Dragon Forms: Draco Mandragorus

Species 1  Draco Mandragorus subtilis        “The sleeping wyrm    (Shapechange only).

Species 2  Draco Mandragorus transformus” (Shapechange + Transformation)

Species 3 “Draco Mandragorus spectacula    (Spectacular Retainer)

Mandrake will only assume the form of a gold dragon. He does so using the Shapechange spell (This spell functions like polymorph, except that it enables you to assume the form of any single nonunique creature (of any type) from Fine to Colossal size. The assumed form cannot have more than your caster level in Hit Dice. You gain all extraordinary and supernatural abilities (both attacks and qualities) of the assumed form, but you lose your own supernatural abilities. You also gain the type of the new form in place of your own. The new form does not disorient you. Parts of your body or pieces of equipment that are separated from you do not revert to their original forms. You can change form once each round as a free action. The change takes place either immediately before your regular action or immediately after it, but not during the action.) As a Gift of Draco Paladine, Mandrake becomes a very old gold dragon (which happens to match my HD as well as my age) and gains +200 hp while in dragonform (Syrynx)

“Gold Dragons smell of saffron and incense”.

Draco Mandragorus subtilis (“The sleeping wyrm”)

Old Gold Dragon, Form as released by Shapechange

Gargantuan                Weight 160,000 lbs,             Move: 60ft, 250ft (fly), 60ft (swim), Clumsy

Overall length: 85ft    Body Length: 23ft                  Neck Length:23ft       Tail length:39ft

Body Width: 10ft        Standing Height:16ft             Max Wingspan:90ft   Min wingspan:40ft

Reach: 20ft with bite, 15ft with claw, 20ft with wing, tail slap 45ft, tail sweep 45ft

With expansion

Collosal                   Weight 1,280,000 lbs,             Move: 60ft, 250ft (fly), 60ft (swim), Clumsy

Overall length: 120ft    Body Length: 33ft                  Neck Length:33ft       Tail length:54ft

Body Width: 15ft        Standing Height:22ft             Max Wingspan:135ft   Min wingspan:60ft

Reach: 30ft with bite, 20ft with claw, 30ft with wing, tail slap 60ft, tail sweep 60ft


Face: 20ft by 40ft         Reach: 30ft with bite, 20ft with claw, 30ft with wing, tail slap 60ft, tail sweep 60ft    


Frightful Presence(Ex) 180ft radius,         DC 33 Will

Creatures under 33 HD are shaken for 4d6 rounds and Creatures under 6 HD flee


Immunities(Ex):             Sleep, paralysis

Keen Senses(Ex):          Low Light Vision, Dark Vision – 600ft (100ft per age category),

Blindsight(Ex)                180ft (30ft per age category)

Fire subtype(Ex):           Fire Immunity, double damage from cold except on successful save

Water Breathing(Ex):      may breath, use breath weapon, and spells underwater)


Strength 41 /+15 (41 base)

Dexterity 10/+0    (10 base)

Constitution 27/+8   (27 base) Net gain of +6 bonus (+6*39=+234 hp) from const


Fortitude Save: +25 (17 base +8 const)

Reflex Save: +15  (15 base)

Will Save:  +30 (28 base +2 Iron Will)


AC 49  (-4 size, +31 natural,  +12 armour (bracers)

   DR 15/+2


Hit Points: 689  (255 base, +234 hp (net +6 const bonus gain) + 200hp (Syrynx Feat)


Attack: 35 (20 base+ 15 strength bonus)

1 bite: +35                     full attack bonus              Damage:  [4d6+17] (base: 4d6+strength bonus)

2 claw: +30/+30              -5 attack bonus,              Damage: [2d8+8] (base 2d8+1/2strength bonus)

2 wing: +30/+30              -5 attack bonus               Damage: [4d6+8] (base 2d6+1/2strength bonus)

1 tail slap: +30                -5 attack bonus,              Damage: [2d8+25] (base 2d8+1.5xstrength bonus)


If creatures are underneath:

1 crush:  as many creatures of medium size (3 sizes smaller) that can fit under body must Reflex Save at 26 or be pinned,

  pinned creatures take automatic bludgeoning damage next round, normal grapple [+51] to maintain pin

