Mandrake's Magical Tactics

may use 1 psionic action as free action
1 Standard Action                        - 1 spell of any level
2 Quick Actions (Multispell)         - 2 spells 6th level or less    - May apply still spell, empower spell, or up to 4 levels of metamagics to illusions free
1 Move Equivalent Action (gaze attack if Eyebite up)

Some skills may be used with actions: jump, spot. sleight of hand, hide, sensing nearest ether gate

Thistle readying on using his ring - either to teleport Mandrake and he away (if physical attacks imminent) or spellcatch (if attacked with powerful AOE)
use the tensers floating disk ability of thaumaturgy -
actions of Leonal is summoned or motions of Harold (unseen servant)

Defensive Prep
Mirror Image (6-10), Displacement: (50% miss),  Shield: (+4 ac)  [use staff of spell energy, keep two in mem just in case]  

Improved Blink (75% Miss for being on ethereal plane)

Mandrake's Paradoxical Sensory Disorganizer:

or improved invis (no dex, 50%miss, +2 to attacks, no AOO against me)
eyebite with wand (lasts 7 rnds only)
stoneskin? haste (-4 ac)

if my SR is 29, then 30-10=20 if they are over 19th lvl then use unadjustable MR
if my SR is 25, thus if they are under 15th lvl, then use sr if they are over 15th lvl, then use unadjustable
Spell Reflection (Ring), staff may absorb spells directed at bearer.
my familiar gets SR 32+5=37 (normal familiar rules) SR 37

when casting eyebite, perm illusion of my arm on staff (stilled), use slight of hand to reach
for wand so noone knows that the staff is unattended.

Defensive Maneuvers

The Locked Gilded Cage
ForcecageM: & Dimensional Anchor: or Dimensional Lock: (burst, emenation & spread spells dont penetrate), illusion that the cage is made of gold?
"mandrake summons a huge ornate golden cage OR mandrake summons a dragons claws which forms like a cage over him."

"Wall of Fice"
when cast a Wall of Force with Illusory Wall: make it look like a wall of ice so they try to break it down or cast dispell magic
can describe it as a wall of ice that is hemispherical or spherical

"Deflecting Mirrors"
mirror image that i can pput intelligence into can have powers of mandragoran ring, deflect one attack / rnd

"[Stone] Idols of Idolotry"
shadow conjuration of some creature with a seaming to they appear like us, dim the lights and a
mass suggestion that they are us. also use the seaming to make us look like them
--could also use wand of animation

we take "us prisoner"?
use greater ventriloquism, make illusion of main guy and turn real one invisble, let our dudes fight him invisible (give them detect invis)

sense nearest ether gate or ether storm, Gate?

Attack Maneuvers:
To defeat SR: +32 ((24+4 spell penetration and greater spell penetration +4 from staff of archmagist
DC illusions = 21+sp lvl
DC fire spells at +2, may boost caster lvl by d4 1/day (use for SR)
Ranged Touch attacks at +22

Mandrakes Kill Cloud (best when cast on creature in forcecage?)
Standard Action: Greater Shadow Conjuration (7th) of Cloudkill that is twinned, enhanced, + 1 additional metamagic (heightened by 1 or still spell)
Quick Action: Greater Shadow Conjuration (7th) of Cloudkill that is twinned, enhanced, + 1 additional metamagic (heightened by 1 or still spell)
Quick Action: Greater Shadow Conjuration (7th) of Cloudkill that is twinned, enhanced, + 1 additional metamagic (heightened by 1 or still spell)
Result: 6 fort saves for half of 1d4*1.5 con damage each ...i.e. (6d4)*1.5 in con damage each round

Mandrakes Solid Kill Cloud
Standard Action: Solid Fog No Save No SR. Move reduced to 5ft.
Quick Action: Greater Shadow Conjuration (7th) of Cloudkill that is twinned, enhanced, + 1 additional metamagic (heightened by 1 or still spell)
Quick Action: Greater Shadow Conjuration (7th) of Cloudkill that is twinned, enhanced, + 1 additional metamagic (heightened by 1 or still spell)
Result: 4 fort saves for half of 1d4*1.5 con damage each ...i.e. (4d4)*1.5 in con damage each round

can use protectively in combo with ring of gax space suit & forcecage

"Falling Halo"
Minor globe (cancel fly)
Reverse Gravity
Gate spell (over head)

