Activate Holodeck Program: Mandragoran Library on Kyussworld


Spellcraft DC: 78

Components: V, S, M (Ring of Gaxx)

Casting Time: 1 Full Round Action or 1 Std Action and 2 Quick Actions (Mandrakes choice)

Range: 0ft.

Area: Personal Only

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: Yes


Mandrake grasps his Ring of Gaxx in one hand and spins with the other…drawing deep from the magic of Five and the Ring in a unique and powerful way. As Mandrake spins the Ring and invokes the sorcerer words, he is surrounded by raw forcefield and then beams of light begin to bore around his outline leaving nothing behind but light. When the flash clears, Mandrake is still standing there but seems different…as time has passed for Mandrake but no one else.




As the Ring spins…the following occurs and all virtually instantly. They actually go off in this order if that would make a difference but no interrupts or powers can be used between the ring powers activating.


Mandrake then enters a round where he is within his memories of KyussWorld. This is NOT a subject to the locking down of transportation magics but any time travel prohibitions will affect this as well (due to the time dilation componnmet). In effect, Mandrake is returning to KyussWorld during his transition back to the normal time stream. He is basically drawing upon his memories as well as his physical time and space travcel to leverage 1 second of real time to virtually days and weeks of Kyusstime. This is expensive (radiation, ring and exp costs) but effective.


While in the KyussWorld, other than the effects from the Ring above, he may also do ONE of the following:


Mandrake may take NO SENTIENT BEINGS with him on this trip including his familiar. However, to his familiar and all others it is instantaneous. Any expenses 

-------- development on kyussworld:

as part of the initial research for creafting the spell mandrake attempted the following

use the holodeck function of the ring to create "The Arch". the holodeck program for the arch specifies an interface for the ring of gaxx. the command will be:

create a 4x7x2 ft archway that is configured to act as a computer interface for the ring of gaxx functions.  the arch has a display screen where the Computer verbal response from the "computer" function of the ring is also displayed as text. from time to time when mandrake is taking notes he will cast a permanent illusion on a piece of paper to do "screen captures" so he can keep notes.  the Arch also has a touchscreen keyboard that allows manual input for the design of other holoprograms and activation of ring powers. it is through this arch that mandrake will use his computer programming skills to put in the specifications of the mandragoran library and alchemical and magical laboratory at Firestorm Peak. While all of the books, tomes, apparatus are in fact holodeck illusions, the omniscience function of the ring (level 1 deity) will be used to put the irrect information in the books etc. Beakers, while still made of holodeck matter will be able to hold real liquids which then can be boiled etc. distillation apparatus etc should function normally - but the raw materials for the potion/item will have to be made from real components if it is to leave the holodeck. mandrake will cast Polymorph any object to create non magical components - using clothing made from hemp or cotton to create plant matter and clothing made of hide, leather, or animal skin to create animal matter. if the amount of material is kept roughly similar then staying within the same kingom, not creating something more intelligent, etc lead to a permanent duration. for example, if the feather of a hawk is needed, since it is an animal using a poly any object on animal matter should give me a hawk whos feather i could then pluck. 

in this way, mandrake can access the libraries etc for study. mandrake's epic spell listed above is a culmination of joining those efforts with the five magics, that, once he leaves kyussworld, allow for the massive time dilation employed in the spell (invoking kyussworld timestream) so that when the holodeck fires the program it is of the library on kyussworld which becomes so real its in the kyussworld timestream. use of the library on actuall kyuss world doesnt involve time dialation so its easier and would likely draw  much few experience points if any to cast. hit point drain due to radiation however will likely accruss over time at a rate of about 1 hp per 11 days. 

magic item:

spella to create : imaginize landscape., imaginize object, imaginize creature 6120 xp to dev a 7th lvl spell???


gloves of mandrake:

still any spell 3/day ( Craft Rod, Silent Spell; Price 3,000 gp (lesser), 11,000 gp (normal), 24,500 gp (greater) / 50 = 490 xp.

1 mage hand serving each glove - 200xp

bigby's feeling fingers 3/day - 400 xp

dramijis instant summons or returnment on any object worn by bearer -- gloves of
 - free action to use but only on my turn -- gloves of storing do essentially the same thing except 1 object, they are 10,000gp or 500 xp to create, for additional items  up to 1000xp

bearer may negate the damage caused by an electric current spell (ie you can use the spell to communicate touch yet not cause damage) -- adding metamagic to spell ie rod 490 xp for 3/day

when casting electric current spell - may target another energy source within range and use it to power thaumaturgy (i.e. if he is standing 50ft from a volcanoe he could cast electric current at the lava establishing "touch" and draw on the energy to power thaumaturgy. 500

total to make: 3080

small "newspaper" with permanent illusion showing pictures of mandrakes battles and telling storyline. describes mandrakes battle with the zorathians - use of white gold in casting spells, destruction of the disjunction spell, defeating Father lymic, putting the leviathan back to rest, fighting kyuss and tollstaff. details how he is joining the black robes. = the newspapers are part newspaper, part comic. make enough of these to distribute around melderyn (create simulacrums to act as newspaper factory). xp cost: 1900 xp per simulacrum

          headband of concentration - add +1 per hit die (or level) to concentration and spellcraft checks for 3 rounds once per day (+39 in mandrakes hands) - possibly a limited use item?? will canabalize the psionic circlet of dual psionics for parts! xp???

to deal with suprrise engulf attack from kyuss - thoughtcast (interupt) telekenesis - 85-240 ft up in the air and then engage boots of flying during the fall.

or Forcescreen

cloak of displacement greater Craft Wondrous Item, Extend Spell, displacement; Price 50,000 gp;Weight 1 lb - 1000xp ; extra greater?? 2000 xp?