Taran Soothra, Grand Marshal of the South Western Territory

Character Level: 25(26) Class Levels Paladin 18(19)  Cavalier 6 Ranger 1
342 Deity Ishtar        Birthdate Yr -23
Alignment: Lawful Good Height 5'9 Hair Color Brown
Race: Half Elf / HalfHuman  Weight 180 lbs Facial Hair None

Description Very cool. Andropanese Ring adds 1 level (Paladin)

  Total under
anti magic shell



Conditional Bonuses
Strength 27
+12 Fortitude 39 +17 +4+13 +2 (badge) +1 HS +2 +1 morale +2 vs evil, +1 around sultan, +2 vs enchantments
Dexterity 18
+4 Reflex 39 +11 +4+13 +2 (Badge) +1 HS +4 cloak +2 +1morale
+2 vs evil, +1 around sultan, +2 vs enchantments
Constitution 18 24
+7 Will 31 +9 +3+13 +2 (Badge) +1 HS +2 +1 morale +2 vs evil, +1 around sultan, +2 vs enchantments
Intelligence 20 +5
Wisdom 17 +3
Charisma 27
36 +13
Books read: +6 Charisma, +6 Strength, +4 con, +4  int, added total of 6 points for going up in levels: 1 into const, 3 into charisma, 2 into strength
items:+6 Enhancement Bonus to Charisma (Ring of shield lands) +3 Insight Bonus to Charisma (Elfstones),  +6 Enhancement Bonus to Const (Androp Ring)

Combat Statistics

Size/Type: Medium
Hit Points
Speed: 30 ft. 
Armor Class: 32 (+4 dex, +11 armour, +7 shield ), touch 14, flat-footed 28.    +2 AC if Mounted
AC when hasted
Base Attack: +25/+20/+15/+10  Grapple: +25 
Attack: +44/+39/+34/+29 w/ conquest ( +1 luck, +12 strength, +6 weapon, +25 base) conditional: +1 sultan, +2 mounted
+46/+41/+36/+31 w/ conquest and mounted ( +1 luck, +12 strength, +6 weapon, +25 base) conditional: +1 sultan, +2 mounted
  Grapple: +38/39/41 ( +1 luck, +12 strength, +6 weapon, +25 base) conditional: +1 sultan, +2 mounted
Full Attack:
Hasted Full Attack
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spells
Special Qualities:  swordsight 60 ft.,
Saves: Fort +25 (+27 vs Evil) , 14 Base +3 Con, +3 Ring, +1 inherent (skull) +3 Unnamed (Holy Symbol)  +1 Luck, +1 Morale(Taran)
Ref +20 (+21 when hasted),(+22 vs evil) 9 Base +4 dex, +3 Ring, +1 inherent (skull) +3 Unnamed (Holy Symbol)  +1 Luck, +1 Morale(Taran)
Will +38 (+40 vs Evil) 6 Base +14 Wis Bonus , +3 Ring, +1 inherent (skull) +3 Unnamed (Holy Symbol)  +1 Luck, +1 Morale(Taran)
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 39, Cha 22
Best Skills: Profession Soldier (Strategy): +x, Ride +x, Sense Motive +x,
Combat Feats:
Environment: Greyhawkian Dimension, Greyhawk Prime, City of Babylon

Below are feats. 

