Three thousand years have passed since Terrel Rasputin and
Loric Vilesilencer put out The Call, and drew the Seven Worlds of Men,
all the good people of Greyhawk who answered The Call to the
center of The Great Pattern and re-drew the worlds so that one could
save the world without doing evil (known as "The Proscription")*1.
The Age of Legends
The first one thousand years is known as the Age of Legends.
In it, The Ancients traveled the
world in mortal form. Terel Rasputin, Rider of the Morning Star,
founded the Belgariad and created The Vow (*2). Loric Vilesilencer
taught the world about the True Source(*3) and taught the ways of the
Aes Sedai. Kothlun the Great established the Jedi, Rand' Al Thor, who
became The First Dragon(*4) of the Aes Sedai after Lorics departure.
Terrel and Loric were imbued from the belief of their peoples with
Divine Power as The Solarian and Manwe*(5). The Aes Sedai and
Bel Gariad and all of Avalon flourished under the fresh light of the
Solarian. The Hand of God was actively supporting the populace and the
populations throughout Avalon increased. people multiplied, like
rabbits. Inspired by the Sun Brothers(*6), supported by the City of
Sidhe, the Avalonians flourished.
The Ancients are
how the people of the First Age are known to those in the
third. Some of the highest level casters in Avalon came from
that age; Bel Wes Tend, Bel Zidar, Rand Al'Thor, Many great feats and
artifacts (*7) from this Age survive to this day. They are often called
"Glories" of the Ancients. One of the greatest Glories
created were the Sky Islands (now known as the Skylines).
The end of the First Age, exactly 1000 years
after its inception, was marked by World War 1 and the Battle of the
Trenches. The Avalonians had progressed to amazing feats of technology
AND magic but it was technology that pitched the battle. Warships,
cannons, guns, artillery were employed to devastating effect against
the trolloc armies coming out of the Misma swamp. The trolloc armies
were of immense size and still nearly overwhelmed the defenders. While
many Avalonians died, no fighting happened west or south of the Dead
The Age of Expansion
With the defeat of the trollocs came
the Second Age, Known as the Age of Expansion. after taking a while to
rebuild, the civilization produced an amazing leader, the
Dragon Aes Sedai Bennedict Vilesilencer, known for his fearless resolve
to expand the reaches and benefits of Avalon and to take back lands
that had fallen to the Nightshade. Benedict he felt that Avalon had
grown in strength and it was their duty to interfere in shadow to
spread the light. they spread the light into the 5 surrounding shadows.
(Shadow down the river - Seth, Shadow past the swamp - Sindar, Shadow
beyond the plains - , Shadow of the forests -, and Shadow of the
Mountains). The Sunbrother contiinued to inspire the populations of
Avalon and expanded to the Pech, Hirazi, and the highlands. They
inspired amazing developments in technology, in part fueled by
small cadre of Pattern Mages which still existed in Manetherin (*11).
The Belgariad continued to preach preservation of the environment and
under Benedict's rule, much of the natural environment that had been
damage in previous ages was returned to pristine conditions. The side
effects however were not completely eradicated. Some areas where
species had been wiped out found new more evolved species taking their
place such as the Avalonian Temporal Spiders and Avalonian Fire Ants.
Many roads were unmade and towns taken down. Populations began to
gather in cities that were often distant from each other and secluded
in their own habitats. The Rangery, established by Carramon, was
re-imagined by Carammon The Sword, to have the duty of ferrying peoples
from one city to another so as to minimize their impact on the
environment and safeguard them from travel through Avalon's diverse and
dangerous habitats.
