Mandrake Mandragoran, First Council of Melderyn   

Character Level: 41 Class Levels Wizard 24   Sorcerer 16 Fighter 1
Thaumaturg 6 Alchemist 1 Magician 1 Sorcerer 15 Wizard 1

Deity Elvish        Birthdate December 6th
Alignment: Lawful Good Height 6'1 Hair Color White
Race: 100% Elvish 50% Dragon Weight 200 lbs Facial Hair White

Description: An air of strangeness accomanies this truely memorable character. Clothed in stately color changing robes that sometimes appear to have a starry sky within them.

Sometimes appears to be served by faeries that carry or hand him his items (actually a combination of his familiar or his intelligent Starsight glasses casting unseen servant and silent images)

Mandrake's Spell List      The Golden Draco   Mandrake's Deck of Many Things

      Dragon Forms         Mandragoran Reading      Thistle     Avisar  The Mandragorans

       The Councils of Melderyn       The First Council      The Second Council      The Third Council (Parliament)

Mod reasons                          


Conditional Bonuses
Strength 15 2 21 +5 +2 parav aura
+6 shades (not stack)
Fortitude +33 +18 +5 +5 luck (robes) +5 resist (cloak)  +2 vs evil, +3 unamed vs illusions (belt)
Dexterity 16 3 22 +6 ion stone +2 dex
+2 parav aura
+2 shades
Reflex +32 +16 +6 +5 luck (robes) +5 resist (cloak)  +2 vs evil,+3 unamed vs illusions (belt
Constitution 14 2 20
+5 (+6 bed) +2 parav aura
+4 shades
+3 competence bed
Will +39 +21 +7 +5 luck (robes) +5 resist (cloak)
+2 Iron Will -1 (touched)
+2 vs evil,+3 unamed vs illusions (belt)
+7 competence bonus vs ilusions
Intelligence 35 12 41 15 +6 tatoo/shades
Wisdom 18 4 24 7 +6 tatoo/shades Spell Resistence 50%/20 +1 all rolls (luck)
Charisma 20 5 26 8 +6 tatoo/shades -4 all rolls (if horde too small)

Combat Statistics

Size/Type: Medium
Hit Points 420 (thats with +5 from const), 461 w/ bed,  297 (at +2 const)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 30 ft. 
Armor Class: 29 (+6 dex, +2 dodge (boots) +12 armour (bracers) -1 overconfident,  touch 18, flat-footed 21
38 w/sword & shield [+5 deflect (sword) +4 shield bonus(shield spell)] touch 23, flat-footed 25
40 sword/shield/f defensive [+5 deflect (sword) +4 shield bonus(shield spell)] touch 25,
42 total defense w/ sword & shield, touch 27,
AC affects  (50% miss with displacement, possible mirror images, deflect 1 blade/rnd, stoneskin (DR 10)
Base Attack: +24/+19/+14  Grapple: +25 (+5 strength, +20 base)
Attack: sword +26 - +31  (+0- +5 sword +5 strength  +20 base) 1d8+7
Full Attack +5: sword +31/+26/+21    1d8+7 x 4 (when sword at +5)
Full attack (+0) sword +23/+17/+12  1d8+7 x 4 (when sword at +0)
Fighting defensively sword +18/+13/+8/
Full Attack (Tens) sword +48/+43/+38/+33    1d8+9 x 4 (when sword at +5)  AC +5   +5 fort saves
ranged touch attack +24
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft
Special Attacks: - Gaze Attack
Special Qualities:  resistence to fire 100 
Saves: Fort +33 , Ref +32 (+21 when hasted), Will +39 
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 40, Wis 24, Cha 26
Best Skills: Magic 1 Wizardry 1 Alchemy 1 Thaumaturgy V  Sorcery XV
Combat Feats:
Environment: Harn: Cherafir, Melderyn; Ridow; The Golden Draco Cloudship

Below are feats. Working on ? for next character level feat.