Origin Name Description
Chain of Command Grand Marshal of the Southwest Territory Reports to Rogan Sirith (Knights of the Hart), Prince Thromel, King Thromel of Furyondi
Elvish Heritage Manifestation Three times per day, as a standard action, you can draw power from the land to gain +4 on CHA-based rolls for 1d6 rounds. You do not
receive this bonus against elves.
Elvish Heritage Racial Bonus +1 Spot, +1 Listen, +1 Search, +2 Diplomacy +2 Gather Information
Elvish Heritage Racial Immunity Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells or effects
Elvish Heritage Low-Light Vision can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. Retains the ability to distinguish color and detail
Soothra Bloodline Leadership At 9th Level, Soothra gain the Leadership feat. If they already have it they may gain a new feat
Soothra Bloodline Epic Leadership At 21st Level, Soothra gain the Epic Leadership feat. If they already have it they may gain a new feat
Soothra Bloodline +4 reaction (lineage reputation bonus) with divine beings of celtic and nyrundian/aerdian mythologies
+10 Leadership +2 Sense Motive +4 Intimidate
Disad 1 Bonus Driving Force
You can use this feat up to your level / 5 (round down) times per day. It can be used in three ways: 1) To re-roll a save you just
failed; 2) To make a move equivalent action after all your other actions in a round; 3) To make an extra attack (at your full base
attack) after all your other actions in a round.
Disad 2 Bonus Taunt
You may taunt an opponent as a standard action. Make a CHA check opposed by the opponent's WIS check. If you succeed, the
opponent will ignore others in order to attack you (unless an obvious greater threat exists). Your opponent gets +1 to hit you and
-1 AC for as long as he or she tries to attack you.
Disadvantage 1 Very cautious -3 on initiative
Disadvantage 2 Memories of sewers -2 to hit/damage in confined tunnels or sewer environments
Quirk 1
Quirk 2
Ranger 1st Favored Enemy (undead) The ranger gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against
undead. Also gain +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.
Ranger 1st Track To find tracks or to follow them for 1 mile requires a successful Survival check. You must make another Survival check every time the tracks become difficult to follow.
Ranger 1st Wild Empathy
Paladin 1st Nobility Status (Order of the Hart) Legaly allowed to wear plate
Paladin 1st Aura of Good (Ex)

The power of a paladin’s aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to her paladin level.

