Old Lord Spells 

Lorocus has developed in his studies beyond the normal bounds of Lord lore. He has found several spells reminiscent of the Lords of the time of Kevin Landwaster. These insights allow his lore to have special affects. The following lists all additional affects these spells have as well as normal spell effects.

Spell Lists by Level

1st - Grand Ceremony           Animal Adoration           Forsee Weather             Bestow Healthsense

        Blessings of the GD      Cleanse Sea                  Entangle                       Rocklight

        Detect Magic                Mosquito Swarm

 2nd  - Slag Metal                    Create Lake                   Locate Druid                 Wind Bolt

        Worlds Breath               Summon Hurtloam         Cure Lt wounds (Bonus)

3rd  - Plant Growth                 Stone Shape                 Know Alignment            Eradicate Poison

        Gilden Tree                   Krill Sharpness             

 4th   - Rockhard                      Dispel Magic                 Animate Tree                 Lordsfire Shield

 5th  - Earth’s Attack                Gratitude of the GD       Aura of the Grand Druid

 6th - Major Globe of Invulnerability                 Light of Krill

7th – Druidsbane Maxima Diabolic Ex


The player must satisfy the following criteria:




Animate Treant


Spellcraft DC: 40

Casting Time: 1 hour

Components: V,S,M, XP

Range: Short

Area: 1 Treant

Duration: Permanent or 4 Turns/lvl (D)

Saving Throw: No

Spell Resistance: None

To Develop: 1st ed conversion


Able to animate any tree into a treant ( HD 12  HP 92  Attk 2 D 4-24  MV 12”) who will follow telepathic commands of caster. Treant can animate 2 more non-intelligent treants just like him under his control as desired. XP Cost 1,000 if permanent


Animal Adoration

Enchantment - 1st lvl

Spellcraft DC: 30

Components: V,S,M        Casting Time: 1 full rd

Range: Close                    Area: 1 Creature

Duration: Permanent         Saving Throw: Will Neg

Spell Resistance: No         To Develop: 1st ed conversion

The saving thro DC for this is determined by the casters Handle Animal Check during casting. Will add +2 TH/Damage to defend caster, creature become Fanatic reaction permanently, Gains immunity to mind control and acts as Animal Friendship.





Aura of the Grand Druid

Abjuration - 5th lvl        Spellcraft: 60
Range: 0lvl.                 AOE: personal            Duration: 1 hour / lvl.

The sheer power and importance of the station of the GD is highlighted by this potent spell. All types of creatures noted below who are aware of the GD (no matter what method of awareness whether line of sight, sound, smell tremorsense, ect) are aware they are in the presence of the GD. The effects vary based on who the person who perceives the GD is. All natural animals, living beings, all elementals and earthpower sensing creatures (healthsense) can detect the aura.

It grants the following





Bestow Healthsense

Abjuration - 1st lvl            Spellcraft: 30

Components: V,S,M        Casting Time: 1 minute

Range: Close                    Area: 1 person/4lvls

Duration: 4 min/lvl                Saving Throw: Neg

Spell Resistance: Yes        To Develop: 1st ed conversion

Grants Healthsense to those touched. Any druid gains 5000xp. Acts as Detect of Earthpower, Druid Magic, Positive/Negative energy, Netherworldly Influences and Beings. 5% per level of recipient to ID plane.


Blessings of the Grand Druid

Abjuration - 1st lvl            Spellcraft: 30

Casting Time: 1 full rd        Components: V,S,M

Range: Short                Area: 1 person/4lvls

Duration: Permanent (until used)        Saving Throw: Will Neg

Spell Resistance: Yes

To Develop: 1st ed conversion

 Allows recient to receive one of the following (caster choice):

·         +5 bonus on any save/roll/non prof check after roll once

·         +3 bonus on any save/roll/non prof check before roll three

Only one blessing at any time. If added to God check, Gods may respond but look to grand Druid to then owe them a favor.


