Shrines of the Unicorn have been built all accross shadow. usually
on the road to Avalon....

They are often viewd as temples to the Solarian but are much more that that. They act as way stations for weary travellers and they are often placed on long and hard roads to travel. Additionally they are places of clerical training for the Dawn Priests and the Priests of Manwe.

In each Shrine can be found water, food, and some bedding and usefull items such as rope, wheel oil, etc. One of the bests gifts to the Shrine is to leave something for other weary travelers to help lighten their burden during the long journey to or from Avalon.

In each Shrine is also a Book Of the Unicorn.

Written durring seven years of meditation and reflection at the top of the Seven
Thousand Stairs on the peak of the mountain Tai Shan in Andelain, the Book of the Unicorn holds the major tenents of the Solarians world view, life philosophy, ethical and moral teachings mixed in with the basis for the Aes Sedai class. It is meant to be read by alllay people as well as full Aes Sedai or Dawn Priests.

Exerpt from Loric's Book of the Unicorn

     "Mountains should be climbed with as little effort as possible and without desire. The reality of your own  nature should determine the speed. If you become restless, speed up. If you become winded,  slow down. You climb the mountain in an equilibrium between restlessness and exhaustion. Then, when you're no longer thinking ahead, each footstep isn't just a means to an end but a unique event in itself. This leaf has jagged edges. This rock looks loose. From this place the snow is less visible, even though closer. These are things  you should notice anyway. To live only for some future goal is shallow. It's the sides of the mountain which  sustain life, not the top. Here's where things grow. But of course, withot the top you can't have any sides.  It's the top that defines the sides. So on we go...we have a long hurry...just one step after the next..."
The Dawn Priests of the Solarian tend the Shrines.

As the Dawn Priests prepare for the comming wars against evil often they will store prophecies of the times to come, war plans, maps, and warnings of the future - so in the advent of major catastrophies at Manetherin, all will not be lost.

It is customary for each Shrine to at least have one magical item within to help a traveller in need overcome evil.

The item will be located in a secret cahe that magically opens when good or neutral people are in NEED.

A proper donation to the temple, by those who can, is an item of power that can be used to aid others against evil or in wearry need travelling.

The Dawn Priest use their prophecy miracles to determine which item is best placed where. They will attempt to forsee what travellers will need and move the items from temple to temple accordingly.

The following is a list of donations that have been deposited at temples and based on prophecy and need one or more may be found at any temple. All potions are clearly labelled.

3x +1 longswords, 1x +1 shortsword
+1 sword (on a 20 may use 1 spell level for 15pnts damage)
+3 ring of pro, +1 ring of pro
+3 dagger
+2 shield (protection from magic missiles when held)
+3 frost brand (longsword)
Ring of Inviso
Ring of water walking'
Perfumes of suggestion (3)
+1 ring of protection
+3 lance
+1 platemail armour (x7)
+1 swords (x9)
Sunblade- will act as Holy Avenger when borrowed by Knight/Paladin
Staff of Striking (32 chrg)
+4 hammer of giant slaying
+3 lomgsword
+2 dagger
+2 arrows (x5)

+1 battleaxe
Staff of Curing (unknown charges)
15x rillinlure dust
100ft of clingor
wands of wonder (57 chrg)
wand of fire (15chrg)
wand of frost (50chrg)
wand of secret door and trap finding (43 chrg)
bag of holding (small)
Helm of Brilliance
amulet of water breathing
1 keotugm's ointment
staff of power (15 chrgs)
broach of shielding
flagon of endless water
potions of extra healingX2, gaseous form, flying
potions of explosions (clearly labeled) x6
potions of X-ray vision (x3) - detect spells may see through 1 cloaking protection
potion of Life,
potion of extra healing,
Potions of Healing x6
Potion of Gaseous Form (x7)

Scroll of Disintegrate/Gust of Wind (20th lvl)
scrolls of: cure serious, cure critX3, bless, heal, cure lightxmany
Scroll of Protection from Demons,
Scroll of Protection from Devilsx2,
Scroll of Protection from Magic
Scroll of Protection from Undead
Scroll of Plane Shift x3 / Raise Dead Fully (21st lvl)
Mu spells of Photon, Dispell Magic, Lightning Bolt, Fire form and barrier function (all at 16th lvl)
Scroll of Tensers Floating Diskx3 (14th)
Scrolls of Protection From Wandering Monsters x3 (17th lvl ability)
Scrolls of Toungues x5 (10th lvl)
Clerical scroll of Know customs x7 (written by Dawn Priests)
Clerical scrolls of create food and water x7 (written by Dawn Priest)
Clerical Scroll of Neutralize Poison (10th)

Additionally the Belgariad has made a number of potent weapons against the Dark One and trollocs which have been donated.