Paladin 1st Detect Evil At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell.
Paladin 1st Smite Evil 4/day at 15th level Once per day, may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack.
adds her Charisma bonus to attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per paladin + cavalier level.
If the paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.
Paladin 2nd Divine Grace At 2nd level, a paladin gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws
Paladin 2nd Lay on Hands can heal wounds (own or those of others) by touch. Each day can heal a total number of hit points of damage equal to paladin level ×  Charisma bonus.
A paladin may choose to divide her healing among multiple recipients,
and she doesn’t have to use it all at once. Using lay on hands is a standard action.
Paladin 3rd Aura of courage Beginning at 3rd level, a paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects.
This ability functions while the paladin is conscious, but not if she is unconscious or dead.
Paladin 3rd Divine Health  At 3rd level, a paladin gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.
Paladin 5th Must fight Lion to Death,  special mount +5 on any Handle Animal & Ride checks with Lions
Paladin 5th Improved Unarmed combat (Way of the Lion) You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when fighting unarmed.
Paladin 7th Close Quarters Fighting (Way of the Lion) When an opponent attempts to grapple you, any damage done by your attack of opportunity on them is added to your check to avoid
being grappled
Paladin 9th Must Lead Army at 9th level to gain ability
Mantle of Leadership
(900HD initial, +900 HD for every army
led victoriously)
As a Standard Action, the Paladin can take charge of any army, unit, or force of creatures within 360 yards.  He commands them with obedience and fealty 
and may lead them into battle against any target.  Creatures totaling 900 Hit Dice can be ruled, but creatures with Intelligence scores of 17 or higher are entitled to a Will saving throw (DC 10+half character level + Charisma Bonus) to negate the effect.
Ruled creatures obey the wielder as if he or she were their absolute sovereign. Still, if the wielder gives a command that is contrary to the nature of the creatures commanded, the magic is broken.
Hit die of targets can be spread out over multiple uses (400HD one day, 500 HD another) but the minimum HD expended per use is 100 even if only 1 creature is targeted. Lasts for 360 minutes.
Paladin 11th Exotic Mount (Lion), Pounce
Paladin 13th Power of Your Enemy 1/Year
per 50,000xp of Exil Relics sacrificed
When used, the Paladin may turn any 1 spell, ray, ranged attack, breath weapon or melee attack against its caster or one of its allies.
Alternately, the Paladin may gain 1 epic or normal feat possessed by their enemy for up to 1 round/level. During that time the enemy does not get the benefit of that feat.
Alternately, the Paladin may use their opponents roll modifier for any one type of oppossed roll or skill, or ability check for up to 1 round/level.
Paladin 15th Akodo's Technique (Way of the Lion) If you succeed in a melee attack against an opponent, your next attack against that opponent this round is at +(half of however much
you exceeded the required value needed to hit, rounded down).
Paladin 17th Way of the Lion You gain a +2 competence bonus to your attacks, up to a maximum bonus against an opponent equal to their AC bonus due to armor
(and natural armor). In other words, this feat works to negate AC bonuses of armor. 
Palasin 19th Brotherhood of arms you gain a +1 ciurcumstance bonus to  attack an oppoenent engaged with this opponent that has this feat
Cavalier Resistence to Mind Affecting Magics SR 25
Cavalier 1st Mounted Combat Once per round, if your mount is hit in combat, you may make a Ride check. If this check is greater than the attack roll, you negate
the hit.
Cavalier 2nd Ride by Attack When doing a charge action on your mount, you may move, attack, and then continue the movement (up to double movement). This
does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Cavalier 3rd Confident Charge When you take a charge action in combat, you may make a number of turns (each max 90 degrees) equal to your DEX modifier.
Cavalier 4th Spirited Charge When attacking using a charge on a mount, you do double damage  (triple with a lance).
Cavalier 5th Improved Mounted Combat Your mount receives a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex saves. You may
make a Ride check to negate a hit on your mount up to your DEX
modifier in times each round.
Cavalier 6th Improved Shield Bash Any shield bash you make with a small or large shield also affects your opponent as if you
performed a bull rush. You do not actually move into your opponent's square or incur
attacks of opportunity. You cannot move your opponent more than 5 feet.
1st Lvl Character Combat Reflexes
You may make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed. You may make up to your DEX bonus in attacks of opportunity per round