The only "Glory" created after the
first age where the Five Pillars, each put at the entrance of each of
the five shadows to the rest of shadow, which barred the
passage of undead. The Second Age's end was marked by a tragic turn of
events. The long quiet Misma Swamp vomited forth an army or trolloc
necromancers commanding an undead army formed of those who were lost in
battle in the Misma Swamp 1000 years earlier. This undead army maned
the same world war one ships and weapons that were lost in the Battle
of the Trenches. Machine guns in the hands of skeletons! The tanks and
warships made great distance beyond the Dead Line and before Bennedict
armies could return from shadow, Millions were lost. Manetherin came
close to destruction for the first time. Benedict lost his arm
fighting the armies and it was only the Song of the Tar
Valon(*13) that saved the day by reminding the undead of their former
lives which caused them to destroy themselves.
After the end of the Second
Age, many of the Avalonian armies were withdrawn from Shadow to rebuild
Avalon and the policing of shadow was left to
Seeker Parties (*9),
Shadow Council (*10) and
the Jedi (*11). Many cities that were
destroyed were not rebuilt and their remains were reabsorbed by the
natural environment. Avalon continued the tradition of having distant
and remote cities with their own divergent cultures. All however
remained true to Manetherin and continued to rely on the resources of
the Aes sedai and the Three Realms.
In this aftermath of the tragic war,
there was a large cultural reassessment of the benefits of "technology"
- that even the uneducated and untrained (and undead skeletons) could
have such tools and weapons of power. Technology that could be used by
anyone (such as undead) was banned. The Belgariad developed the
Avalonian Binding Curse that made energy and projectile
weapons only able to function in the hands of a live Avalonian
born(*19). While trollocs could still use some weapons it was found
they were too unskilled to make use of them. Many Avalonian
towns/cities (but not all) retreated from their use of High
technology and returned to a more simple, rustic culture and
sought solace in rediscovering the basic truths of community,
spirituality, family, and self exploration.
The new Age became known as the Age of
Self Expression. It is also marked by
the departure of the Sun Brothers
who left at the beginning of the Age.(*12). Also at its inception,
Queen Elayne and the Court of the Riathane in manetherin became more
visible and active. The Paravians counseled the people that their
greatest gifts were the beauty that they themselves brought
to creation. By focusing on revealing their own inner beauty to the
world, it would be reflected throughout all creation, thus enhancing
it. These teachings were reinforced in the
teachings of the Dawn
Priests (*14). And now that High Technology and High Magic were no
longer seen as an end in an of themselves, the departure of the Sun
Brothers as external inspiration, and a the Paravian courts becoming
more visible, the peoples began to look inward spiritually.
in the Age of Self Expression
Era of Cleansing
The War was won at terrible cost but it was fully and completely won. The creatures of the Misma Swamp gained no
retreat and no quarter was given. The Warward, Belgariad, Sedai and
full force of Avalon was used to wipe out all the trollocs in the swamp
completely. During this period that followed the Aes Sedai devoted
themselves to clearing out the negative energy stored within the swamp
and channel it out into shadow (its presence here
Era of Immigration
A variety of peoples immigrated
to Avalon as it was rebuilding in the third age and beyond. trade
expanded in this fashion. Trage routes were established to lands of
faerun, Greyhawk (Celladon forest and Babylon), as well as many other
shadows. Manetherin, to those who know about shadow, is known as the
Center City which is how the city atop Manetherin got its current name.
A variety of non-human races are represented in this immigration
including, lizard men, a clan of grey elves (now residing in the
Skylines), And more recently giants, horses, dryads, and
wraiths from The Land. To great some of these newcomers other immigrees
have joined the Courts of Riathain at Manetherin including
Centaurs and Satyrs.
Insultitation Era
The Intelligentsia(*10) about 50 years prior to The
Return heard of the conquest mission of the greyhawkians took
insult. To express their emotions they developed and refined insults
towards their invaders. Avalonians even developed a school of magic
expressly towards insults. Such magics were developed and cast over the
period such that when anyone says certain words name calling of the
crusade. Causes a fort will and reflex save D.C. 15
Fort failure indicates 1-6
hp of non perm damage
Reflex failure indicates a
twitch/recoil which consumes the characters next available move
Wis failure indicates -2
on Morale for d3 rounds
----Each person can only
insult crusaders once (with this effect) but effects from multiple
taunters do stack.