"Crash the Aquarium"
vanish or disintegrate on the ground below a creature, raise water, wall of iron that falls over onto it (or wall of force).
illusion of a fishbowl, maybe conjure a shark
beam water in if nescessary

"The Locked Gilded Cage"
forcecage & dimensional lock (burst, emenation & spread spells dont penetrate), illusion thatthe cage is made of gold?

"Killer Pot Roast"
"Did I ever tell you that I like to cook? I make a Killer pot roast"
polyother to 375lb pot roast, telekinesis to launch pot roast as an attack for 15d6 damage

"Bait & Switch"
if guys want an item, do Mislead (no components), cast Soul Trap on object, cast illusion if nesc on object

"Puppet Master"
Thaumaturgy - if have a piece of them or use the telekinesis spell from staff - as combat maneuver can attempt to telekinetically Bull Rush, Disarm, Graple, (including pin) or trip an opponent CAster lvlv (22) used in place of base attack and primary stat used fro strength (22+15=+37 for grapple!) NO SAVE, SR applies

"Gulp and spew"
Limited wish for a tunnel swallow (takes 15d6 dam ref half, moved 25-50ft NO save, no SR
or passwall on ground, (D), gate spell on top
good for use with Gate spell (or prismatic sphere)

"Wall of Fice"
when cast a wall of force make it look like a wall of ice so they try to break it down or cast dispell magic

"Walk the Dog"
gate & invisibility on gate with a lure spell

"Storm in a crystal ball"
fatestorm and wall of force so they are trapped in the winds

Song & Dance Routines
thistle plays background for each dance, 

electric current, ottos, + shadow conjuration [bands of steel (3rd lvl) NO SR] -reflex save (26) or helpless,
success save = entangled, full round action to get out

"Lime in the Coconut"
electric current, ottos, + wall of water [No SR, reflex save or be caught in 22 10ft cubes] +cone of cold
or shadow conjuration freezing fog (4th lvl)

"Mambo Number 5"
electric current attack, ottos, and shadow conjuration of 1d3 apes (auto empower) (hd 2, dex 15) - which make trip attacks on his turn (dancer causes attacks of opportunity on its turn).

"King of Bongo"
"Stray cat strut"
i can see clearly now the rain is gone, its gonnay be a brght sunny day..
limited wish the next spell is chained, do ottos,
"stuck in the iddle with you" - ottos and web.

"Great Binding" (Against insurmountable SR)
if lorocus, liguarius, and starrider cast dominate ____ when I cast Binding
then add 1/3rd their levels to mine for casting
22+~25=47   so 47+4 feats, +4 staff =55 vs sr, they get wil save if they are over 24th lvl

Combination Attack & Defense Maneuvers

"Wall of Fice"
when cast a wall of force make it look like a wall of ice so they try to break it down or cast dispell magic

"Double take"
projected image & unprojecting image (illusion of a spell if facing starrider)

Chariots of Fire
Flame travel with a fireball or meteor swarm (appear at edge of enlarged blast) possible combo with superior invis or invis

"Slyly cut the cheese"
stnking cloud and making the cloud invisible - dont know where to run
if stand in the middle then make partner immune to gasses using gaxx