(instead of the normal limit of 1), but only one such attack per creature each round.
3rd Lvl Character Combat Instincts If you are not flat-footed when an opponent’s melee attack misses you by more than 5, you may immediately make a free
attack on that opponent. You can do this up to your DEX modifier times per round.
6th Lvl Character Skill Focus: Profession Soldier (Strategy) +4 to skill checks in Profession (Soldier)
9th Lvl Character Battle Commander By taking a full round action and making a profession soldier check (DC = 10+ targets level) for each ally (up to one ally per charisma bonus),
that ally gains a +3 situational bonus to Attack Rolls, Damage, AC, or Initiative.
12th Lvl Character Lead by Example Twice per day, you may perform a skill roll or attack in front of others you wish to follow you. If you succeed, they gain you CHA
modifier as a circumstance bonus to also do that task. If you fail, you lose your CHA bonus for the rest of the day and you may not
use this feat again today or tomorrow.
15th Lvl Character Leadership's Advantage All hechmen on the battlefield who have taken this feat gain any one feat possed by Taran (his choice)
18th Lvl Character Neutralize Enemy (War 46)
As a full round action, you can unleash a set of attacks that force your opponent onto the defensive. Until the next time either you or
your opponent acts, your opponent does not threaten the area around them. Also, you cannot perform any attacks of opportunity.
The opponent cannot be more than one size category larger than you
21st Lvl Character Great Smiting Whenever you make a successful smite attack, add twice the appropriate level to damage (rather than just your level).
24th Lvl Character Battle Cry As a standard action or as part of a move related action, you may make an Intimidate check opposed by their Will save. If you win, the opponent is flat-footed against
your next attack. The opponent gains a +1 on their Will save each additional time you use this feat on them each battle.
24th Lvl Character Chink in the Armour By spending a full round action observing an opponent you can make a Spot Check DC = AC of target. If successful you negate armour bonus for your next attack.
Training in Onwall Power Attack At the beginning of the round, character subtracts X from all attack rolls for the round and adds X to damage (X is any number up to base attack bonus)
Training in Onwall Sunder When you attack an opponent’s weapon, you do not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Training in Onwall Cleave If you deal a creature enough damage to make it drop (typically by dropping it to below 0 hit points or killing it), you get an immediate, extra melee attack against another creature within reach. You cannot take a 5-foot step before making this extra attack.
The extra attack is with the same weapon and at the same bonus as the attack that dropped the previous creature. You can use this ability once per round.
Training in Onwall Great Cleave This feat works like Cleave, except that there is no limit to the number of times you can use it per round.
Gained from Kas  Epic Skill Focus: Profession, Soldier (Strategy) +10 to Profession, Soldier (Strategy) 
Final Battle at Tovag Improved Aura of Courage Your Aura of Courage gives a +8 morale bonus to saving throws verses fear effects.
Final Battle at Tovag Legendary Commander Multiply by 10 the number of henchmen and followers allo5wed as determined by Epic Leadership
Champions of Sophora Epic Reputation +4 Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate
Champions of Sophora Timing with Sophora's Champions +4 timing checks with champions of sophora
Sophora Children's Rhymes +2 Insight Bonus to Religion Checks
War College Training Leap for cover When attacked by a ray, burst, or line attack (not an emination or spread), if there is an object that can provide total cover, you may attempt to leap for cover as a free action once per round.
Requires a successful jump check (without 20ft run) to cover the distance to place yourself behind the object and line of fire. You end up Prone regardless of the success of teh jump check.
Tamaralien Battle
Transcendent Strategy
+5 unnamed bonus on strategy checks
Destroyed Golden Skull Luck +1 (in-2herent) bonus on all saves 
Swords of Power Lucky +1 luck to all rolls
Sword of Justice Swordsight May see all infractions of the law, detect law/chaos, +20 Sense Motive,
Woundhealer Friendship's Link If Rahasia or Sultan remain dead, will die within 1 week.
Woundhealer Love of Taran As long as Rahasia is alive, gain +1 morale bonus to attack and saves
Woundhealer +1 on all rolls around Sultan
Walking Pattern of X-Rays X-Ray Vision - 90ft (10 minutes/day)
1 pnt con damage each minute thereafter
grants +5 competence bonus on spot
Vision range is 20 feet, with the viewer seeing as if he were looking at something
in normal light even if there is no illumination. X-ray vision can penetrate 1 foot of stone,
1 inch of common metal, or up to 3 feet of wood or dirt.
Thicker substances or a thin sheet of lead blocks the vision.