  Grapple: 47  (20 base + 15 strength bonus  +12 size modifier (Gargantuan))         Damage: [2d6+25] (base 2d6+1.5 str)


May sacrifice both wing attacks to give one opponent a 50% miss chance (Dragon Feat)


Or as a Standard Action:

1 Tail Sweep: Targets all small  (4 sizes smaller) creatures in a half circle diameter 30ft sweep,

+35  full attack bonus  damage: 2d6+1.5x strength bonus                      Damage:  [2d6+25] reflex save for half at DC 34


Breath Weopon (Su): 120ft line, 60ft cone, use every 1d4 rounds

Fire: 18d10 (DC 34)   

or Weakening Gas (Fort Save DC 34 or 8 strength damage)


Draco Mandragorus transformus

Old Gold Dragon, Form as released by Shapechange + Tenser’s Tranformation
Cannot cast spells

Gargantuan                Weight 160,000 lbs,             Move: 60ft, 250ft (fly), 60ft (swim)

Overall length: 85ft    Body Length: 23ft                  Neck Length:23ft       Tail length:39ft

Body Width: 10ft        Standing Height:16ft             Max Wingspan:90ft   Min wingspan:40ft


Face: 20ft by 40ft         Reach: 20ft with bite, 15ft with claw, 20ft with wing, tail slap 45ft, tail sweep 45ft     


Frightful Presence(Ex) 180ft radius,         DC 33 Will

Creatures under 33 HD are shaken for 4d6 rounds and Creatures under 6 hd flee


Immunities(Ex):             Sleep, paralysis

Keen Senses(Ex):          Low Light Vision, Dark Vision – 600ft (100ft per age category),

Blindsight(Ex)                180ft (30ft per age category)

Fire subtype(Ex):           Fire Immunity, double damage from cold except on successful save

Water Breathing(Ex):      may breath, use breath weapon, and spells underwater)


Strength 45 /+17 (41 base +4 Enhancement bonus (transformation)

Dexterity 14/+2    (10 base +4 enhancement bonus (transformation)

Constitution 31/+10   (27 base +4 enhancement bonus (transformation)  Net gain of  +8 (+8*39=+312 hp) from const


Fortitude Save: +32 (17 base +5 competence bonus (Transformation) +10 const)

Reflex Save: +16  (15 base +2 dex)

Will Save:  +30 (28 base +2 Iron Will)


AC 51  (-4 size, +31 natural, +2 dexterity  +12 armour (bracers)

vs Kyuss AC 55 rockhard +4 to nat armour DR 10/- bludgeoning

   DR 15/+2


Hit Points: 767  (255 base, +312hp (net +8 const gain) + 200hp (Syrynx Feat)


Attack: 56 (39 base (transformation equals casters HD) + 17 strength bonus

1 bite: +56                     full attack bonus           Damage:  [4d6+17] (base: 4d6+strength bonus)

2 claw: +51/+51              -5 attack bonus,           Damage: [2d8+8] (base 2d8+1/2strength bonus)

2 wing: +51/+51              -5 attack bonus            Damage: [4d6+8] (base 2d6+1/2strength bonus)

1 tail slap: +51                -5 attack bonus,           Damage: [2d8+25] (base 2d8+1.5xstrength bonus)


If creatures are underneath:

1 crush:  as many creatures of medium size (3 sizes smaller) that can fit under body must Reflex Save at 26 or be pinned,

  pinned creatures take automatic bludgeoning damage next round, normal grapple [+51] to maintain pin

  Grapple: 69  (39 base + 17 strength bonus  +12 size modifier (Gargantuan))         Damage: [2d6+25] (base 2d6+1.5 str)


May sacrifice both wing attacks to give one opponent a 50% miss chance (Dragon Feat)


Or as a Standard Action:

1 Tail Sweep: Targets all small  (4 sizes smaller) creatures in a half circle diameter 40ft sweep,

+56 full attack bonus damage: 2d6+1.5x strength bonus                       Damage: [2d6+25] reflex save for half at DC 34


Breath Weapon (Su): 120ft line, 60ft cone, use every 1d4 rounds

Fire: 18d10 (DC 34)   

or Weakening Gas (Fort Save DC 34 or 8 strength damage

Draco Mandragorus Spectacula

Old Gold Dragon, Form as released by Sagely’s Spectacular Retainer
Spells Released: 40 spell levels (2 per level, max 40)

  Shapechange (9) Transformation (6),   Haste(3)  Shield (1)  Chill Touch (1) Imolation by Dragons Breath - use Ironbody instead vs Kyuss (9)   PF Evil (1)  Greater Heroism(6)  Fire Shield vs Cold(4) +4   

Cannot cast spells
Old Gold Dragon

Gargantuan                Weight 160,000 lbs,             Move: 90ft, 280ft (fly), 75ft (swim) --cannot swim if with iron body.