/me casts 'Mandrakes Awesome Grapple':<br> Two quickened Moment of Prescience Spells and standard action staff to cast a telekenesis <br>
use current MOP to Overcome SR: [d20+36+8+4+4+CasterLvl] <br>
cast MOP as quick action <br>
telekinetic Grapple with MOP: [d20+36+Intelligence+CasterLvl] <br>
recast MOP for next round.<br>

round prior thistle or me casts Serene Visage <br>

Mandrake's Ultimate Deception Combo<br>
Uses all of mandrakes actions, 3 spells from spell weaver and thistle using his familiar spell <br>
Mandrake Spells <br>
  using telekinesis from staff as standard action (invoking MOP for disarm) <br>
     telekinetic Disarm with current MOP: [d20+36+Intelligence+CasterLvl] <br>
  Unprojecting image on Spellweaver*<br>
  wide max fireball* 60HP <br>
     Bluffing to make it look like Madrake's Trying to destroy weapon <br>
     using thistles MOP on bluff: Bluff [d20+Bluff+Charisma+23+SkillModTemp+10] <br>
Spellweaver Spells <br>
  projected image*  <br>
  time stop <br>
    1. trap soul <br>
    2. polymorph any object <br>
    3. magic aura, heightened to 5th level, <br>
    1. Miser's envy <br>
    2. Projected Image
    3. Unprojecting Image, end timestop <br>

    if 3 rounds: 1. Misdirection and links the old mace to the new mace,

Thistle casting MOP for mandrake's bluff

As std action, Mandrake attempts to telekinetically disarm:<br>
1. spellweaver projects image to area where the item falls <br>
2. at same time mandrake casts, unprojecting image on spellweaver and fireball on spellweavers new location <br>
---use the explosion as cover - blindsight will not sense projection, fireball covers sight <br>
3. mandrake trying to bluff that he is trying to destroy the weapon (fireball is wide and max) <br>
4. spellweaver stops time and preps the trap <br>
6. he casts trap soul on 80,000gp gem with word "Kyuss" written on it. <br>
7. cast polymorph any object to make it look like the weapon <br>
8. cast stilled Magic Aura heightened to fifth level spell to make it seem like weapon <br>
9. casts misers envy to make him want it. Ad hoc bonus to DC? <br>

10. he projects image back to original location <br>
11. unprojects his image as he ends time stop  and its like he never left <br>
---trap soul is not mind affecting, charm or compulsion, it is a Conjuration spell.<br>


for Randolf:
read of off scroll "hereby decree by word of the divine king of dragons, draco paladine the righteous, that Randolf , known as Randolg The rightcheous, servant of the gods, has the blessings of Draco paladine", Randolf becomes bathes in the light of the golden dragon and all of his armour takes on a platinum hue (permanent).

for this aaron will successively hold a golden candle, a silver candle, and a brass candle.
greater heroism (scroll) +4 morale on attack rolls, saves, & skills, immunity to fear and 20 extra hp, (total is +25hp)
enlarge (+2 size bonus strength, -2 dex, -1 attack -1 AC)
haste (+1 attack AC reflex),
prot vs evil
rockhard (+4 ac)
fly, protection from spells (+8) , thaumaturgical straps for mandrake
bulls strength, cast grace & eagles splendor (+4) from aaron
total: +6 intelligence,+2 size to str, +4 enhance str, +2 dex, +4 chr, +4 attack, +4 fort, +4 will, +5 reflex +8 spells, +10 skills,  +20 hp, immune fear, flying
plus prot vs evil
+4 shield of exceptional deflection/spell reflection

instructions, he will go in and fight but when i pull him back let me
i can tellekinetically throw him in so he can get full attacks first round
Aaron will roll dice for Randolf [d6]
clear elfstones to ward Randolf (20x4 = 80 points)

on aaron,
cats grace, owls wisdom, eagles splendor (+4 each), fly
XXimpromptu spell 1/day - wings of cover if nescessary
prot vs evil

starsight make me better ill help you track a magician by his sight/scent
locate things
see things
independently cast spells and telepathic
+6 intelligent objects,

will do wall of ice, flaming sphere and ready action to block rays and sipell magics using thaumaturgy to move it 

on spellweaver
energy resist (120 points fire)
cold fire shield vs heat
prot vs evil
moment of prescience (cast on himself)
(limited wish by mandrake right before battle)
reduce (belt, bag of holding)

shield spell +4 ac
prot vs evil
rockhard +4 ac immune to bludgeon and constrict
mirror image