Origin Name Description
Quirk 1 Eccentric tastes Eats pistachio nuts, chews on golden or platinum toothpicks
Quirk 2 Paranoid -1 on sense motive if person is lawful or good, +1 if chaotic or evil
Disadd 1 Paranoid -6 on sense motive, always more likely to suspect motives
Disadd 2 Overconfident -1 AC in all cuircumstances
Fighter Endurance
Sorcery (1st) Charm of Sight Clairaudience
Sorcery (2nd) Charm of Sight Clairvoyance
Sorcery (3rd) Charm of Sight Augury
Sorcery  (4th) Charm of Illusions Audial Component
Sorcery (5th) Charm of Illusions Visual Component
Sorcery (6th) Charm of Illusions Olfactory Component     All creatures in 60ft radius. Will Save  DC 39 (10+6 spell level + 15 intelligence +5 illusion focus +3 belt) 
Sorcery (7th)
Charm of Fates Bestows curse
Sorcery (9th) Charm of Fates +2 DC of Curses with Charm of Fates - Will DC 37
Sorcery (11th) Domination - Gaze Attack - Contest of will saves, sorcere adds his charisma bonus as well
Sorcery (13th) Enscrollment - Gaze Attack - As magic jar without soul gem (native soul is supressed)
Sorcery (15th) Astral Projection As Astral Projection
Sorcery Sorcerycraft Scry and Knowledge (Illusion) become in class skills (sorcerer only)
Thaumaturgy (6) Transumutation Effect Objects gain no save. Target Creatures Save at 10+ lvl of thaumaturge (DC 34)
Thaumaturgy (6) Levitate  Levitate at 200lb per level/strength bonus (4800 x 5 = 34000 lbs)
Thaumaturgy (6) Full Telekinesis lift 600lbs per str bonus (3,000lbs), s (all creat in 10ft area); to hit on each req = base + int (+39) Will DC  34
Thaumaturgy (6) Energy Requirement/Transfer
Thaumaturgy (6) Create Voodoo Doll Requires 3 separate pieces
Thaumaturgy (6) Invoke Tensers Floating Disk Requires Concentration
Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgical craft Craft (Thaumaturgy) becomes an in class skill 
Alchemy 1 Simple Formulae
Magician 1 Item Creation Knowledge +50 spellcraft to identify magic items
Magician 1 Craft Wonderous Item  (twin book) Item Creation Feat
Magician 1 Magiciancraft skill Use Magic Device becomes in class skill (magician only)
Wizardry 1 Test of Wills May do wizardly test of will is have true name
Synergy Feat Thaumaturgy/Alchemy Yield of potions created by alchemy is increased by +1/ lvl of thaumaturge (+5)
1 of each five magics Archmagist Combine 5 magic classes to determine caster lvl for 5 magics abilities
no energy source or aging needed, gain one epic power for each Archmagist lvl, combined 5th magic craft skills determine usages per day
Archmage I Mandragoran Scry Scry bypasses all barriers to scrying, overcoming barriers may alert the target (contest of scry skill)
Archmage II Mandragoran Domination
- Gaze Attack -
Domintation bypasses all non epic and standard divine  protections and bypasses Epic and Divine protections that are not geared specifically to mental protection,
adds +50 to overcome SR, +4 to test of wills (+42 tot)
Archmage III Mandragoran Curse of Fates As described in Mandragoran Curse of Fates
Test of the Tower of High Sorcery High Sorcerer May affect other sorcerers with sorcery,   can force lower level sorcerers to avert their gaze (contest of wills)
First Council Benefit King's Counselor +4 reaction with all Melderyni Mage
First Council Benefit Superior Wish Wishes used for First Council buisiness do not have experience point or ageing cost. These wishes are
capable of more than regular wishes and Genin grants favors +75%
First Council Benefit Spell Credit
may place 1 day of spell study on credit with limited wish
First Council Benefit Standing on Melderyni Ground Immune to 3 chosen spells (greater dispell magic, wish, mages disjunction)
May cast Momento Mori at will vs any mage or magic using creature on Melderyni soil
Sorcerer Class Familiar Familiar gains share spells, alertness, improved evasion, empathic link, touch, speak with master
True Illusionist Devotion Illusionist spells only for sorcerer class. Schools: True Illusion, Avoidance
True Illusionist (1st) Discipline Mastery (True Illusions) Channel True Illusion subtype illusions as cleric of illusion school
True Illusionist (2nd-14th) Augment Illusion May apply 8 levels of metamagic feats free to illusions
True Illusionist (3rd-12th) Illusion Focus +5 on DCs & Caster Level check for SR with illusions