Overall length: 85ft    Body Length: 23ft                  Neck Length:23ft       Tail length:39ft

Body Width: 10ft        Standing Height:16ft             Max Wingspan:90ft   Min wingspan:40ft


Face: 20ft by 40ft         Reach: 15ft      


Frightful Presence(Ex) 180ft radius,         DC 33 Will

Creatures under 33 HD are shaken for 4d6 rounds and Creatures under 6 hd flee

Immune to Fear effects (heroism)


Immunities(Ex):             Sleep, paralysis, Fear Effects (Heroism)

Keen Senses(Ex):          Low Light Vision, Dark Vision – 600ft (100ft per age category),

Blindsight(Ex)                180ft (30ft per age category)

Fire subtype(Ex):           Fire Immunity, double damage from cold except on successful save

Water Breathing(Ex):      may breath, use breath weapon, and spells underwater)


Strength 45 /+17 (41 base +4 Enhancement bonus (transformation) 47/+18 ( if also with Iron Body)

Dexterity 14/+2    (10 base +4 enhancement bonus (transformation)   8/-1 (if also have Iron Body)

Constitution 31/+10   (27 base +4 enhancement bonus (transformation)  Net gain of  +8


Fortitude Save: +36/+38 (17 base +5 competence bonus (Transformation) +10 const) +4 morale (heroism) +2 vs evil

Reflex Save: +22/+24  (15 base +2 dex  +1 dodge (haste) +4 morale (heroism) +2 vs evil

    Take no damage from cold on a successful reflex save for half

Will Save:  +31/+33 (19 base +7 wis +2 Iron Will -1 touched) +4 morale (heroism) +2 vs evil

    Targeted and ray spells are reflected


AC 56/58 vs evil  (-4 size, +31 natural, +2 dexterity  +12 armour (bracers) +4 shield (shield spell) +1 dodge (haste) +2 evil

AC 53/55 vs evil with iron body (dex drops by 6)

   50% miss chance if using wings, check for possible Displacement or Improived Blink)

   DR 15/+2    (DR 15/Adamantine with Iron Body)

   Creature takes 21 fire damage on hit


Hit Points: 767  (255 base, +312hp (net +8 const gain) + 200hp (Syrynx Feat)


Attack: 61 (39 base (transformation equals casters HD) + 17 strength bonus +1 unnamed bonus to attack rolls (haste) +4 morale (heroism)

    +62 (if with Iron Body)

1 bite: +61                     full attack bonus                        ,                       Damage:  [4d6+17] (base: 4d6+strength bonus)

2 claw: +56/+56              -5 attack bonus,                                                Damage: [2d8+8] (base 2d8+1/2strength bonus)

2 wing: +56/+56              -5 attack bonus                                                 Damage: [4d6+8] (base 2d6+1/2strength bonus)

1 tail slap: +56                -5 attack bonus,                                                Damage: [2d8+25] (base 2d8+1.5xstrength bonus)

1 bite:+56                     full attack bonus (haste)                                     Damage:  [4d6+17] (base 4d6+strength bonus)

*each attacks also does +1d6 chill touch DC 27 or -1str* for the first 23 attacks and then fades

 if all hit 91 + 16d6 + 4d8 (74 ave) = 165 ave + 7d6 cold

If creatures are underneath:

1 crush:  as many creatures of medium size (3 sizes smaller) that can fit under body must Reflex Save at 26 or be pinned,

  pinned creatures take automatic bludgeoning damage next round, normal grapple to maintain pin

  Grapple: 73  (39 base + 17 strength bonus  +12 size modifier (Gargantuan) +4 Heroism +1 haste)         Damage: [2d6+25] (base 2d6+1.5 str)

                   74 with Iron Body. 78 with iron body and if collossal.