All above

first rounds:
grease spelss on worms
solid fog against giant worms with webs and empowered? stinking cloud
talk to webs and tell them my allies are protected? (dr 60 vs fire)
XXt sphere +lim wish against a. sphere
XXproj image and charm of ill vs tollstaff
XXtry to convince him im chick and she needs his help
bestow curse (50% chance of losing action) overwhelmed by the depravity of your own deeds!
bestow curse -cannot burrow - your sins are laid bare to the world, cannot burrow until you atone!
bestow curse on giant worms-cannot burrow - your sins are laid bare to the world, cannot burrow until you atone!
sensory deprivations if they are living

to kyss" i am going to show you and everyone exactly what you are"
1. fatestorm at kyuss - catch randolf in as well, four cards each - simultaneous for randolf and one at a time for kyss
2. Fatestorms deceptive programmed image - see below - DC 38
3. sensory disorganizer (acid trip) or bestow curse that he fails his check against next illusion DC 33 or see 3 below

Fatestorm's Deceptive Programmed Image DC 38 <br>
the illusion creates images of 3ft by 2 ft glowing cards from the deck of many things, decorated with the symbology of the tarot <br>
it follows the following program <br>
if he gets XII the Knight (gain service of a fourth level fighter) he instead will see the comet - defeat next creature you meet to gain one level) first and then that card<br>
if he gets the Moon (wishes) make it look instead like VI  The Flames (enemnity with outsider and the outsider in the card offers him wishes) <br>
if he gets the star (bonus to one stat) or the vizier (know answer to your next dilema) he will get instead the Idiot (perm lose 2-5 intelligence) <br>
otherwise he gets the following cards in this order<br>
IV. The Rogue - one henchmen turns against you.  <br>
IX The idiot -permanently  lose 2-5  intelligence. <br>
XI The Key - gain a beneficial magic item <br>
X Judgement - Change alignment or be judged

3. greater ventrilloquism "Myra my beloved you will be avenged! kyuss you are a fool to think you could turn me against my family. a fool i say!"

possible Deception of Betrayal
1. Illusion of a spell - wish- in the name of genin fateshaper i wish that, unbenounst to the one he worships,  my gift of fates to edwin tolstaff frees him from his servitude
if above done then "in the name of genen fateshaper i wish that kyuss doesnt know the truth that it is Edwin tollstaff that is the one turned against him"

2. Greater Ventrilloquism on Edwin Tollstaff DC 34 will, glammer, avoidance - at the end of the round he will say "Thank goodness! Gwen, I shall avenge you!"
3. burst of magic on tollstaff (range 100 ft/lvl) no save/sr
Bluff check using MOP

1. illusion of a spell - telepathy
2. False Thoughts - a telepathic conversation with tolstaff as follows Mandrake: "You must aid me now it is the only way to defeat him" Tollstaff - "I will help you but if your wish was completely successful he does not know i am free. i shall pretend to attack you and then when he is exposed i will attack this silly fool who thought he could turn me against my family"

Summon Am'Ameons Firestorm
"Youre going to praise Am ameon for this one!"
Quick Action Burn & Consume
Quick Action Meteor Swarm          
           ---target 1 takes 192 Hp Reflex DC 36 for 144 hp <br>
           ---target 4 separate targets but all overlapping   does 156 hp each <br>
Standard Action: Rod of Greater empowerment Meteor Swarm (cast at 1d4 levels higher)
    Four expl spheres each deal 18 concusion dam to target and 54 each fire damage in 80 radius.(160 dia)
   in all 4 - 72 cuncusion damage, 216 fire damage  / DC 36 reflex save gets 72 cuncussion plus 108 fire

