube Face Charge Cost
per Minute
Maximum Speed Effect
1 1 30 ft. Keeps out gases, wind, etc.
2 2 20 ft. Keeps out nonliving matter
3 3 15 ft. Keeps out living matter
4 4 10 ft. Keeps out magic
5 6 10 ft. Keeps out all things
6 0 As normal Deactivates
Attack Form Extra Charges
Horn of blasting 6
Wall of fire 2
Passwall 3
Disintegrate 6
Phase door 5
Prismatic spray 7

Carpet of Flying (needs repairing)
A carpet of flying can carry up to double its capacity, but doing so reduces its speed to 30 feet. It has average maneuverability, but a carpet of flying can still hover. This means you can cover 64 miles in an eight-hour period of flight (or 48 miles at a speed of 30 feet).
ruby necklace room 15 Urn
Size Capacity Speed Weight Market Price 5 ft. by 5 ft. 200 lb. 40 ft. 8 lb. 20,000 gp

Jade coffer, 6 potions  of curing?? , 10 gems, map from room 18,

Scrolls : 7 spells on scroll x 2nd lvl
Special items:
Pair of Lockets (gift of mother)
-          each locket must contain a picture of the other locket bearer
-          (kotlun to paint masterpiece on a small palete enlarged temporarily)
-          Each takes up a necklace/amulet slot on respective bearers
-          A spell that affects caster only can be cast into the locket and it affects the locket bearer instead of the caster. Acts as if always touching the other.
Eye Cusps of the Other (gift of mother)
-          two sets of eye cusps that are magically joined,
-          while worn, any gaze attacks done by the wearer come out of the other’s eyes. Likewise any gaze attacks directed at bearer affects the other,
Aaron’s Mandragoran Ring (ring decorated with mandragoran runes)
ring of spell storing, major (ten levels of spells) with intelligence 14
-          possible growth item?? Ideas:  1 in 10 chance when you go for a spell, its been eaten by the ring, when it has eaten X lvls of spells it gains 1 in spellcraft and can hold a new one?? What happens if it becomes a signature item? Eventually to become ITS own character or his familiar??
  -  Levitate -2nd if ring is intelligent, feather fall if not
  -  Wings of Cover 2nd x3
  -  Rope trick – 2nd
Aarons pouches: Fire Protection and Acid Protection 412 cast at 40th lvl. Magic mouths similar to fathers.
Talisman of sphere (pouch)
scrolls (pouch)
25 x 1000 gp diamonds
8 x 3000 gp rubies
1 x 15000 amethyst

Rogue: Skill points:  (8+6) x4 1st lvl = 56 +14x3=   98;  max 7 points in any thief skill
MU skill points (2+6)x5=30;   max 8 points in MU skill
128 total –
skill points spent (synergy/feats) does not include stat bonus


  Skill points Stat bonus Other bonuses total
Appraise   +10   +10
Diplomacy:   +5 +2 man +2 elf +9
Balance 2 +10
Bluff: 7 +5 +12
Sense Motive 3 +2 +5
Gather information: 6 +5 +2 elf +13
Intimidate: 3   +
Sleight of hand:  7 +5 +1 nat +13
Open Locks: 1 +5 +6
Disable Device: 7 +10 +17
Use magic device: 7 +5 +12
Escape Artist 4 +5 +9
Hide: 13 +5 +14
4 +2
Decipher script: 5 +10   +11
Disguise 4 +5 +2 mom +11
Search: 7 +10 +1 elf +18
Spot: 5 +2 +1 elf +8
Tumble: 6 +5   +11
Swim: 4
Listen   +2 +1 elf +3
Move silently
6 +5 +4 synergy
Concentration:  8 +3   +12
Spellcraft mu 7 +10 +17
Knowledge water 3 bonus 3 +10 +13
Knowledge harnic cities (partied a lot) 7 +10 +17
Thaumaturgical craft: 6 +10 +16
Craft Illusions (sorcery craft): 4 +10 +14
Knowledge planes 1 +10 +11
Knowledge religion 1 +10 +11
Knowledge arcane 8 +10 +13
Knowledge dungeonearing
Knowledge mandragorans 1 +10 +11
Knowledge aberrations  (4 bonus) 4 +10 +14
Dance 4 +5 +4 mom +13
Desert survival 3 +2  
Timing- 4 bonus ranks 4 +5 9
Gambling: 4    
+4 inherent bonus on any check with nautilus
·  +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
·  +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks.
·  +2 Mandragoran bonus on Diplomacy
·  +10 competence bonus on Search checks and Spot checks (robes of eyes)[mom took]
+4 Dance, +2 Disguise and a storng hatred for Balors
slight of hand, +1 natural
Racial Abilities (Ex):
  Half-elf base land speed is 30 feet.
  Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells or effects.
  Low-Light Vision: A half-elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
  +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
  +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks.
  Elven Blood: For all effects related to race, a half-elf is considered an elf.
Languages: elvish, harnian, oerthian, ketian, drow, dwarvish,