The Rebellion
In 2990 an
emmisary from The Land made his way to Mantherin, it was the former
high Lord Loric Vilesilnecer (not to be confused with the Pattern
father and founder of Avalon aka the proxy of the solarian) and he
entreated the Aes Sedai Council and the Three Realms to
receive him which they did. Vilesilencer drew their attention
to the founding documents of Manetherin and its constitution
specifically one of its founding laws known as the "Law of
Institutions" which state that no institution may be allowed to exist
that has for its primary mission to serve its own ends. All recognized
institutions must have as part of its mission to serve and better
society in some aspect and its actions may not disserve society for its
own benefit. He promulgated that Avalon had lost its way and forgotten
this tenant vis a vis the allowance and right given to corporations in
the Corporate Charter of 1058. The Aes Sedai and the Realms quickly
agreed and voted to disband the charter immediately. This however sent
shock waves through the fabric of Avalonian society, which unbenounced
to most, the corporations(*15) had grown to great power and
influence. The Corporations and many of their employees and consumers
were unwilling to see their departure. Local and regional influences
were brought to bear to resist the decree and many rallied around the
corporate banners (and recieved pay in the process!). Some influential
Generals and Admirals in the Warward, Sedai, and Belgariad also sided
with the corporations for a variety of independent reasons and
arguments (*undocumented).
While forces were sent to commandeer corporate holdings
other forces stood in opposition and a civil war began to develop. To
compound matters, the Dragon Aes Sedai was summoned to a Grand Moot by
the Grand Druid Stonengrade and did not return for 10 years. Bloodshed
ensued quickly. Some Aes Sedai changed their position on the
matter of the Corporate Charter and an open schism developed amongst
the Aes Sedai, known as the "Splitting of the Tower" (*undocumented).
Some Aes Sedai hailing from various regions remained loyal to local
interests and sided with the corporations but the prevailing vote on
the counsel and within the realms remained against the corporations. As
more fighting and combat ensued, the Boltons of the Highlands
challenged the necessity of Aes Sedai rulership, citing the
founding documents as describing leadership of the Three
Realms as deriving from consent. The argument was made that the Three
realms could vote to unseat the Aes Sedai as titular rulers of the
realms and another group or individual could be put in their place. As
some reverie still existed for the First King and Queen, refered to as
the Absolute Suzreign in Loric's old texts, there was much
discussion of installing the Queen as titular head of the Realms with
many falling on this side. Others believed descendants of
Vilesilencer, having royal blood, were heir to leadership. Ramsay
Bolton of the Highlands claimed royal blood and who was proclaimed King
the Highlands upon the death of his father, is headed to Manetherin to
claim the Amyrylin
Seat(*16), Ramsey Bolton of the Highlands, Stannis Baratheon of Tear, Lysandir Vilesilencer, and Bal
Sevrin Vilesilencer all have made claims to the throne as
Upon the returning from the Grand Moot, the Dragon Aes Sedai found a
world in flux and in tatters. In order to reform the fabric of society
the Dragon changed his vote on the Corporate Charter and with
his influence over others, the Council and the Realms voted to
reinstate the charter via the slimmest majorities. Several Aes Sedai
declared the dragon unfit because of this change and now seek to
unthrown the Dragon and select a new dragon Aes Sedai (and one has
raised an army to do so), while Lords Bolton, Baratheon, Lysander and
Bal Sevrin have not renounced their claims to the Amyrlin
Seat. Some Aes Sedai have thrown in with the lords claiming
rulership titles.
Avalonian Footnotes
The Grand Druid's Moot 2993-2994
The Dragon Aes Sedai leaves for the Grand Druid's Moot and returns with new teachings of The Compact and Paravians.