2 gate spells
incendiary cloud and or resilient sphere
(gate to paraplane of vacuum, just beyond that gate create a second gate to inside incendiary cloud with a burn and consume. (incendiary cloud will do 80ft diameter circle 40 ft high that moves up to 60ft per round) a resilient sphere or wall of force(sphere) in which mandrake is casting fire spells {can be in darkaneos flame and casting fire every round)

scintillating pattern (up to 20hd each) , remove mind affecting, empowered,
13 or more hit dice creatures are confused for 1d4 rounds, otherwise stunned then confused or unconcious then stunned and then confused.
no save! SR applies, lasts concentration +2 rounds, 20ft radius spread, range 80ft at my level

grapple telekinesis off of staff : grapple = character level + intelligence = 36+15=+51 with moment of prescience =+74
from spell = 23+15=+38 w/ mop = +61
with aid another +2 per spell or +4 if at 20th level
need to also do a MOP on getting past spell resistence: d20+23+4+4+23=d20+54

shapechanging to half dragon, assume creatures stats:
+8 str = 23 str (+6), +2 con (+36 hp)
+4 natural armour = AC 31
30ft cone of fire 1/day, for 6d8 damage dc 15 save for half  (10+4/2+3)=15
immune to sleep, paralysis, and fire

aaron try to use magic device on the obelisk

aaron ready to counter dispel magic with dispel magic Use Magic device <br>
Abberatant Insight - Aaron adds his Intelligence bonus to all spellcaster <br>
level checks vs SR and for his attempt to despel magics of any creature with the Abberant or Elder Evil subtypes <br>

aaron to have several wallsStilled  of ice and get pieces from all four corners, flaming sphere for energy, use thaumaturgy to reflect rays

Mandrakes Ultimate Encapsulation <br>
--stnd: stilled wall of force,<br>
--quick: stilled transmute rock to mud<br>
--quick: stilled dispel magic<br>
--Wall of force (Thoughtcast)<br>
--wall of force<bTumble  [d20+Tumble+Dexterity+SkillModTemp]Tumble  [d20+Tumble+Dexterity+SkillModTemp]Tumble  [d20+Tumble+Dexterity+SkillModTemp]Tumble  [d20+Tumble+Dexterity+SkillModTemp]r>
--wall of force<br>
--reverse gravity<br>
Aaron casts Dimensional Lock off of scroll as walls go up. <br>
+2 to UMD from 5 ranks in spellcraft (+2 to umd with scrolls) <br>
+2 to UMD from 5 ranks in decipher script (+2 to umd with scrolls) <br>
+22 to cast this scroll needs 20+20=40 or to roll a 14 <br>
thistle is giving aaron pointers on UMD [5+ ranks]
while he casts he rolls his dice [2d6] <br>
use magic device: scroll +26 [d20+7+7+2+2+2+6] <br>
20ft radius centered 20ft up his body (gets his feet but not the gates)<br>
to defeat SR of any creaturem Aaron gets to add his intelligence bonus <br>
SR: [d20+20+10] +dice <br>

Mandrakes Ultimate Rude Awakening <br>
spellweaver <br>
--gate to ether <br>
--gate from ether to pit under mud inside wall of force <br>
--burn and consume <br>
Mandrakes <br>
--quick: stilled dispel magic <br>
--stnd: delayed blast fireball in pit to destroy feet <br>
--quick: stilled scorching ray <br>

5d6 (15) from electric current
light bolt 10d6 -- 30
light bolt 10d6 -- 30

cast shadow evocation heaightened to 8th lvl of a
Bigby's Force Sculpture: +webs Creatures a visible plane of force that you can shape. use it to more the webs
WEB -----Each round devoted to moving allows the creature to make a new Strength check or Escape Artist check. The creature moves 5 feet for each full 5 points by which the check result exceeds 10. 20ft of webs provide total cover
beware fire

Raise water & freezing sphere

Mandrakes Tremendous Meteor swarm <br>
Four expl spheres each deal 12 conc dam to target and 36 fire damage in 80 radius.(160 dia) <br>
---target 1 takes 192 Hp Reflex DC 36 for 144 hp <br>
---target 4 separate targets but all overlapping   does 156 hp each <br>
If empowered (rod of greater empowerment 3 per day) 
---does (386 hp DC 36 for 216 in 160 dia, or 234 to multiples
All those in area take 36 if in 1, 72 if in 2, 108 in 3, and 144 if in 4, DC 36 for half <br>