Cleanse Sea

Evocation - 1st lvl        Spellcraft: 35

Casting Time: 1 action        Components: V,S,M

Range: Long                        Area: Small Sea

Duration: Permanent            Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: None

To Develop: 1st ed conversion

Completely cleanse water. Will return water to pristine natural state. Cannot be dispelled. Water Elementals must save or be charmed. Water Weirds are converted to Lawful Good.




Create Lake

Abjuration - 1st        Spellcraft: ??

Casting Time: 10 minutes        Components:

Range: Short                            Area: Min 4cubic feet/level

Duration: Permanent                Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: none            To Develop: 1st ed conversion

Creates a natural spring quickly forming a pond or lake ( Luck %). Min of 4 cubic feet water/level. May be cast in desert and is NOT dispellable as it becomes a natural phenomena immedaitely.




Cure Light Wounds – Old Lord

Abjuration        Spellcraft DC: 27

Casting Time: 1 action            Components: V,S,M

Range: Short                            Area: 1 person/level

Duration: Permanent                Saving Throw: Neg

Spell Resistance: Yes

To Develop: 1st ed conversion

This lore is a gift from Diancecht, the healing God. It allows the spell to work on I different person per level of caster with no maximum for caster level. It will also cure Frost Bite/Cold damage at a x4 rate.


Dispel Magic


Casting Time: 1 action

Components: V,S,M

Range: Long

Area: 30x30

Duration: Instant

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: No

To Develop: 1st ed conversion


Dispel is d20 + x2 casters level vs Druid Magics (no cap)

Dispel is d20 + 1 casters level vs non-Druid Magics (no cap)

Automatically Dispels Druid Magic / Druid Spells in memory within AOE

Demagics all items for three rounds automatically within AOE

* The Grand Druid also gets a +10 Dispel vs Druid Magics on top of this!



Detect Magic

Abjuration - 1st lvl            Spellcraft DC: 27

Components: V,S,M        Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Short                    Area: 2" Path 8" Long

Duration: 8 rds/Level        Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: None

To Develop: 1st ed conversion

Functions on any plane or area I Augments Healthsense to Detect all Powers or Magic in an area or on a person (i.e. Psionics, Channeling, Pattern Magic, Logrus, Auras, Artifacts, Relics, Geas, Quests, Charms, etc.) and will identify them as such. Breaks through any protections under 6th level. Always gives "extra" info.



Druidsbane Maxmima Diabolic Ex

Abjuration - 7th lvl                            Spellcraft DC: 70

Casting Time: 1 Std Act                   Components: V,S,M

Range: Personal                                Area: 4"/lvl radius (normally 1"/lvl)

Duration: 4 rds/lvl (D) (normally 1 rd lvl)    Saving Throw: No

Spell Resistance: None 

This spell operates as a Druidsbane Maxima (d8 damage per round, Concentration DC50 to use spells/at will powers if evil out worldly or undead, Fort save or Blindness upon first entering AOE). The difference is this spell is the following:

This will cost 7000xp, 70,000gp and a DC70 Spellcraft to create.



Earths Attack

Abjuration                                        Spellcraft DC: 50

Casting Time: 1 full round            Components: V,S,M

Range: Long                                    Area: 1" radius/lvl

Duration: Up to 8 rds                      Saving Throw: Reflex half

Spell Resistance: Yes

Caster may choose any or all of the four elements to lash out at any specified being(s) in the AOE. Caster may exclude some people in AOE and choose other as desired. Earth element, if chosen , must go last. The effect is the first element named attack, then 2 rds later the second, then 2 rds later the third, then 2 rds later the fourth until all elements are attacking at once. Each element causes 1d4 per level of the caster per element in damage. Air causes buffeting and electric damage, fire burn, water causes acid rain and cold and earth causes earthquakes and geyser explosions from the ground. The victim may save for half each round for each element and immunities to that element will mitigate damage. On the last round, all victims must Reflex Save vs Spells at Spell DC+4 or be swallowed up into the earth ( 5-50ft down).