The Highland Sussession 2992-2994
In 2991 Lord Roose Bolton led a war of conquest among the clans of the
Highlands and eventually became their King in the South, or the King of
the Highlands. As such he declared the Highlands were succeeding from
the hierarchy of Avalon and forming their own nation state. In 2994 the
Succession was put down by the Dragon Aes Sedai when he traveled to the
Highlands. Roose Bolton was killed by his son Ramsaywho maintained the
title of King of the Highlands but the Dragon proclaimed that title
would end with him.
The Call, the True Believers, The Ancestors and The Return
*1 All good men and women of Greyhawk received the
The Call
but had Free choice to Answer The Call and be transported. Those that
answered the call became the True believers. Those folk left in
Greyhawk at the time are refered to as The Ancestors and a Prophecy
exists about The Return of the ancestors.
The Vow
*2 there are discrepancies in the old histories as to how
The Vow was created. Some say it was with the help of Elayne Sunhair,
others insist it was with the help of other divine forces and sung into
creation with the song of the Valar of which Rasputin is the titular
The True Source
*3 the True Source is the power that drives the Wheel of
Time which spins out philotic threads (soul cords) from The Guff (where
souls are stored before they are reincarnated, located somewhere on the
Prime Shadow of Avalon (between Avalon proper and The Crux) and weaves
them together by resolving Fate with Free Will to create
Destiny through the process known as Comportion. Inherent in the
structure of the Wheel is The Prime Vibration which is that left by The
The True Source is represented as two opposing forces that
drive creation - but not of good and evil, it is one of male vs female,
Yin and yang, force and opposition. The Great Paravian Compact (a
result of the union of The Pattern Father and Elayne Sunhair)
establishes a mechanism through which the male or female
halves of the True Source (Saidin and Saidar) also known as
earthpower a sedai, Aes Sedai, druid, Jedi or otherwise can
make use of the powers established by the compacts.
The Dragon Aes Sedai
*4 A Prophecy made by Loric in The First Age denoted that
at Tairmon Gaidon, The Dragon Aes Sedai would stand against the Dark
One and save the world. Since then it has been tradition for the head
of the Aes Sedai to be called The Dragon Aes Sedai to give comfort to
the peoples of the land in times of need knowing one exists to protect
them. In each Age the Dragon Aes Sedai has been instrumental in
Avaolon's survival through various crisis.
The Rise of the Solarian
*5 Little is known about the specifics of how this
accomplished except the aid of the First Tribe of Man was
instrumental and occurred as a result of a confrontation with Alanon.
Terrel Rasputin had to sacrifice his friend Loric to bring harmony to
nature and the The Ressurection of Loric Vilesilencer to The Soliarian
occured in a temple with many collumns at the top of a volcano. It is
said that there is a facsimile of the temple or an actual portal to it
through a Shrine of the Unicorn somewhere in Manetherin.
The Sun Brothers aka the Lords of Inspiration
*6 Lawful good creatures that appeared as giants that were
born of the sun and existed before the redrawing of the Pattern. They
are like angels to men and considered Angels of the Solarian. Their
primary ability is to inspire mortal creatures. Elayne
Sunhair has referred to them as The Unhomed Paravians.
They have inspired painters, sculptors, poets, philosophers,
thinkers, teachers, parents, and those of many professions and classes
save that of music which the Sun Brother Elyon is quoted in 213 AP as
saying that the inspiration of music "...was reserved expressly for
Manwe." It is said that they shine with Ath's ligjht (the creator) and
have been observed to have Paravian like qualities but their existance
as Paravians have not been verified. The Sun Brothers - Elyon, Brahman,
Cao Dai, Adonai, Bathala, Tzevoat, Abdiel*, Paul Amoran, Auroran, Helios,
Vulcanoth, Korona, Siljah)
Relics of the Age of Legends
Relics made in the Age
of Legends include many powerful Sa'Angreal.
