Imaginize Landscape

Illusion (Phantasm) Mind-Affecting, Shadow

Level: 7
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Personal
Effect: Creates one memory of a landscape
Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes

Imaginize Landscape - By closely observing an indor or outdoor area of up to 10ft radius per level and casting this spell. the caster imprints a perfect image of the area in his own mind. At any time during the durration of this spell (1 day/level) the caster may take a full round action to make a concentration check to imagine himself in the landscape. At DC 15, the character can imagine it enough to feel an emotional connection. If the area was pleasant and thought of as a refuge, at that DC the character becomes calm and refocused and recieves a +5 competance bonus on concentration checks for the next 5 rounds. At DC 30 the character can choose to be so mentally within the landscape that the character feels no pain and cannot be affected by mind affecting spells except phantasms.. It can be physically attacked however. At this DC the character is not aware what is going on around his own body unless it is near death and can only interact with the imagnized landscape he has chosen. At Concentration DC 60, the character can actually bring his physical body with him into the imaginary landscape in which case the character is treated as if on another plane. if the character ever physically brings himself to the landscape the spell's remaining duration changes from days to rounds. A plane close or similar effect will prevent entrance into the imaginary landscape. The DM may allow increased concentration checks to get past plane close protections. While in the Imaginary Landscape, personal effecting spells may be cast if the absence of material compnents can be satisfied. Before the spell ends or as it is ending a new Imaginze Landscape may be cast to retain the imaginary landscape. Imaginized creatures may be deposited in an Imaginized Landscape and for them it appears as if real. remain down the spell.


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