Level: Drd 1
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Area: Plants in a 80-ft.-radius spread
Duration: 4 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: Reflex partial; see text
Spell Resistance: No

Spellcraft: ??

Grasses, weeds, bushes, and even trees wrap, twist, and entwine about creatures in the area or those that enter the area, holding them fast and causing them to become entangled and Held (as Hold Spell). The creature can break free and move half its normal speed by using a full-round action to make a DC 26 Strength check or a DC 26 Escape Artist check. A Reflex save (at a +6 vs Normal DC...very difficult to break) is not Held but still Entangled and cannot move. Note: The effects of the spell may be altered somewhat, based on the nature of the entangling plants.

In addition, the plants can be deadly and can Strangle a victim (1% chance per caster level of strangulation) to death if the caster wills.





Eradicate Poison

Abjuration - 3rd                    Spellcraft DC: 38

Conjuration (Healing)

Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature or object of up to 5 cu. ft./level touched
Duration: 10 min./level (Permanent)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You detoxify any sort of venom (Destroys all poisons in area, to include magical poisons, venoms, moral or/and ethical poisons, venomous creatures (permanently). All effects are permanent with no MR or save. This will resurrect those slain by poison. Includes Anzid.) in the creature or object touched. A poisoned creature suffers no additional effects from the poison, and any temporary effects are ended, but the spell does not reverse instantaneous effects, such as hit point damage, temporary ability damage, or effects that don’t go away on their own.

The creature is immune to any poison it is exposed to during the duration of the spell. Unlike with delay poison, such effects aren’t postponed until after the duration —the creature need not make any saves against poison effects applied to it during the length of the spell.

This spell can instead neutralize the poison in a poisonous creature or object for the duration of the spell, at the caster’s option.






            Working on it - 3/4 way done!

            Creates a 5 radius of absolute dead Earthpower area. Cut off from         Source/Weaves/Force/Earthpower/Druidic Pacts.

            Not a thing you do with lore affects him. It is af he has been removed from this universe for the purposes of the Pacts and Earthpower. He has no ability to share in the greater harmonies of life and have them protect or aid him in any way. After great amounts of study, you begin to wonder how you might do something like that so you set to work on making a lore equivalent. This is about the only way you have to begin to understand how to remove it. You work into the night pursuing lines of thought and questions. Lirenda helps you. She had mentioned a couple of things that gave you ideas (just minor comments but they revealed an idea to you) - that the 'natural' world is composed of layers. There is the natural like bears and rabbits and plants and people, then there is another 'supernatural" level (not to be confused with extra planar to which this normally referes) which is composed of things like elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, goblins. And then there may be even a third layer with things like unicorns, centaurs, dryads etc. Some how this division plays a role. the normal Cast Out first level miracle deals only on the first level while this one you are comming up with deals with the deeper layers of nature.
You are inventing a seventh level miracle called Excommunication which will have the effect of stilling a druid. You can only still a druid of half your level but the excommunication casting can be joined with other casters and levels are additive. A druid so stilled cannot cast any druid miracles or use any druid powers and no forms of druidic healing (includes goodberries) or protection will work for that druid (attacks will function against them). So far it looks like Excommunication is permanent (i.e. no reversal

            You can also tell that some verson of this seventh level Excommunication was used on Lysaer but to get that effect the total levels would have to be well over 100 levels of druidicy or more! Lysaer tells you that 5 of the Fellowship participated in the ritual. They magicallly appeared in Avenor late one night in his bedroom and stole him away, performed the ritual, and then deposited him back.




Foresee Weather

Dvination - 1st        Spellcraft DC: 35

Casting Time: 1 minute        Components: V,S,M

Range: 0                                Area: Continent Wide

Duration: 8 hrs/level                Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: None

To Develop: 1st ed conversion

 100% accurate knowledge including wind currents, altitude dependencies, outside influences and type of spell, spellcaster level,item and general locale within one mile. If cast before Control Weather double effect of Control.