Callandor, The Sword that Cannot Not be Wielded" - which was created by
an epic channeling of all of the Aes Sedai at the height of their
glory. Callandor is thought to be the most powerful weapon ever created
and it was made to one day save "all of creation". It was found to be
too powerful for anyone to use and has been protected in the City of
Tear. A famous prophecy fortells that Tear
would only fall when Callandor was taken by "the Dragon Reborn at the
end of the world". Many Aes Sedais Dragons have since tried to gain
use of it but the city has forbade anyone, even the Aes Sedai from
approaching it seeing their city as invincible if they do not.
Triblade - Legendary sword of Loric Vilesilencer. Highly revered. Probably one of the most iconic and recognizable symbols throughout Avalon.
The Hand of God - A Holy Relic of Manwe, originally created and worn by Terrel Rasputin
The Cup of Kings - a holy chalicethat restores and gives atonement. The
Cup may usually only be attained through a quest. The Knights of the
Cup are a Holy Order of Paladins of the Solarian, led by St Galdadred
that is devoted to the lore of the Cup, its protection, and finding it
in times of need.
The Crown, Scepter, and Orb of Good Might - fabled items worn by Loric
Vilesilencer when he was Absolute Suzreign. They have not been seen
The Earthstone - a sa'angreal of the Stone Strand used to carve
Manetherin and create the Chamber of Rising Collumns and reinforce the
stone of Manetherin. Purportedly in the care of Christine Rasputin
and a prime defense of the City of Sid-he.
Caramon - A relic sword that carries the spirit of Caramon Majere, the First of the Great Rangers
The Heart of Manwe - a gemstone medalion made by the Belgariad in YR
1187 that grants complete immunity to Vecna powers and magics.
Sky Islands - Giant floating islands of rock and earth that exist above Mount Skyweir.
The Raistlin Statue - put in the Mid-City, this statue is purported to have powerful temporal wardings that protect Manetherin.
The Rings of The Races - Made by the Riathane for the Pechs, the humans, the Hurazi, the Owl People, and the Lizard Folk.
The Five Guardians - Five great statues that were built during the Age
of Expansion. One was put at the entrance to each of the five
sourounding shadows. The Guardian statues are famed to have powers of
interdiction against undead, nether creatures, and evil armies.
The Sky Islands, aka the Skylands
*8 When
there was not going to be enough
room to house the population on Manetherin and rather than build down
the mountain they built across the sky. With the Paravian
magics of Queen Elayne and an artifact usage of the one power, the
Dragon Aes Sedai Rand Al'Thor formed the Sky islands. Using flows of all seven strands,
mass antigravities via Paravian magic, as well as pacts with
the air plane to support them is the islands were ever to fail. The
only remaining Ki Rin came to Skyweir to serve the Queen and Skyweir
became a haven and a spawning ground. Many new Ki Rin were born in the
first age (as many from the age prior were nearly hunted to extinction.)
Seeker Parties
*9 Seeker parties, formally part of the
Horn of the Unicorn, The First Union of Seekers, are traditionaly composed of a fighter
trained in avalon either from the highlands or trained in Manetherin, A
Belgariad mage, and a Sedai. The are sometimes accompanied by
or sent by a Dawn Priest. They are often monitored or report to the
Committee on Shadow Movement. There is some disagreement on why
they were called seeker parties. Some say its because they usually
sought some goal or quest (often given by the dawn priest) others say
its because of the large number of parties sent out into shadow in
search of the seventh Eoward that was sent out into shadow in
the first age by loric and which never returned. For two Ages the
Warward refused to name a new 7th Eoward. It wasnt until late in the
Age of Self Expression that the name 7th eoward was used again by the
Warward. this was given to the lost fleet of world war 1 ships and
tanks that were recovered after the war at the end of the second age.
