Thieves cant (common) ((slang, based in rhenee))

shnickers - poisons
raps - gems
tinkertoys - magical items
pops - potions
dyke - ship or shipcaptain for trading illicit goods
arena - non-guild/safe area for pickpocketing
tall pole -  non-guild/safe area for pickpocketing
fodder - money, to pay money (verb)
quips- forged notes
carps - papers, documents
shandygaff - shann & illicit drugs
symbol slickers - city guard/militia/police
pod wringers, eatniks - local theives guild members
dead wrights - assasins
wrappers -lowly theives
sprayed - heavily guarded
painted - guarded with clergy or mages
rickets - traps
ricketeer - person who sets alot of traps
getting nipped - getting conned
nipper, nipster, nip-napper - con artist
tats - weapons
the gordy - high district
deep in the greev - poor, broke
the head - local guild headquarters or contact
the well - largest inn near center of town
tart - small building
flags - holy symbols
stivy - servant
nar - big score
the coot - well planned out
rip - loan
crown - gold piece
royals - platinums
nail - 10gp
bone - 100gp
skull - 1000gp
braken - double
fricken - tripple
a yard - 1 weeks
long yard - 1 month
caught a cold - arrested
sniffles - dead
singing the long song - in hiding from the law or other criminals
wrap - fence
wrapping paper - documents for fenced goods
scat - information
shan- an illicit drug
chainslave - magic user

youll catch a cold if you dont have carps for your tats
im deep in the grieve and need to find the tall poll, dont want no symbol slickers or pod wringers around.
youll need to go to the gordy to get carps for your tats or  fodder for some quips with the pod-wringers at the head.
the head is in a tart by the well, youll see some flags over the door, just tell him the nar is in the coot and hell rip you a bone.
we have 3 well quipped tats for a bone