Skill Ranks Gained in Play.

In class skills: 56 to spend (put 15 into intimidate and 15 into spot leaving 26 to spend)

Paladin: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Profession* (Soldier) (Wis), and Sense Motive (Wis).

Ranger Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Profession* (Soldier)(Wis), and Use Rope (Dex). 

Cavalier: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), Profession* (Soldier)(Wis), Survival (Wis), and  Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), 




Skill Points: Ranger 1st lvl: 24+Intx4 + Paladin/Cav 23rd lvl:  46+int*23     = 70+int*27
Max Ranks in an in-class skill = lvl+3 (29)        229
Costs double ranks for cross class skills, max ranks can put into cross class = (lvl/2 +2)
some require specific training.                                                       .
Appraise Int 5 0 +5
Autohypnosis* Wis -
Balance Dex 1 0 +4 -3 armour check penalty
Bluff Cha 17 5 +13 +4 epic reputation,
Climb Str 10 1
+12 -3 armour check penalty
Concentration Con 34 27 7
Craft Int 5 5
Decipher Script* Int - 0
Diplomacy Cha 52 27 13 +4 synergy (sense motive) +4 reputation (2 more bonus skill ranks in yr 20)
+2 synergy (Profession Sociology), +2 half elf
+4 reaction (lineage reputation bonus) with divine beings of celtic and nyrundian/aerdian mythologies
Disable Device* Int - - 5
Disguise Cha - 0 13
Escape Artist Dex 1 0 4 -3 armour check penalty
Forgery Int 5 - +5
Gather Information Cha 16 1 +13 +2 half elf
Handle Animal* Cha 15 2 +13 +2 competence with Pigs, +5 with lions (order of the lion)
Heal Wis 5 2 +3
Hide Dex 1/24 +4 -3 armour check penalty, +20 with desert clothes only
Intimidate Cha 31 25 +13 +4 (Soothra Lineage), +4 epic reputation
Jump Str 9 +12 -3 armour check penalty
Knowledge* (Religion) Int 15 10 +5
Knowledge (Nobility) 10 5 +5
Knowledge (Law) 14 9 +5
Knowledge (Hachdeshani) 13 8 +5
Knowledege* (Planes) Int 7 4 +5 +2 Rift Raft,
Knowledge (Battles)    Int 25   20 +5
Listen Wis 4 1 +3 +1 half elf
Move Silently Dex 4 0 +4 -3 armour check penalty, +15 boots or +20 with desert clothes only
Open Locks* Dex - 0 +4
Perform (Dance) Chr 18 5 +13
Perform (Sex) Chr 18 5 +13
Profession* (Soldier) Wis 55 29 +3 +10 Epic Skill Focus, +4 Skill Focus, +5 Strategy, +4 Synergy (Knowledge Battles)
Profession (Pig Farmer) Wis 6 3 +3
Profession (Dungeoneer) Wis 7 4 +3
Profession (Sociology) Wis 8 5 +3
Ride Dex 38 29 +4 +5 with lions (order of the lion)
Search Int 6 +5 +1 half elf
Sense Motive Wis 54 27 +3 +20 from swordsight, +2 synergy (Profession Sociology),+2 (Soothra Lineage)
Sleight a Hand* Dex 1 0
+4 -3 armour check penalty
Spellcraft* Int 6 1
Spot Wis 33/29 29 +3 +1 half elf, -4 with helm, +10 with x-ray vision (90ft)
Survival Desert Wis 17 10 +3 +4 to survive in desert (in desert clothes)
Swim Str 14 2 +12
Tumble* Dex 1
+4 -3 armour check penalty
Use Magic Device* Cha - - +13
Use Psionic Device* Cha - - +13
Use Rope Dex 5 1
Leadership Score Cha 54 26 lvls +13 +10 soothra, +5 ring
An armor check penalty number is the penalty that applies to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, and Tumble checks.
Double the normal armor check penalty is applied to Swim checks. A character’s encumbrance (the amount of gear carried, including armor) may also apply an armor check penalty.