Grand Ceremony

Abjuration - 1st lvl        Spellcraft DC:   40

Components: V,S,M            Casting Time: 10 minutes +

Range: Touch            Area: See Below

Duration: Permanent        Saving Throw:   Neg

Spell Resistance:  Yes

To Develop: 1st ed conversion 

Holy rites of the druids…each has a special blessing.

ü       Dispellable only by Druid x2 level (ie 30th)

ü       Come of Age:         +1 Permanent to one save area

ü       Rest Eternal:           No raise via Wish ( Lien on soul )

ü       Marriage:                +3% Reaction to spouse permanent

ü       Dedication:             +3 loyalty to Faith (Earthpower/Grand Druid)/+5 % Xp Bonus perm

ü       Investiture:              Conveys Special Arch Druid powers

ü       Initiation:                 Animal Forms has acute sense (+25%)

ü       Special Vows:         +5% Xp Bonus to next level only

ü       Hallowed Ground:    Turns Undead as 3rd level Priest

ü       Cast Out:                Acts as Jewel of Attacks



Gratitude of the Grand Druid


Spellcraft DC: 50

Casting Time: 10 minutes

Components: V,S,M

Range: Short

Area: 1 person

Duration: Permanent until used

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: Yes

To Develop: 1st ed conversion


Last until enacted by recipent by speaking or thinking actively "Be True". Stats all raised by 2-5 for full day. Also gains Healthsense and Blessing ( lasts 1 day for all effects). Will emmanate a goodwill to beasts and natural creatures gaining positive shift on reaction while gratitude is in place. If currently has Blessing, this Blessing lasts one day so may have 2 for brief period.



Know Alignment

Abjuration - 3rd                        Spellcraft: 30

Casting Time: 1 action            Components: V,S,M

Range: Short                            Area: 40 persons in range

Duration: 1 rd                            Saving Throw: No

Spell Resistance: No

To Develop: 1st ed conversion

Reveals all alignments ever held, current alignment, align status, and gives brief alignment history. Also know where soul will go when target dies and God worshipped. Can be used to put lien on soul…40 person AOE.




Krill Sharpness

Evocation - 3rd                        Spellcraft DC: 30

Casting Time: 1 action            Components: V,S,M

Range: Krill                                Area: Krill

Duration: 1 Minute / lvl                Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: None

Imbues Krill with a bonus of +1 per 3 lvls. This bonus applies to TH and damage (Max +15). This also extends Krills Threat and makes it  Keen(15-20 critical).





Light of Krill

Abjuration - 5th                    Spellcraft DC: 70

Casting Time: 1 action            Components:V,S,M

Range: Krill                            Area: 90ft radius

Duration: Instant                    Saving Throw: Fort Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

A brilliant blast of light, as per krill type light, flashes and ALL creatures within 90ft under wielders hit die must fortitude save vs wielders lvl in DC or Cringe - as per stunned, cannot act, can only go complete defensive in melee, may not heal or cast spells, stun lasts 3 rounds.





Locate Druid

Abjuration - 2nd                            Spellcraft DC: 30

Casting Time: 1 rd                    Components:V,S,M

Range: Continent Wide            Area: 1 subject / rd

Duration: 1 rd / level                    Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: None

To Develop: 1st ed conversion

May specify any druid spellcasters or specific kinds of druids to locate (Bards, Aes Sedai, EP Druids, Celtic Druids, ect.). Will pierce any protections under 5th level. May specify individuals as desired. Scry Check required (-5 per check after 1st)



Lordsfire Shield

Abjuration - 5th                             Spellcraft DC: 40

Casting Time: 1 action                    Components: V,S,M

Range: Short                                  Area: 1 creature

Duration: 8 rds + 4 rds/lvl                Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: None

This spell wreathes you in Lordsfire causes damage to each creature that attacks you in melee. The flames also protect you from Energy based attacks. Can be cast on others.