  For Kyuss Battle:
Rockhard (cast special), 
prep 1: Eagles splendor, cats grace, bulls strength, stoneskin, 
prep 2: flaming sphere travels with him for thaumaturgy, summon several 10x10 walls of ice (wand) each 8 inches thick move by thaumaturgy (energy from sphere or pyrokinesis)
As a readied attack: telekinetically move the wall to reflect rays, if have to telekinetically throw, Range touch attack against rays, can telekinese 200 lbs of ice
Have dice close at hand, will be betting on Randolf
ranged touch attack with wall off ice:  +13 (5 BAB +7 Dex (cats grace) +1 haste)  Thaumaturgical Craft:   +23 (7 Ranks +10 int +6 skill checks)
+40 jump (20 from spell, 12 from incr move, +4 ranks +2 str +2 tumble ) ie roll a 5 to jump 45ft, need 4 for 11ft high jump, 16 for 14ft high
+30ft move, attacks of opp with handcrossbows,  +1 attack & reflex save (haste)
ranged touch attack with handcrossbow: +17  (5 BAB +7 Dex (cats grace) +1 haste +4 handcrossbows of reloading) +37 with True Strike
----Bead of Force---

Rary’s mneumaonic enhancer
Contingency- 6th – wall of force in sphere if he raises hands and says “relax” (mandrake outs contingency in ring, Aaron casts it)
Spells stored in Ring of Spell Storing (10 lvls) for adventures:
  -  Levitate -2nd if ring is intelligent, feather fall if not
  -  Wings of Cover 2nd x3
  -  Rope trick – 2nd

The Leech Power ():
Powered by the blood of the Mandragorins and supported by the very structure of the Harnian Dimension, the Leech poweris granted unto Aaron Mandragorin Krestor. it allows Aaron to draw experience points to fuel his magic will. Thus, Aaron is able to draw 100xp per level he has per round from anyone who is aware of Aaron. This means visual, audial, tactile or any other sense that makes the person aware of Aarons presense (regardless of distance) makes the person subject to this draining of experince (no save, no SR). It is not subject to Spell Turning or Anti-Magic areas (though the resulting spells he creates are normal in all respects). Draining is a Swift Action. It may be spread out amongst all thoe aware of Aarona nd the draining of experince is not readily apparent (Wisdom check base DC25 - 1 per 100xp drained to notice). There is no noticebale outward signs of the draining but a Detect Magic can note the effect.
Aaron can pool the XP and channel the energy into spells. It is 100xp per level of spell cast and is cast at Aarons level or the minimum level to cast the spell (whatever is greater). If Aaron would like he can draw for several rounds to get enough XP to cast higher level spells but loses 10% of his pool every round he does notuse them or draw from others (thus he cannot hold or bank XPs for very long). Aaron can create Epic spell affects with this but Epic Spells cost 100xp per Spellcraft DC.
Aaron can use this to simulate any Wizard or Sorcerer spell he knows of or can reasonably envision.

While on Golden Draco: ( when on alert)
Covered by Aura of Evasion (cast by glimmer)
Mass Bear’s Endurance (cast by glimmer)
+2 all rolls (Kothlun protections)
Nautilus +80 swim
shock screen usable once every 10 minutes, lasts for 10 rounds, 20d6 electrical no save for those in area or grasping
Feat progression: tentative,
Character level Class lvl gained Class feat Character lvl feat Notes
1st Rogue 1 Trapfinding, sneak attack None  
2nd Rogue 2 Evasion None  
3rd Rougue 3 Trap sense +1
Sneak attack 2d6
Dive For Cover  
4th Thaumaturgy 1 ½ levitate None  
5th Thaumaturgy 2 levitate None  
6th Thaumaturgy 3 ½ telekinesis Reactive counterspell  
7th Rogue 4 Slippery mind None +1+4+1, [3]
8th Sorcery 1 Augury None +1+1+4 [2] 4/3/2
9th Magic 1 Craft Ring (enhance?) Signature item  
10th     None  
11th Magic 2 Brew Medium Potion None  
  Alchemy 2 Brew potion Skill focus: pick pock. or parliamentarian  
13th Sorcery 2 Clairaudience None  
14th Wizard 1 (Archmagist I) TOW, leech spell ability None  
15th Rogue 3      
16th Rogue 4 Uncanny dodge None  
17th Magic 3 (Archmagist 2) Craft WI, leech item None  
18th Magic 4 (Archmagist 3) Craft Rod, steel spell Wild touch or Imp spell  
19th Alchemy 4 (Archmagist 4) Leech psionic power None  
20th Arcane Trickster?   None  
21st     Spell of Opportunity  
Ideas for Mandrake spells to cast on him:


