Aes Sedai Spells
Spells (6 known) x 10
- Forsee
Cross: 1 Minute to cast. See if an encounter will happen
within the next 1 hr/lvl.
- Forsee
Event: 1 minute to cast. Find out exactly when a specific
event will happen. (must be reasonably sure it will)
- Destony Contours 1:
This is a lightning insight a prophet has on one aspect of combat and
probabilities. Must make Fate sight check dc20 and if successful may
see "grooves of likelihood" for one weapon to strike one target. Thus,
may learn one type of AC (touch, flat foot or normal and normal with
shield) of target for one specified weapon. AC can vary by weapon or
user and thus this must be specified.
- Jump:
Subject gets bonus on Jump
- True
+20 insight bonus on next attack
roll. Not affected by concealment miss chance.
- Bend
Fate M:
Close range, target recieves +3 luck bonus on one roll
Spells (5 known) x 10
- Cure
Moderate Wounds:
Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10).
- Fatesay
II: Will identify if a person or creature has died within
1 mile/lvl.
- Saving
Omen: Target receives +15 luck bonus on next save.
- Shield
Other F:
Close range (70ft). 1 Hr/lvl. You take half of subject’s damage.
target gains +1 deflct bonus on AC
- Moment:
Medium range. Target recieves +4 insight bonus to one roll.
Spells (5 known) x 9
- Forced
Vision: Costs 1d6 wisdom, Channeling DC 20 to force.
- Dispel
Spirit Magic:
Cancels necromantic spells and magical effects, as per dispell magic
except can reverse certain death effects.
- Power
Cut: Negate one spell, magical effect, or ability. Level
of caster severed equals d20 +1/lvl caster (max +10)
- Death's
Prevents a creature who has reached 0 to -10 hp
from falling below that point for the duration of the spell.
- Speak with Plants
Speak with plants
Spells (4 known) x 9
- Forewarning
4 ("Death Watch"): Gain an immediate standard and move
action if subject is about to die.
- Destiny Contours 4:
Interupt to cast. Prophet names any type of attack (magical or
physical) and determines probability of success. Does not know how this
is calculated...just gets the Dms assessment of success.
- Battle
Omen: Target gains +1/3 lvls (max +5) insight bonus to
attack, damage, and saves for 1 known battle
- Destiny Contours 3b:
(Third level spell). When attacked by powers/feats with variables such
as Power Attck, Combat Expertise, etc the prophet may invoke this lore
and the first round of attacks all feat variables are set to the most
beneficial to the prophet. Fun fact...the first use of this spell
against a opponent does not allow save or SR as it is considered a
prophet on the prophet. A second casting allows for both a SR and will
save by opponent. So, a Power Attack might be set to max instead of 5
as the opponent desired and thus all shots miss.
Spells (4 known) x 8
Spells (3 known) x 8
- Heal:
Cures 10 points/level of damage, all diseases
and mental conditions.
- Saving
Omen 6: Avoid one attack that would otherwise result in
death, maiming or incapacitation.
- Mettled Chain
(As chain lighting except touch range only (any metal weapon) and
initial save is a fortitude save not reflex.
Spells (3 known) x 7
- Desiny Contours VII Interupt to cast. Add
up to +10 to any combat roll of the caster only. May also use to add
+4 to the DC of any combat related spell as a luck enhancement.
- True Sight - The pattern
reveals as True Sight.
Spells (3 known) x 7
- Sunburst As Sunburst
- Desiny Contours VIII
Interupt to cast. -May add the words "after the roll" to any
power used in sight. Thus, someone swings and misses target...then
casts Destiny as interrupt changing the spell True Strike to include
"after the roll" and then casts True Strike. Any spell or power that
impacts combat rolls, saves and combat skills and checks. Used when
something is failed and have some spell, power or ability that, had you
consumed it prior, would have allowed you to make the check
Spells (2 known) x 5
Letters of Dispatch
Interupt to Cast. As Wish but may only be used to simulate 1-8 prophecy
spells. May be used to ask questions with a short answer about future.
If person is warded, acts caster ten levels higher to overcome
protection. Dictate success on single save, attack or battle related
skill check
Spells cast every 2 weeks
Saving Omen 6 on Loric, Berek, & Lyra (remains down the spell)
Spells cast just before dawn:
Awareness (Spiritual Warrior, lasts 22 hrs)
Sturdyness (Spiritual Warrior, lasts 22 hrs)
Forsee Cross (can see 18 hrs)
Death Watch 4th (on Berek, Lyra)
Shield Other 2nd - lasts 18 hrs (on berek, baby)
3 hrs warning
Saving Omen2 (on other)
Battle omen 4 (on other) +5 insight bonus to attack and dam
1 minute warning
Jump (on self)
Battle Precognitions
Barkskin, cats reflexes
with 3 spells a round can aid another fighter by casting true strike
(must be a legion of gold member) 3 times in a round!
channel 1 so it repeats itself next round (+4 lvls) DC 20
Sunburst from sword DC 48
Silence from sword DC will 45)