May sacrifice both wing attacks to give one opponent a 50% miss chance (Dragon Feat)


Or as a Standard Action:

1 Tail Sweep: Targets all small  (4 sizes smaller) creatures in a half circle diameter 30ft sweep,

+61  full attack bonus  damage: 2d6+1.5x strength bonus                      Damage:  [2d6+25] reflex save for half at DC 34


Breath Weopon (Su): 120ft line, 60ft cone, use every 1d4 rounds

Fire: 18d10 (DC 34, DC40 with Immolation)   +18d10 (DC 34) bracers

or Weakening Gas (Fort Save DC 34 or 8 strength damage)


 Kyuss battle prep -- 

have an area under wall of impregnability, 

how to get kyuss inside? -- grapple and blink? gate and push him through (bull rush with telekenesis or magic missle arcana)

once inside, cast dimensional lock. thistle readied with spellcatch for greater dispel magic

fight, dismiss Iron Body to destroy worms with breath waepons


Bracers of The Golden Dragon (Epic)

    Seathing golden dragons on bracer forearms; +12 AC SR 20 
    Immunity to Dragon's Breath;  Breath as dragon of bearer's age (Su) 18d10 in Fire or Gas (90x30 cone) 3/day
   May use in tandem with breath wepon while in dragon form.
   may choose on shapechange whether they stays with form i change into as bracer (will change size as appropriate) - 1,500xp to perm (may choose at time of shifting)

Tattoo of the Golden Dragon
     Mandragoran tattoo of a flaming Golden Dragon pulses with Mandrakes heartbeat and appears to writhe; 
    +6 to Intelligence,
Wisdom, and Charisma


Staff of the Archmagist Mandrake Mandragoran (Semi-Artifact)
   50% Unadjustable SR (50% chance of magic failure)
   May absorb spells and spell like abilities that are rays or single target spells directed at bearer.
  100 levels maximum! (does NOT communicate spell lvl)
  These do not use charges: (all at casters level of ability (33))
             Detect Magic   Enlarge   Hold Portal
             Mage armor      Light      Mage Hand
   The following drain 2 charge per usage
             Greater Dispell Magic (at 33rd),
Improved Invisibility
             Delayed Blast Fireball (120 hp, maximized & double, 4oft radius)) DC 34
             Ice Storm (DC 29), Lighting Bolt (20d6)  DC 28, Knock
             Passwall, Wall of Fire (DC 31),  Web (DC 27)
  The following drain 4 charges
            Monster summoning IX
            Telekinesis (800 lbs)  
Plane shift
            Whirlwind 10ft base 3d6/d8, DC 34, 8th lvl Dr spell
   Retributive Strike (if broken or adsorb >100 lvls)
   (In Mandrakes hands, adds +4 to Spell Penetration)
   has Ogrom's NonM Magnetic Band - may draw 10ft
   SR with staff powers only +42!

Mandragorin Signet Ring (Unknown)
Has symbols of all 12 Celts surrounding Mandragorin symbol. Forged by Mandrake and King Genin
 · Brigit -As Ring of Major Fire Res
· Silvanus - Speak with Plants / Animals      Pass without Trace (Cannot be tracked via Magic or traced
· Lugh - Power used against bearer 1 / day at +1 level better (free action)
· Morgana - May chase and catch any enemy that flees battle (no matter means) & Only bearer follows not others (Move Action)
· Diancecht - Immune to death magic & May use self heal on others (no limit)
· Oghma - SR29 vs Netherworldly Magics
· Arawn - Undead shall have no resistance vs blessed ring bearer. May Hide, Stun, Critical and treat undead as if living for attack purposes.
· Ring of 3 Wishes -rechargeable ( 1 left )
· Dunatis - Any stone edifice bearer defends blessed to Dunatis. Acts as Dimensional Anchor and makes walls and defenders SR30. Defenders may not use magics or protection fades
- Nuada - May deflect weapon with hands as free action 1/ rd for up to 1 rd/lvl per day
Gibnie - NONE
Mac-nanan-Mac-Lir - NONE
Dagda -NONE
Acts as ring of spellturning vs non touch, non AOE sp