Any creature striking you with its body or a handheld weapon deals normal damage, but at the same time the attacker takes x2 damage in Lordsfire (physical HTH attacks). Creatures wielding weapons with exceptional reach are not subject to this damage if they attack you.

Recipent can save for NO DAMAGE versus Energy attack otherwise blocks x2 Lorocus Wisdom in damage (Physical or energy). Druid may use Lordsfire to pump up shield to block additional energy (move action).





Major Globe of Invulnerability

Abjuration - 6th lvl                    Spellcraft: 70

Casting Time:1 action                Components: V,S,M

Range: Personal                        Area: 10ft radius Globe

Duration: 4 rounds per level        Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: No

         Moves with caster  (10 ft radius from caster)

         Protects against all 1-4th level spells

         Globe is Immune to Dispel Magic(s)

         Protects against all Psionics Devotions & Psionic Manifestations

         Protects against all minor Pattern/Logrus Powers (Powers up to 4th level)

         Protects against all magic and non-magic missiles (DR50)



Mosquito Swarm

Conjuration/Summoning - 1st            Spellcraft: 30

Components: V,S,M                            Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Long                                        Area: 1 creature / level (20 creature max)

Duration: 6rds /level                             Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: Yes (Special)

To Develop: 1st ed conversion

 Affect creatures hit by DR Magic.   +4 SR Check on top of other adjustments

Cannot be dispelled, must be dismissed - Affects spellcasting and at will power use (Concentration Check with DC as Spellcraft check of caster)! No spells or at will powers while affected and all combat rolls at -2.





Plant Growth

Alteration - 3rd lvl                        Spellcraft: 30

Casting Time: 1 action               Components: V,S,M

Range: Short                                Area: 80x80 level

Duration: Permanent                    Saving Throw: Neg

Spell Resistance: Yes

To Develop: 1st ed conversion

All plants in area grow to 400% of current size. All plants immune to fire & weapons. Can affect single tree and tree is immune to magic and magic weapons ( guarantee normal growth ). Can double HP of ambulatory vegetation in AOE. If used on Treant has 90% Unadjustable Magic resistance.






Abjuration - 4th lvl        Spellcraft DC: 69

Casting Time: 10 minutes            Components: V,S,

Range: Touch                                 Area: All Creatures within 20ft Radius

Duration: 24 Hours                        Saving Throw: none

Spell Resistance: Yes

AC increases by 4                                                       Gains +30 to Will Saves vs Fear

Virtually Immune to Bludgeoning Damage           (DR 50/-)All weapons save or Break






Abjuration - 1st lvl        Spellcraft: 30

Casting Time: 10 minutes        Components: V,S

Range: Touch                           Area: 1"/lvl Radius from Caster , moves with Caster

Duration: 24 hours                    Saving Throw: none

Spell Resistance: yes

To Develop: 1st ed conversion

Those in AOE virtually immune to normal cold effects (DR30) and regenerate I HP/round even from death. Repeated use for one month acts as Restoration. Sheds light within AOE radius. (Undead take 1HP per round within its effects- Incidental effect from Heal Seed)

Note: AOE contains at least 2500 5ftx5ft squares....... That means up to that many creatures could potentially gain the benefits of this spell.....



Slag Metal

Abjuration        Spellcraft DC: 32

Components: V,S,M        Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Long                    Area: 50lbs/lvl  1 creature/lvl

Duration: 6 rds                Saving Throw: Yes – Fort Special

Spell Resistance: Yes

To Develop: 1st ed conversion

Worst effects in 1st round cast - searing damage for 2d4 and incapacitates limbs. Metal saves vs Disintegrate (Fort) each rd or melts, 4d6 with save





Alteration - 3rd                        Spellcraft DC:

Casting Time: 1 action            Components: V

Range: 1”                                Area: 10x10x10/level/rd

Duration: 1 rd/lvl (D)                Saving Throw: Neg

Spell Resistance: Yes

To Develop: 1st ed conversion

Singing to cast. Fine Detail: May use normal AOE and create sculptures (works of art) with Sculpture Default (Wis at 1/2). Value is 100gp per number made over check. Critical Success x10 value.