4 folden transluscent globes emerge from mandrakes mouth and grow inside as they move forward, as the globe grows you can see a    
transluscent golden serpent growing inside. when the globes strike their target the eggs break open and 160  ft diameter is engulfed in  
golden flames with the combined strength and size of four meteor swarms!

if empowered invoke Amameonin casting and add 1d4 caster levels (helps against SR)

resurection on an undead
Unnamed Maneuvers

warn party that if i say "fight off this illusion, the thing coming next is real"
- shadow evocation of daylight spell! (light only we can see)

shadow evocationof a wind wall to block arrows?

Limited wish for an energy transformation field linked to a ---- (see 6th lvl spells, absorbs all magic item and spell effects in area)

cast detect thoughts on someone else (or get them potion of esp) and then use false thoughts
pouch should have potions of esp with labels on them of ESP

if someone will look at my cards use the sepia snake sigil

spellstrike on a defensive spell

delayed blast fireball

wall of stone with passwall

passwall is (d) and ejects any who are in it automatically
do paswall on ground, ppl fall in, then put gate over the top or prismatc wall

monster summoning ix list and token, combos with them
1 Leonal (guardinal) 114 hp (best healing)
At will—detect thoughts, fireball (DC 15), hold monster (DC 17), wall of force; 3/day—cure critical wounds (DC 16), neutralize poison, remove disease; 1/day—heal (DC 18). Caster level 10th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
---each day, a leonal can heal an amount of damage equal to its full normal hit points.
---this ability provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws to anyone within 20 feet of the leonal.
---roar up to three times per day. Each roar releases a blast in a 60-foot cone that duplicates the effects of a holy word spell and deals an extra 2d6 points of sonic damage (Fortitude DC 20 negates).

or 1-3  Celestial triceratops or Celestial cachalot whale1
or 1d4+1 Avoral (guardinal)
At will—aid, blur (self only), command (DC 14), detect magic, dimension door, dispel magic, gust of wind (DC 15), hold person (DC 16), light, magic circle against evil (self only), magic missile, see invisibility; 3/day—lightning bolt (DC 16). Caster level 8th.
------ each day, an avoral can heal an amount of damage equal to its full normal hit points. (66)
--spot 21 (also has true sight)
-- one for each party member, only commands to protect - aid, heal, and ready on attacks and D dor

web with fire protection on it?

use forscreen on ring of gaxx to protect from spells/magicked area

ring of gaxx holodeck illusion ......

gate and magic missle arcana?

switch shadow skin for illusionary light.

cast starmantle if facing creatures with magic weapons (half dam)

Thistle os working on DuelWard (4th lvl) - he readies on my opponents to cast counterspell

spells working to learn next level:
4th lvl Anticipate teleportation
8th lvl Prescience

list all evocations can be done by a shadow evocation (all can be empowered)

list all conjurations thatcan be done by shadow conjuration (al can be empowered)

look for combos

Wizard Spells in Memory

Epic Spells     

 Sorcerer Spells Known

Triggered and Contingent Powers

Sagely's Spectacular Retainer: Mage expends all of his spells to cast several retained spells.
Contingency: When one of my Wall of Force spells is destryed by someone other than me, it is replaced by a Wall of Force.
Thoughcast: Sorcerer's Charn of Domination.
Amameon's Gift  Boosts caster level of fire spells by 1d4 (1/day)
Bracers of the Gold Dragon: Breath Weapon, 20d6 Fire or Gas 90x30 cone.
Thistle's Ring of Spell StoringTime Stop Spellcatch Repulsion Energy Shield
Staff of the Archmagist: Current Charges:
Staff of Spell Energy: Current Charges:

possible spells for later
1st serene visage
2nd reflective disguise, misdirection, phantasmal foe
3rd sensory deprivation, shadow binding, illusory script
4th phantasmal killer, shadow well, hallucinatory terrain
5th persistent image (programmed illusion), seeming, mirage arcana, false vision and dream
8th prescience

glimerskin - druidical