The Intelligentsia aka Avalonian Magery
*10 Avalonian Magery refers to the whole of Arcane
Spellcasters in Avalon, Most are Bel gariad, All have taken
The Vow of the Bel Gariad, but this also includes Pattern mages and
other mages not Avalonian born who have come to reside in avalon). In
the Third Age, when the [pattern Mages were expelled from the Realm of
magic, this term was renamed "Intelligentsia" so they could still
include Pattern mages but then this opened up the term to also include
philosophers, sciencers, and theoreticians. Adralius of Manatherin is
the most noted/famous thinker included in this way).
Pattern Mages
*11 Pattern Mage in Avalon was founded by Raistlin Majere
and Nikola Telsa (the latter being a Balcuni Sulloisie Pattern Mage
from that long dead empire). Raistlin still remains a nefarious figure
in Avalonian history. Some say his Pattern magic curse as many pattern
mages acquire Pattern Curses in the course of practice of their magic,
was to be untrusted, but knowledge of this fact hasn't changed his
standing in history. In the third age, his descendant and the
Apprentice to Nikola Tesla, Rael Majere, found a long court battle in
the The Three Realms to change Raistlin's standing but this resulted in
the expulsion of the Pattern Mages from representation in the Realms of
Magic in the Third Age. Rael still remains revered in Avalon for his
discoveries in the field of electricity and electromagnetism which
fueled development of high technology over the course of 20 centuries
and his powers support operation of many devices to this current day).
A sidescript is added here; there are some accusations filed in the
Realms that suggest many of the advances were in fact stolen
maliciously from his former master Nikola Tesla
(the two have split over disagreements while others say that
it was Tesla's curse to never get recognition for his discoveries. It
is known that Pattern Magic is different than "ragular" magic in that
it enforces the natural laws (projected by a pattern) in a particular
area --often results in the dispelling or negating of spells because
they invoke powers from other planes. When spells are dispelled by a
Pattern Mage, the caster Usually takes in backlash damage (from
breaking the rules). Backlash damage is d6 per level of spell.
(Double if chaotic). Pattern magic powers are a strict set of powers
that are derived from the pattern which they came, they can only be
accessed in order (you cant access a level 3 power then a level 1 power
although you can do 1,3,4,7, etc. Powers are initiated by Concentration
checks and walking movements with the legs as they simulate walking the
requisite section of the pattern that applies to that power. There is a
maximum of 7 powers that can be accessed by a Pattern mage although the
specific powers may change or become enhanced with level progression.
Pattern mages automatically gain -1 on saves vs curses for every 5
The Departure
*12 At the beginning of the Third Age, the Sun Brothers
departed Avalon. Not much is known about where they went or why. One
day they just said they were all leaving and would return one day.
Conflicting reports suggest they left to allow humans to grow on their
own for a while, the Solarian sent them elsewhere with purpose, or they
had a falling out with the Paravian Queen. There are some rumors they
were sent to Harn or imprisoned by a nefarious force.
The Tar Valon
*13 The Tar Valon are theatrical group dancers and singers
that were, legend has it, founded to fullfill a dream that Loric and
Terel Rasputin had where song and dance could be made powerful enough
to evil without the need to fight. Three millenia of inspiration by the
Sun Brothers and Manwe himself has produced little in the way of
anything historic except the historic foot note of the Song of the tar
valon which punctuated the end of the Second Age war with the dark one
which cause the undead to remember their former lives and give
themselves unto death. The Tar Valon dancers, also known as the Cirque
du Soliel or "Circus of the Sun" still remain an amazing spectacle
which has brought Joy to the hearts of those who watch but has never
materialized as a fighting or defensive force. While some over the ages
have tried to incorporate the innovative dance skill sinto combat
techniques, these dancers were expelled because "the use of physical
combat is inconsistent with the values and purpose of the Tar Valon".