 All ot attack

 Bite1 [d20+BAB+Strength+THMods+THTempMods] to hit <br>  Damage [4d6+Strength+DamMods+DamTempMods] plus [d6] cold    <br>

Claw1 [d20+BAB+THMods+THTempMods+Strength-5] to hit <br>  DamageC1 [2d8+DamTempMods+((Strength+DamMods)*0.5)]  plus [d6] cold <br> 

Claw2 [d20+BAB+THMods+THTempMods+Strength-5] to hit <br>  DamageC2 [2d8+DamTempMods+((Strength+DamMods)*0.5)]  plus [d6] cold <br> 

Wing1 [d20+BAB+THMods+THTempMods+Strength-5] to hit <br>  DamageW1 [4d6+DamTempMods+((Strength+DamMods)*0.5)]  plus [d6] cold    <br>

Wing2 [d20+BAB+THMods+THTempMods+Strength-5] to hit <br>   DamageW2 [4d6+DamTempMods+((Strength+DamMods)*0.5)]  plus [d6] cold  <br>

Tail Slap [d20+BAB+THMods+THTempMods+Strength-5] to hit <br>   DamageT [2d8+DamTempMods+((Strength+DamMods)*1.5)]  plus [d6] cold <br>

Bite2 [d20+BAB+Strength+THMods+THTempMods]  to hit <br>   Damage [4d6+Strength+DamMods+DamTempMods] plus [d6] cold <br>

 Bite1 [d20+BAB+Strength+THMods+THTempMods] to hit <br>  Damage [4d6+Strength+DamMods+DamTempMods] plus [d6] cold    <br>

Claw1 [d20+BAB+THMods+THTempMods+Strength-5] to hit <br>  DamageC1 [2d8+DamTempMods+((Strength+DamMods)*0.5)]  plus [d6] cold <br> 

Claw2 [d20+BAB+THMods+THTempMods+Strength-5] to hit <br>  DamageC2 [2d8+DamTempMods+((Strength+DamMods)*0.5)]  plus [d6] cold <br> 

Tail Slap [d20+BAB+THMods+THTempMods+Strength-5] to hit <br>   DamageT [2d8+DamTempMods+((Strength+DamMods)*1.5)]  plus [d6] cold <br>

Bite2 [d20+BAB+Strength+THMods+THTempMods]  to hit <br>   Damage [4d6+Strength+DamMods+DamTempMods] plus [d6] cold <br>

Attacks have a 50% miss chance to wing buffet

Spell - Weird <br>

All creatures within 30ft with will save bonus less than [-d20+41] takes <br>

    [(3d6)*1.5)] damage <br>

    [(1d4)*1.5] temporary strength damage<br>

    and are stunned for 1 round <br>

    (drops everything held, can’t take actions,-2  to AC, loses Dex bonus to AC)<br>

If their Fortitude save bonus is less than [-d20+41] then they are dead.

Dragon Overland Movement

Chromatic and metallic dragons are exceedingly strong flyers and can cover vast distances quickly. A dragon’s overland flying speed is a function of its tactical fly speed, as shown on the table below. Dragons do not tire as quickly as other creatures when moving overland on the ground. If a dragon attempts a hustle or a forced march, check for nonlethal damage once every 2 hours instead of every hour.

Dragon Overland Flying Speeds


Dragon’s Fly Speed


100 feet

150 feet

200 feet

250 feet







15 miles

20 miles

30 miles

40 miles


24 miles

40 miles

60 miles

80 miles







120 miles

160 miles

240 miles

320 miles

Sagely's Spectacular Retainer: Max 40 spell levels Must discharge double number of spell levels to activate (80)

-9--Shapechange F: Transforms you into any creature, and change forms once per round.

-9--Immolation by Dragons Breath: Adds 6 to DC of breath weapon save. Failure means turned to ash. Fire affects those resistent to fire.

       except Against Kyuss Iron Body instead

-6--Transformation M: You gain combat bonuses.

-4--Fire Shield: Warm flames against Cold attacks. 

-6-- Heroism, Greater: Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp.

-3--Haste: One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.

-1-- Chill Touch: One touch/level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Str damage.

-1-- Protection from Evil : Protects vs evil

-1--Shield: Invisible disc gives +4 shield bonus to AC, blocks magic missiles.