Summon Logrus

Necromancy (Death, Evil), Illusion (Figment)

Spellcraft DC: 35 +1 adds additional d6 damage and +1 DC save (and backlash)
    +5 DC for Black Tentacle effect
Components: V, S, D, F
Casting Time: 1 full round action
Range: 35 ft.
Area: 60ft radius for effects, 30ft radius for damage
Duration: 2d4 rounds
Saving Throw: DC 25 reflex save for half, +1 DC for each additional spellcraft DC/d6
Spell Resistance: Yes
10d6 backlash + 1 d6 backlash for each additional spellcraft DC
To Develop: Seeds: unknown to characters

Casting this spell is a full action. The caster can cast the spell at its minimum spellcraft DC of 35 or choose to summon a more powerful manifestation of the logrus by attempting a higher DC. Regardless, there is 10d6 backlash damage (+1d6 per additional spellcraft DC added). When cast successfully, the spell summons a spinning, whirling, tentical-ridden manifestation of chaos which occupies a 60ft burst radius from a point of origin 35ft from the caster. In this area, there is an aura of unluck which causes all creatures to roll twice for saving throws, attacks, skill checks and caster level checks and use the worst die roll. Any spells or spell like abilities used in the area have a 25% chance of instead acting as if activating a rod of wonder. at the central point and attack the closest creatures, attempting to grapple them and Within a 30ft radius of the focal point, creatures take 15d6 of energy damage each round (+1d6 for each additional increase in initial spellcraft DC) and may make a reflex save for half (DC 25 +1 per additional spellcraft DC). To determine the type of energy damage, roll 1d4 each round (1- fire, 2-  cold,  3- acid,  or 4-electricty). For an additional 5 in initial spellcraft DC, Black Tentacles (qv 4th lvl spell) as if cast by the caster will appear hold them within the damaging area this effect adds 5d6 in backlash damage.

            The center of the effect moves 20ft each round in a random direction. Roll 1d4 1)forward (away from caster), 2) towards caster, 3) to the left, or 4) to the right. Each round it continues to do so until the spell ends. When the Logrus first comes into existence the caster may make a spellcraft check at +5 the DC to cast the spell in order to control the Logrus. If the caster is in control of the logrus he must maintain concentration and is immune to its effects. Furthermore he may specify which creatures are unaffected by the spell, and as a standard action, may direct the movement of the central point. If he fails, or loses concentration, he can be affected by all aspects of the spell. Each round the logrus exists outside of that casters control, it is harder to gain control of (+5 DC). If two logrus mages wrestle for control of a logrus, they must make a contest of will saves. The higher gains control and a +5 for each round its in his control against further attempts. A tie roll indicates that the logrus has escaped control by either mage.

Walking the Logrus

Creatures that have been touched by Chaos (Chaotic Type) may attempt to negotiate the shifting spacial distortions, ever changing planar paths, and chaotic magical manifestations of a Logrus that they encounter.  To do so can be perilous. The path of the logrus constantly shifts and the exact length and difficulty is completely random. It takes 2d4 rounds to walk and requires one check each round and it is a full round action to do so. Each check is either a will save, reflex save, fortitude save, or skill check (see table below). The difficulty level of any check is randomly determined (2d20). Each round that the creature walks the Logrus, they suffer the effects of a Break Enchantment spell which also affects abjuration spells and is cast at 2d20 level of caster (roll each round). While they are walking the Logrus, the character may be seen and heard but they are treated as being on another plane. They are unaffected by any other logrus effects.


D20/ Type of check / Effect if failed(roll d4)

 1-6) will save               Confusion, Maze, Feeblemind, or Insanity

 7-12) reflex save         3d8 electrical, acid, fire damage or thrown out of logrus (2d20 ft)

13-14) fortitude save    Turned into mouse, elephant, rhino, or stone (as B Polymorph or Flesh to Stone

15-17) Spellcraft check            Misunderstanding, -4 on next check of another type

18) Concentration         Confused (d3 rnds): each rnd move back(+2 rnds), forward or 3-4 stand still(+1 rnd)

19) Balance Check       Fall: out of logrus, into random plane,  ontolonger path (+d4 rounds),

20) Jump check            delayed one round, fall out of logrus, random plane, or make ref save(&+1rnd)


If the character successfully negotiates the logrus, they are effectively on another plane. Others outside the logrus may see and hear character at his discretion. He gains a +4 on any checks to take control of the logrus and it acts as if initially cast for purposes of control. Lastly, the mage may leave the Logrus which acts as a  Plane Shift & Greater Teleport to another locale.