Rough Detail: AOE with rough detail is 10x10x10/level and halls can be dug as Lorocus moves. Lorocus often says : A statue is already alive in the stone, I am simply able to see it, and clear away the excess stone surrounding it.





Summon Hurtloam

Abjuration - 2nd lvl                Spellcraft: ??

Components: V,S,M            Casting Time: 1 minute

Range: Short                        Area: 14 cubic feet                Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: None            Spell Resistance: None

To Develop: 1st ed conversion

 Takes one Turn to summon from any rocky or muddy area. Summons 14 cubic feet of healing mud bubbling forth from ground. Acts as 4 jars of Keoghtom Ointments (Cure 9-12 pts/Application, 20 Applications., 180-240 hp total, Disease, Poison)





Tree - Gilden

Transformation - 3rd                    Spellcraft:

Casting Time: 1 action                Components: V,S,M

Range: 0                                        Area: Personal

Duration: 1 hr/lvl (D) or Permanent            Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: None       

To Develop: 1st ed conversion

Become Large Gilden Tree with 90% Unadjustable MR and Immune to All forms of other attacks. The closest inspection cannot reveal that the tree in question is actually a magically concealed creature. To all normal tests you are, in fact, a tree or shrub, although a detect magic spell reveals a faint transmutation on the tree. While in tree form, you can observe all that transpires around you just as if you were in your normal form, and your hit points and save bonuses remain unaffected. You gain a +10 natural armor bonus to AC but have an effective Dexterity score of 0 and a speed of 0 feet. You are immune to critical hits while in tree form. All clothing and gear carried or worn changes with you.

You can dismiss tree shape as a free action (instead of as a standard action).

May study and recast same spell or non-attack spells. May allow to become permanent at option. If Bloodguard joins cannot leave until duration ends.




Wind Bolt

Evocation - 2nd lvl        Spellcraft: ???

Castimg Time: 1 action        Components:

Range: 1"/lvl                       Area: 1" Path 5" Long

Duration: 1 full rd                Saving Throw: Special

Spell Resistance: Yes

To Develop: 1st ed conversion

Fortitude save or break neck. Sucessful save means 1d4/lvl (max 30d4) and Knockback 1 ft/rd (as Bulls Rush with d20+Spellcraft of caster used in check)



 Worlds Breath

2nd lvl Spell


Illusion (Glammer)


Spellcraft DC:40


Casting Time: 1 action


Components: V,S,M


Range: Personal


Area: 2"/lvl


Duration: 8 rds/lvl


Saving Throw: None


Spell Resistance: none


To Develop: 1st ed conversion




Caster Exhales and a large obscuring mist fills the AOE.

Any Detects used within the cloud must make a opposed caster check vs. the cloud (Cloud adds +10 to its check) Failure means no detects, Scrying, Psionic Detects, Undead Lifesense or Healthsense work in cloud. Caster has Fogsense to find desired area. All senses including sight, hearing, scent, and sonic are muffled to 5ft. This includes divine attempts to see within cloud. Caster suprises 1 in 4.




Epic Spells


Freedom of Speech


Spellcraft DC:




Casting Time:





One living creature


24 hrs

Saving Throw:


Spell Resistance:


To Develop:

Seeds (Ward and Contact)   

Lorocus has reached out to Earthpower and asked that he always be heard. To that end, Earthpower has whispered a short song into Lorocus ear. By intoning this short, sweet song Lorocus is assured that all of Creation shall wait to hear his next words...hoping to hear the song yet again (at least until a day passes). Lorocus may also have someone sing with him and Creation shall hang on their every word instead. this spell does not end upon the death of the recipient

This provides the target with the ability to always speak and be heard. The ability to speak and be heard is not restricted by:

In situations where normal speech is impossible, the recipients voice is heard as  melodic and disembodied voice all around.

