Aes Sedai Spells

0-Level Spells (Orisons)

1st-Level Spells (6 known) x 10

2nd-Level Spells (5 known) x 10

3rd-Level Spells (5 known) x 9

4th-Level Spells (4 known) x 9

5th-Level Spells (4 known) x 8 

6th-Level Spells (3 known) x 8

7th-Level Spells (3 known) x 7

9th-Level Spells (2 known) x 5

     Letters of Dispatch
     Destiny Interupt to Cast. As Wish but may only be used to simulate 1-8 prophecy spells. May be used to ask questions with a short answer about future. If person is warded, acts caster ten levels higher to overcome protection. Dictate success on single save, attack or battle related skill check

Spells cast every 2 weeks
Saving Omen 6 on Loric, Berek, & Lyra (remains down the spell)

Spells cast just before dawn:
Awareness (Spiritual Warrior, lasts 22 hrs)
Sturdyness (Spiritual Warrior, lasts 22 hrs)
Forsee Cross (can see 18 hrs)
Death Watch 4th (on Berek, Lyra)
Shield Other 2nd - lasts 18 hrs (on berek, baby)

3 hrs warning
Saving Omen2 (on other)
Battle omen 4 (on other) +5 insight bonus to attack and dam

1 minute warning
Jump (on self)
Battle Precognitions
Barkskin, cats reflexes

with 3 spells a round can aid another fighter by casting true strike (must be a legion of gold member) 3 times in a round!
channel 1 so it repeats itself next round (+4 lvls) DC 20
Sunburst from sword DC 48
Silence from sword DC will 45)