Equipment Worn

Left Side   Weight Center Weight Right Side  Weight
25 lbs +3 Kank Platemail (+11 Armour bonus, armour check penalty -2, max dex bonus 4)
     Resistence 30 dehydration damage. Armour takes damage from water.
+5 Heavy Shield (+7 Shield bonus, immune to Khalacks breath, DR 10/- vs one creature) 
   armour check penalty -1, if attack with shield it counts as light weapon with two weapon fighting
   (-2 on all attacks that round), dont lose armour bonus, does 1d6 bludgeoning , no bonus to hit/damage
   grants +5 on shieldbash bullrull attempts, if opponent bashed against a wall, he becomes flanked.
Boots of the Hunt. Leaves no tracks, undetectable by scent.  +15 enhancement bonus on Move Silently
if prey is successfully tracked, may follow through teleports, portals, and any other transport magics.
4 Vials of White Energy (adds 10d8 temporary hit points which last 10 minutes)
2 Vials of Heavenly Holy Water. Does 10d8 to Undead or outsiders, if sprinkled does prot vs evil 10ft (immobile)
   or prot vs evil (personal) for up to 3 people.
2 vials of Powerful Acid (does 10d8 acid damage, DC 30 Fort save for half, lasts 3 rounds. Dispells Iron Body Spell)
Picture Bible +5 on religion checks if consulted (1 minute)
Potions of Explosion x 10 (8d6 each, DC 20 Reflex save for half)
6 Potions of Resist Fire (120 hps of fire damage until consumed)
4 Potions of Superior Flight - imbiber grows wings and can fly at 70' with hover & flyby ability
Babylonian Utility Belt (made by Sultan)  May carry up to 25 potions. 4 are stored on belt, 6 stored reduced on belt,
10 stored extradimensionally and 5 summoned from Hookhill temple. Desired potion is always first one grabbed
Grants quick draw feat for potions. Imbibing still incures an attack of oppprtunity. Belt also has 2 pounches which shrink any non living things placed inside (stores up to 100 lbs each). Has a nylon rope with clasp that extends up to 80ft out front or back. (10 ropes). Belt holds one Erdlu egg canteen. Has 2 gate crystals that may be removed.
Belt and its contents save at +4
Lion Cloak +4 to diplomacy. +4 deflection bonus to reflex saves.
Projection Clothes - 1/day may create a projection of self within 60ft. As a full round action the character may attck through the double as if he were in the double's location. The double takes no damage from magic, psionic,s or supernatural effects and has half the bearers current hit points. If brought to 0 Hps it is dispelled. It may be dispelled as if cast by a 16th level caster and a disintegrate destroys the spell. The double is inactive if the wearer loses visual sight of it. Senses, detects etc do not work through the double nor does blindfighting.
Desertwear - +4 survival checks to survive in desert, +20 enhancement bonus to Move silently and Hide in Shadows if worn without armour. Remove fatigue 1/day.
Decorative shirt of flying 1/day. As per spell cast at 6th level.
Logrus Spear - when thrown, turns into 2d6 +4 spears that all attack the same target. If more than 4 hit, target is entangled and cannot break free without an escape artist or strength check of 10+3 for each spear. returns to 1 spear after 2d4 rounds and then attacks a random target (same BAB as original attack). This continues until one spear is grasped and the command word "superposition invictus" and they return to one.
Rod of Dominion (Sequence 1: Acts as rod of security, always brings to the same ancient throne room, anythign left in the room when the effect ends is lost. Sequence 2: Wall of Impregnability (30 10ft squares)
Sequence 3: 60ft diameter hemisphere  Sequence 4 30ft Diameter hemisphere Sequence 5: 20ft diameter sphere
Sequence 6: Arcane Locks appear on all doors, windows, and portals. Add +20 to break doors and bearer gets will save against knock spells. All attempts to resist or break free of an entablgement are at -5. Lasts 10 minutes. Doors do not automatically open for bearer. Sequence 7: Shut off Sequence 8: +5 Grappling hook.
Sword from the Pattern of X-rays. When activated, glows with yellowish green light giving all creatures x ray vision as per ring. does 1 const damage/min after 10 minutes. When active sword has no to hit and damge binus but bypasses all armour and natural armour bonuses and may pass through non living material as if it isnt there. 25% chance to activate when activating your own x-ray vision.
Conquest. Bastard Sword. +6 to hit +6 Damage. Bane against denizens of the Sea of Dust (+2d6 subdual damage)  1/day Beholder's Anti Magic: All magic items and spells including artifacts are shut down within 30ft. Psionics are not affected. Damage done is half leathal and half non leathal damage. Creature hit also loses a like amount of psionic points. Creatures who do not take non leathal damage instead take full damage as leathal (except bane damage).  All creatures who have lost 90% or more of their hit points to the blademust make a will save vs the beareres leadership score or become conquered. Conquered individuals will recognize the bearer as their suzrein and act as if under a charm person spell. The charm lapses if they are not surrounded by an equal number of true followers for more than a week.
Conquest is a psionic, intelligent Holy Sword with the following abilities usuable at its own will.
Conquest has 200 points to use per day. May increase DC by 1 for every 2 additinal points. [max +10]
Psionic Command, Greater. Conquest will only use on soldiers/warrior of lower level than you. Will Save DC 21
Telekinetic Force or telekinetic Thrusts. [10 points +1 point per 25 lbs above 250. DC 20 will save]
Reveal Past Life. Will Save DC 19 or see past life. Dazed for 1 round. various effects. 1 random skill becomes in class skill and recieves +2 competence bonus. [Costs 15 points]
Ego Whip (1d4 chr damage, Will save DC 25 for half, failure also means dazed) Cost 5 per attack
Mind Link (as telepthay, same plane only, may make multiple contacts) Cost 1 point/contact, lasts 200 minutes
The sword can convert any clerical miracles cast by bearer to psionic energy at a cost of 15 psi points per spell level when it is used as a divine focus. 
Conquest may speak nyrundian, elvish, and hachdeshani and it may fly and hover as a move action.
Gloves of damascus +8 enhancement bonus to strength, additional +2 to hit and damage with thrown weapons. disarm attempts at -4. Wearing the gloves does however have a significant drain on the wearer. after a battle with more than 3 rounds or melee combat (or heavy exertion), bearer becomes fatigued.
Total Weight: 25.90