Personal History:

Aaron, born first child to Alexia Krestor and Mandrake Mandragoran in the ketian Lands of Oerth, is the Last of the Mangragorans and the final bearer of its legacy. As a half elf, his life has been long, and he has experienced much. While only alive for 105 years (human equivalent of 26) he has traveled extensively throughout Harn and Oerth – having lived in ket, maldev, caladan, ridow, the golden draco, melderyn, and always seeking fun and recreation, and through the use of his Mandragoran powers, his life has been one of excess, carelessness, and debauchery. Until his latest experience, Aaron has always drawn on others for his needs – using and consuming their experience, money, and station to live towards his own childish ends. While not malevolent, he had embraced the carefree, thrill seeking, and fun loving elvish side with little thought to the cost it might bear on others. He has run with bards, bedded women, and lived luxuriously off of the dime of others (usually after charming them using their own experience). While his experiences may have been many, they amount to naught but a life of hedonism and enjoyment. He has seen life from the seedier side and the more rough and tumble commoner side. When on the outs he has slept in barns, brothels, and in the beds of wayward wives and princesses alike. His most recent experience however was a life changing event.

                Through the machinations of the Black Robes of the Melderynni Parliament, Aaron found himself alone and facing a pseudo army of constructs. With no being to draw experience from he was forced to draw his own. The young Mandragoran survived only by cannibalizing all of his experience and even then he would not have survived saved for the efforts of Steven Sagely who came to his rescue. The experience left him totally drained not only of the experiences (and skills) of his thief profession but also of his own self confidence.  Once faced with the reality of the experience draining effects of his leach-like powers he was forced to confront its toll not only on himself but on others. Whatever his deeds during his travels, Aaron was still raised by his mother Alexia, and his father Mandrake (when around). His heart was good and Aaron recoiled in moral shock at the real costs of his level draining effects. Mortified at what his own actions have cost others and the realization that he was never as powerful as he thought himself to be, Aaron is in a state of soul searching – afraid at his own weakness and purely determined not to drain experiences from others without their knowledge or will. It was at this crux in his life that his father Mandrake returned to his life. His father, ever the teacher, helped crystallize Aarons understanding that what he faced was a realization that the true path to self confidence and moral power comes from self discipline and building your own skill sets. Power given is misunderstood, power earned is appreciated, and power attained must always be met with an equal amount of moral discipline. But power, Mandrake said, is not a worthy objective. As his heart led him as a child, our nature is to explore and experience the universe and our goal is a self expression which harms none and helps many. Mandrake instilled in Aaron a sense that through ones own creativity they find a sense of themselves, selfconfidence, knowing that they are not limited nor bound by anyone or even the very laws of the universe – only through creativity is one free of the need to accumulate raw power and WITH creativity, any power accrued can be spent in ways of self expression and benevolence that is limited ONLY by ones creativity. It is that path that Mandrake offers to show Aaron. That path, and the chance to be by his sons side and be the father that is no longer absent. 

[Allen Partin Comments] Make his revised Psi points 94 (as there is no Attack or Dfense anymore)
 [Allen Partin Comments]  If he decides to take a level in Thief...due to his mental connections with aliens raxces and this dungeon...he may take Slippry Mind as a class ability instead of Uncanny Didge
 412 temp
1 to 1000 time ratio
current osition not in known universe - orbiting an event horizon of a singularity
at 4/4
has bab +5
spells 4/5/4
save base +2+5+5
True strike on nautilus attack
cats grace (+4 enhancement dex) (wand charges -1) lasts 5 mins DOWN
Mirror Image DOWN
Mind Blank
Illusionary light cast on Aarons ring by mandrake 120 min
Stoneskin (wand chrgs: -2) lasts 70min
greater invis DISPELLED
in clear elfstones, req con check dc 10 to do
HP 97
-- -mass heal starrider
psi 94