There are 2 smaller (30x30) and one larger (composing the entire northernmost leg of the building) used for trials by the magistrates. There is special boxed seating reserved solely for the regent and Protectors should they desire to sit in on the trial. The rooms have permanent "Zones of Truth" and all witnesses have are given a Magical Rod that emanates a glow (Nystuls) and are watched by constant Detect Magic. Should a Misdirection fire, they become aware of this right away. They judge the laws pased on the posted Cairns of Law.
Currently, all druids of the Circle of the Celadon are confirmed as Magistrates upon reaching 3rd level. Confirmation is normally a matter of formality only by the Protectorate council.
A group of 4 rooms compose the royal detective’s area.
A branch of the Police enforcement group is known as the Royal Detectives. This group is in charge of seeking the truth anytime a infraction of the law occurs that is capital in nature. They report directly to the Magistrate and anyone inhibiting their search needs answer directly to the Magistrate. They need follow all laws BUT, since a magistrate normally accompanies them, they are able to move justice along quickly. The Magistrate, while he does not lead the band, is no patsy and can and will stop illegal investigations.
Royal Detectives:
The Hall of Heroes is the Ishtarian War College of the Selid-Din Church of Ishtar. It is overseen by the Chancellor of War (Ishtarian Priestess 9th lvl) who is here with many underlings documenting heroic deeds. The college sends out scribes into the city on a regular basis to collect tales of battles fought. They take meticulous notes and these notes are transcibed and placed in the war college library. Medals may even be given for particularly valorous battles. These notes form the bases of a huge database upon which the war college develops strategy.
The War College also attracts adventurers and city defenders who wish to obtain the Spoils of War from their victorious battles. Their stories are also recorded and their sacrifices of weapons delivered to Ishtar.
The War
takes nobles and city officials
(from all over Oerth)
and trains them in strategy
(large scale and or small scale as well as logistics and other
skills). The War college
can train in some specializations and can train certain feats &
skills (DMs
Sparhawk will be expected to attend...
"Finarioites" - they are ardent fans of Finerio as well as many who idealize his espoused views (rights to the people, some flavors of democracy, etc). Refugees sent by Finnerio McBain to thrive in city. All healthy and well supplied with funds from the McBain Refugee
Now: The area has been cleaned up of the vampires but no one lives here fearing it to be haunted. The great battle that took place here between the Screaming Griffon and Torgal and the Unforgiven still lingers. Some unsavory lots do come here from time to time and the Regents forces watch it closely.
An Unforgiven, Dahmer, lurks here looking for low level mages. He is protected by a Forsaken and his presence is low key. He will not expose himself until the Blood God orders him and he does not know the Forsaken watches and protects him. He thinks he has been lucky and the defenders stupid.
Before BloodGod: A horrible plague of Vampirism has struck here. About 15 people are infected with Avalonian Vampirism and hold up in their apartments or in the storage basements. They are led by Torgal Muchak (Ft-14th HP185) who contracted it when he arrived in Selid-Din sleeping with his now concubine Lucinda (Avalonian Vampire HP 23 Peasant 1st). Torgal was a former Chieftain of a tribe driven out of the Yatils by Iuz. His hatred for Iuz exceeds his love for the Blood God.
On the south facing portion of the block is frequently used by travelers, there is a small group of commoners of southern Cities (Jalpa) who came thru New Evermore to get here. These Commoners (20 total levels 2 - 10 Alignment LE) know a bit about subterfuge. They knowingly offer services for Scarlet Brotherhood. Assassins with the proper credentials will receive a room and board as well as access to information about the city to facilitate a kill.
Canton Shrill – Slumlord (LE Commoner 10th)
What Canton does not know is that one of his followers has actually been turned and now works for the GuildMaster Bas. This turncoat owes Bas his life and feeds him information on assassins arriving in the city.
Lenny the Nose – Turncoat (CN Commoner 6th)