Ring of the Shieldlands (Epic): +6 Enhancement Bonus to Charisma, +5 Leadership, Doubles number of henchmen & followers. 

Andropanese Ring (Epic): +1 Level. +6 Constitution, Stores up to 4 Epic Spells: Verdigris Tsunami x2, Superb Dispelling, Call Dire Charge (Dire charge for all creatures in 60ft). 

Rose Elfstones (Charisma) +3 insight to charisma

Kerinth Blackhelm, Grants Fast heal 2. Anti magic shell in 60ft (3/day), -4 spot

Sword Sight: (At will, free action). +20 Sense Motive, May see transgressions of law, guilty actions. Not stopped by detection protections. Only Stilleto Jim immune. 

Spell List 

Spell Level Base Spells per day Spells per day
(add wisdom bonus to base)
Cast at 24rd level
DC 21+Spell Level ........................................................................................................
Ishtar Spell List

Paladin Spells
0 Level Spells: 6
1st Level Spells: 4 PF Evil (+2 deflection to saves, AC), Speak with Lions,
2nd Level Spells: 4 Shield Other (75ft range, you take half the others damage), Lesser restoration? Ishtars Teaching of battle (+5 to combat related skill like timing, strategy, etc),
Measure of the Warrior (learn combat feats of opponent)
3rd Level Spells: 4 Heal Mount, Gift of Combat (gives one combat feat)
4th Level Spells: 2 Prisoner of War?, Death ward (immune to neg energy)? Neut Poison?, Cure crit (4d8+10)?
Items of Note:
Lion/mount: +8 HD, +10 nat armour, +4 str adj Int 9. spell resistence 5+23=28
+10 speed, uses your base save or its (whichever better), share spells (affected by spells you cast on yourself), Improved evasion (save for half or no damage), empathic link, comman other lions.
saddle which allows lion to shapechange into any other type of mount. (gift of sultan) treated as a magical beast
: base attack bonus = cleric of mounts hd. gets fighter fort and reflex saves
8 more skill points, 3 feats

cleaving charge, imrpoved critical? improved damage? or dodge mobility & spring attack





Potions & Limited-use Items




Scrolls and Bibles


Total: 168699 gp 19 sp including cash in belt #3 3300 gp in gems (6)


Taran and Rahasia’s Room Items


Things of Note:


Things People have promised me:


Rahasia’s Obligations and Plans


best sex: perform sex +40 (16 ranks, +10 chr, +4 skill focus, + 5 talent, +5 curcumstance)
+5 ad hock bonus for each Orgasmic vibrations affectng target; see below

Sustaining sex:  con based check. 


Length of time DC
20 minutes 10
30 minutes 12
40 minutes 14
50 minutes 16
1 hour 18
2 hours 25
3 hours 30
each additonal hour +5


+2 for having 5 or more ranks in perform sex, +4 for 20 ranks

+2 bonus for having a partner with 5 or more ranks in perform sex

+4 with endurance feat



Base Character Information

Bonus Skill Ranks:

Profession Soldier +5 Conquest of Chathold, +5 Tovag Baragu, +5 War in Desert 

Diplomacy  +3 Sultan +2 Selid-Din City negotiations

Religion +5 Rahasia's training

Sense Motive +20 bonus given by swordsight