This power may not be ended via Dispel Magic (any), Antimagic Shell, Wishes, Alter Reality or end via magical acceleration of time.




Seal of the Grand Druid

This is the Grand Druids method to protect a area, person or object from Forces aligned against him. It can be bypassed by those who bear his Gratitude or Blessings.

 With this powerful spell, the Grand Druid is able to set his words to law in a contingency style magic. The Grand Druid places his hands upon the target and invokes the Seven Words and then begins casting. He pours forth magical energies in the form of spell levels and at will powers (1 at will power invocation per at will power – no chambering 12 Forbiddings and no items powers) until he is satisfied that the protection is sufficent. It takes one round per spell or power (it can take hours after which Lorocus is down the spells).

 The Grand Druids ring is needed in the casting as a material component.

 The Seal appears as a invisible (Detect Inviso shows) or visible (at Grand Druids desire) rune with Krill and a Staff crossed. Those in opposition to the Grand Druid will recognize this as a symbol that this target is under the Grand Druids protection…healthy respect at least.

 Should the target (person/place or obeject) come under attack, the powers poured forth will defend the target as needed. Spells will rise up unbidden to defend the target, at will powers and the like. The spells are cast as if Lorocus were using them and cast using his will and desire (Tera’s interpetation of that desire). All of Lorocus’s sights and detectrs can be used to target the spell.

 A list of powers that may be used include:

·         Spells

·         At Will Powers (1/each)

·         Wards (1/each except for Lordsfire)

·         Detects (constant)

Only 15 Seals may be set at any one time. If a 16th is cast the 1st one cast disappears. 

Keep in mind these seals do Lorocus’s will in that situation  so, while they may prevent one from dying, they may not prevent one from getting hurt to learn a lesson. Lorocus uses these Seals to protect places, items and people of need or note.

The spell ends when the spell desires to end or all spells have been cast from the Seal. Often time Lorocus will set the Seal with a purpose and, once accomplished, it falls. The Seal cannot rememorize spells BUT Lorocus will gain pertinent info about the uses of his Seal if he looks upon the Seal with Healthsense and Old Lords Detect Magic.


Seal of the Grand Druid

Evocation                                     Spellcraft: 70

Components: None                        Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Person or Place Touched .     Area: 120ft Radius

Duration: Special                            Saving Throw: Special

Spell Resistance: Yes                        Development: Prior to the Merge

Spell will intelligently discharge its 3 stored spells either all 3 at once or a the rate of one per round. (in any order). It will notify the caster of an intrusion or of a possible trigger event, if it receives no instructions, it will proceed to loose its 3 spells in the order the it thinks the caster would have dictated. It will relay any information it knows or can ascertain per the Once the seal is "Broken" the depleted, the spell must be recast to reseal the individual or area.The Saving Throws of the spells must be recorded at the time of casting (Caster level, metamagics, Saves, etc.)

If the Grand Druid is present at the time of Trigger, it will cast on his initiative unless a triggering condition is met (i.e.. Falls more than 10 ft for a Feather fall or subject is about to die for a heal)

No at Will powers - If you want At will powers, I need to up the DC of the Spell.. Limit is Three (3) 9th level spells. If At will powers or other effects are to be chambered, Up the DC by 20.

The Seal appears as a invisible (Detect Inviso shows) or visible (at Grand Druids desire) rune with Krill and a Staff crossed. Those in opposition to the Grand Druid will recognize this as a symbol that this target is under the Grand Druids protection...healthy respect at least. Those opposed to the Grand Druid can only see an invisible seal if the have the ability to detect inviso.

Per Arcane Mark, can be visible or Invisible -but the seal can be dectect by See Invisible, or such powers. The opposition forces must make a DC check to recognize the Symbol as the Grand Druid.       

All of Lorocus's sights and detects can be used to target the spell. (Gave it the Reveal Seed, can detect as a True Sight. To allow additional Senses, Each additional power will be at +4 DC (ie: Health sense or Pattern Sight, Etc.)