The Dawn Priests
*14 The Dawn Priest, or Priests of the Solarian have three
main missions - counsel people on how to determine what is right and
wrong (good vs evil), to record history so that it may be learned from,
and to stockpile armaments and prepare/strategize for the next Final
Battle against the Dark One, usually in
Shrines of the Unicorn. The Dawn Priests work most closely with
the Belgariad, the Knights of Sunsteel, and with the lay people of
Avalon. They tend not to meddle in the affairs of the Aes Sedai or the
Three Realms. They often direct or influence seeker parties towards the
greater fight against evil in indirect ways using prophecy or their
presence as a healer. There mission is NOT one of conversion to their
deity, rather counseling to understand the difference between right and
wrong which they contend can be achieved even without the help of a
deity (and exists independently of deities). They will proselytize a
lot however in convincing others as to the true nature of lawful good
actions. The Dawn Priests maintain Shrines of the Unicorn through
Avalon and beyond. They teach that faith in the Solarian is
not mandatory but belief in a higher good power that gives hope is
essential to the betterment of humanity. The Solarian is first seen as
a beacon of hope that such a greater power exists that may save them
from forces of evil that are greater than themselves. The Sun itself is
the ultimate beacon of hope. These priests' best miracles are
to foresee what words and interventions will most help an individual
see the rightness or wrongness of their own actions before calamitous
results happen. Healing and destruction of undead also remain
strengths. Free Choice is an essential component of the religion but
they will not hesitate to forcefully stop an evil that is about to
transpire. They are very adverse to killing seeing the death of someone
as end end to that persons capacity to choose good and prefer to
subdue, and imprison (usually to Steddings where evil doers can be
taught the error of their ways). A subset of their group trains with
the Paravians to understand the meaning of Paravian Absolution and
these go to the Steddings to help in the re-education of evil doers.
These are refered to as "teachers". When they can, the Dawn Priests
warn about impending evils or disastrous events. They view these
current times (circa 3950+) as the End Times where people must once
again be called upon to choose good from evil. They have counseled both
sides of the civil war, entreating each to remember what civility is
and to continue to obey the dictates of right and wrong.)
The Corporations
*15 The largest and most influential corporations
the Skrackland Corporation (formerly Skrak Aramco), the Grevian
Corporation, Monsanto Corporation, Mordenkainen Enterprises, and the
Carlysle Group with many others of lesser influence. They are supported
by a strong and very advanced banking system run by The Lepreconium - a
loose affiliation of Leprecauns who own shares of banks and many of
whom also sit on the Board of Trustees of many Corporations or act as
CEO. Many of the Corporations also own their own private military
groups (including the Mri, tieflings of a close shadow, and others).
The Corporations foster trade and have strong buisinesses in the
import of magic items from many other shadows.
The Amyrylin Seat
*16 The Amyrylin Seat is a throne carved by the Riathane and made
from a unique multicolored, multi-faceted gem found in the heart of
Mount Skyweir. It is famous for being the throne that the original King
Loric Vilesilencer ruled from during the Age of legends before the
inception of the Aes Sedai and every Dragon Aes Sedai has occupied it
since. In actuality, the stone wasn't discovered until year 853 and its
carving wasn't completed until 1050. The first to occupy it was the
Dragon Aes Bennedict Sedai. It is also believed that who ever
rules from the Amyrylin Seat is reflected in the leaders of all nations
throughout shadow.
Updates to The Vow
*17 it was about this time that The Vow changed (the virus
mutated) and now practitioners of the Vow gain The Quickening (Commune
with Nature)
One of the ancients -known as the knight of swords, some say she is a
fallen Valkyrie tasked with this job eternally as penance, others say
she is a manifestation of the pattern (in fact, it's all pattern magic
and she is a servant of the pattern and she ended up here when she made
a mistake in walking the pattern under Wes lake). She created it
such that the underwater of wes lake can access any other (unprotected)
fresh water lake in shadow. Some say she drew a Pattern there others
say she discovered it and that it is a natural reflection of the
pattern in Manetherin. in either case She is guided by her
knowledge of the pattern to know when or where she is needed. She
fulfills the role of a Shrine of the Unicorn but for swords only. She
can be summoned by good people with an alignment status of 1 who are in
need, the chances increase if they are ta'veren.