Epic Scry

Epic Usage of the Five Magics
Spellcraft DC: 65+
Components: V, S, M, Thaumaturgy, Alchemy, Sorcery, Wizardry, and Magic
Casting Time: one standard action to up to 10 minutes
Range: See text
Target: Searching for 
Duration: 20 minutes (D)
Saving Throw:  Will detects (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: equivalent to dispel seed (DC 19).
+46 to DC (add 46 to dispell check, base 10); gets equal to scry skill check
+10 ad-hoc scrying, +2 to alter spell at casting (+1 dispel per +1 addtl DC over 65)
+2 to incrementaly increase dispel effect (uses up a minute  each time)
Mitigating factor:
-2 to dc for possibility of being fatigued or exhausted
-6 for potion requiremnt (alchemical eyedrops made for this spell, 300xp for 10 uses)
-4 for magic eye cusps (magical Focus for spell) 500xp to make (not consumed)
-2 requires fire source & wizardy level (fire permeates all)
may increase casting time by up to 9 minutes (+2 to dispel, +2 DC per minute)

The spell enhances the Fifth Magic Sorcerer's Charm of Sights (clairvoyance, clairaudience) by allowing him to Scry and penetrate protections that may block him. To get over a barrier requires a contest of  Scry Skill against 11+ caster level of the inhibiting effect. The DM may adjucate difficulty for other effects, for example, planar effects usually are on order of caster level of the power than controls that area if they are directly involved.Each additional minute of casting (max 10 minutes) the scry check is enhanced by +2 (to a maximum of +20 after 10 minutes of casting). A successful roll must be made once against each inhibiting effect to be successful but each minute a new roll is allowed if the last one failed.  The sensor can be moved once each round. [Mandrake has +55 normally+2 for each additional minute of casting beyond one.]

See use of Scry to locate objects, people, or locations.

To cast: must use Thaumaturgy such that must make Fort Save DC 20 or be fatigued. Requires fire source (fire permeates all), a Focus (magical eye cusps), and one use of alchemical eye drops.

The Archmagist must have at his disposal specially prepared alchemical eyedrops made for this spell (300xp cost for 10 uses, uses the random factors to allow the five powers to work through the eyes) or water that has been in contact with a crystal ball (attributes without mirror the powers within), specially prepared magical eye cusps made specifically for this spell (500xp, perfection is eternal so component not consumed), with the fingers wet from placing the drops in the eyes, thaumaturgy links the law of fire permeates all to his sorcery, draws on power from a flame (any flame in 30ft is needed, effort can leave fatigued Fort Save DC 20) 


"Any creature, object, or spell is potentially subject to the dispel seed, even the spells of gods and the abilities of artifacts" 

----(from dispell seed).

May place -1 on scry check to add -1 on will save to detect scrying to "sneak"  (see Scry skill)

Overcoming barriers may alert the target (will save DC of 10th lvl spell (35 for Mand) or contest of scry skills if they have scry skill).

Relevant Dispell Seed Info:

Uses the Dispell Seed to dispell any powers or effects that would inhibit scrying.

The dispel seed can defeat all spells, even those not normally subject to dispel magic. The dispel seed can dispel (but not counter) the ongoing effects of supernatural abilities as well as spells, and it affects spell-like effects just as it affects spells.

The caster makes a dispel check against each ongoing spell currently in effect on the object, creature, or area blocking the scry.  If targeting an object or creature that is the effect of an ongoing spell, make a dispel check to end the spell that affects the object or creature. If the object targeted is a magic item, make a dispel check against the item’s caster level. If succeessful, the item’s magical properties that block scrying are suppressed until scrying is over after which the item recovers on its own.  A magic item’s physical properties are unchanged. Any creature, object, or spell is potentially subject to the dispel seed, even the spells of gods and the abilities of artifacts. A character automatically succeeds on the dispel check against any spell that he or she cast him or her self.

How numbers were determined (scry skill and  dispell check numbers were equivalent)

The caster may pierce non-magical barriers and the caster gains a Dispell Check against any ongoing spell, spell-like effect, magic item, or magical property that would block the scry. The effect is not dispelled, only supressed for the duration of the scry and for the purposes of the scry only. 

The Dispell check arrived at with the appropriate DC with the dispell seed is at +56 against a dc of 11 + target effects caster level. At the time of casting, the caster of this spell may increase the dispel check by +1 for each additional +1 added to this spells DC of 65. The caster does not have to put the full force behind the dispelling effect and may incrementally change the effect (uses up 1 minute of viewing time each time dispel check is changed) Casting may take from 1 to 10 minutes. For each minute beyond the first in casting, dispell checks are also at +2 (to a max of +18).

i.e. After 10 minutes of scrying, dispel effect at +74 vs 11+caster level. Must still make scry checks to locate.
Thats equivalent to Mandrake's scry skill +20 which is what we had it before)