Unique Spells of Lorocus


Words of Power

All 1st level spells have no save with "Gow Lung E Sand Day Vadin" words

Words may be used to dominate Bloodguard (evil act) if used by Lord


Ward Powers

Acquired from knowledge of Kevins Wards…


Ward of Warning

·         Area immune to 1-7th level spells

·         May obscure Vision and cast Veil spell in area

·         May see out but not in to area as desired

·         X2 Wisdom in damage to those willed or set against

·         Lasts 6 Turns/level



May access all DARK SUN Preserver spells (took full course load in Avagion dungeon)

Spells Include:


2nd lvl    Wakkefulness

4th lvl     Spider Strand

7th lvl     Conjure Greater Elemntal

7th lvl     Sands of Time

7th lvl     Semipermanency

8th lvl     Protection From Time



Protection From Time

8th lvl Avagion Spell

Range: Touch                                        Comp: V,S,M

Duration: 1 Week                                   Casting: 1 Std Act

AOE: Creature Touched                         Save: None


When cast, creates a magical barrier around recipient 1inch away. Moves with recipient and protects from adverse affects of time.





Sands of Time



1st Level


Astral Detect Magic

            Works on Astral Plane only…and related Outer Planes. Filters out normal background magical noise and allows to work as normal Detect Magic. Developed by Lorocus


Magical Circle of Protection - Elementals

            Duration: 1turn/lvl         

            Acts as Pro Evil vs one Elemntal type…1' radius…not paraelemntals.

            From Enchantress Lirenda (Pact Adventure)



            Acts as Haste for Wood or Stone Spells

            Developed by Corena


4th Level Spells


Bestow Animal Friendship

            Acts as Animal Friendship for another person..all same as spell

            Learned from Village of Grand Druid


Circle of Protection 10' radius - Elementals

            Duration: 1turn/lvl         

            Acts as Pro Evil vs one Elemntal type…not paraelemntals

            As above, but protects vs all elemntals in 10 radiusc moves with caster


5th Level Spells


Lordsfire Magnus

            Duration 1 rd lvl or until used     AOE: One Lordsfire Blast

            May be cast same rd as fire is thrown or chambered

            May add 40HP of Damage to Lordsfire burst

            Developed by Corena

            Greater Lordsfire Magnus same except 7th lvl and adds 60Hp


Protection from Gases

            Duration: 3rds/lvl 

            As a Purify Air with a 1" rad per level and moves with caster


Wall of Basalt Stone

            (Druid version of MU spell)        From Avaginion (Test of Lorocus #4)


6th Level Spells

 Tower of Basalt

Casting Time: 1 action                    Components: V,S,M

Range: Short                                       Area: 1 Tower

Duration: Permanent                        Saving Throw: No

Spell Resistance: No 

Creates a Daerns Instant Fortress in one round. Permanent location. Basalt stone-20 people max-2 self firing Stone catapults From Avaginion (Test of Lorocus #4)

Instant Fortress

This metal cube is small, but when activated by speaking a command word it grows to form a tower 20 feet square and 30 feet high, with arrow slits on all sides and a crenellated battlement atop it. The metal walls extend 10 feet into the ground, rooting it to the spot and preventing it from being tipped over. The fortress has a small door that opens only at the command of the owner of the fortress—even knock spells can’t open the door.

The adamantine walls of instant fortress have 100 hit points and hardness 20. The fortress cannot be repaired except by a wish or a miracle, which restores 50 points of damage taken.

The fortress springs up in just 1 round, with the door facing the device’s owner. The door opens and closes instantly at his command. People and creatures nearby (except the owner) must be careful not to be caught by the fortress’s sudden growth. Anyone so caught takes 10d10 points of damage (Reflex DC 19 half).

The fortress is deactivated by speaking a command word (different from the one used to activate it). It cannot be deactivated unless it is empty.

Strong conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, mage’s magnificent mansion; Price 55,000 gp.