True Illusionist (5th) Clear Senses Autosave vs illusions unless caster +4 lvl, +8 competence bonus to saves vs illusions
True Illusionist (10th) Discipline Mastery (Avoidance) Channel Avoidance subtype illusions as cleric of illusion school
True Ilusionist (15th) Master of Illusion As per true sight except does not show true form of polymorphed creatures, ethereal plane or see through normal darkness
Disad (Arrogant) Infuse Truth Illusions do not have mind descriptor - costs 2 lvl of meta magic
Disad (Overconfident ) Heighten Spell Metamagic that raises DC and level of spell
1st Lvl Character Cosmopolitan Diplomacy as in class skill, +2
3rd Lvl Character Quicken Spell Quicken Metamagic feat
6th Lvl Character Empower Spell Empower metamagic ability (+2 lvls)
9th Lvl Character Spell Penetration +2 on caster level checks vs SR
12th Lvl Character Greater Spell Penetration +4 on caster level checks vs SR
15th Lvl Character Leadership Henchmen
18th Lvl Character Iron Will +4 on will saves
21st Lvl Character Epic Spell Casting 1 epic spell per 10 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) per day
24th Lvl Character Epic Quicken Spell Automatically quicken spell up to 3rd level
27th Lvl Character
Epic Quicken Spell Automatically quicken spell up to 6th level
30th Lvl Character Epic Leadership Loresraat,  Avisarian Institute, Melderyn
33rd Lvl Character Multispell (Epic) 1 additional quickened spell per round
36th Lvl Character Epic Quicken Spell Automatically quicken spell up to 9th level
39th Lvl Character Improved Spell Capacity Ability to Cast 10th lvl spells. Gain 10th lvl spell slot per day + intelligence bonus
42nd Lvl Character
Megavon Taught Still Spell Metamagic that removes somantic component (+1 lvl)
Greater Tarot Card Magician Unaffected by a normal Deck of Many Things
   +2 intelligence  +10% experience point bonus
    may use certain magic items to enhance DC or SR
Mandragoran Memorable  I am remembered by people I interact with.
Gain +2 diplomacy conversations that drive life changing events may be  remembered
Bonus Feat as Ether Mage Ether Sense Can sense the closest ethereal abberations (weather etc.) and closest planar doorways (to and from the ethereal plane) +10 ranks knowledge ether plane
Raising Draco Paladine Reputation among Dragons +5 reaction to good dragons,  - 5 reaction to all evil dragons
Gift of Draco Paladine Part Dragon (50%) Race: 100% Elvish, 50% Dragon
 - Ego, doesn't like to back down, likes to sleep
 - May have dragon dreams, access to dragon magic
Gift of Draco Paladine Dragon Sense 200ft Low Light Vision,  Blindsight   Scent:  May identify creature type by scent DC 20 (int)
Megavon Connection Higher Contact Higher Plane Contacting higher plane with 1st plane of heaven gives better than yes/no answers,
usually results in telepathy with Mandrake of Heaven
Mandragoran Mandragoran Destiny Create Deck of Many Things w/ Epic Wonderous
 - + 100 on Spellcraft checks involving Fates
Syrynx Enhanced Dragonform Hit Points increase 200 when in dragon form
Syrynx Expert Reality Shaper Alter Reality Spell Functions at +20%
Decree of Draco Paladine Gold Draco form Gold Dragon form allowed via shape change,  must be equivalent to own age category (Old)
Earned in Dragon form  Dragon Wing Buffet       Forgo claw attacks for 50% miss chance to one opponent
Pattern Mage Manifestation of the Pattern Within Immune to all first level MU spells
Pattern Mage Establish Gaze Contest of Wills to establish eye contact with any creature (even those without eyes), No SR, not treated as magic. Free action.
Land Visitor Empathy +4 sense motive, +4 handle animal
GIP - Former fire mage Fiery Reputation +4 Reaction by all Aziers and Fire Elementals
-4 Reaction by Efreeti
+4 Reputation on Fire Plane (+2 other Elemental Ps)
+10 ranks knowledge Fireplane
GIP - Restoring Kings Items Gratitude of the Azier
(Must invoke King's name)
Spells and spell like abilities with the fire descriptor are both Maximized and Enlarged (q.v)
 +2 DC on saves of all fire spells, may boost caster level of 1 spell by d4 (1/day)
GIP Former Firemage Recieves Darkanean's Flame on fireplane from Aziers and Fire Elementals
GIP - Farook of Flame Call for Aid Any of Mandragoran family May Call Upon the Fire Plane for Aid for the next 989 years
GIP - Edgar Catce Gargantua May call on Gargantua (60HD Fire elemental) once
GIP Gratitude of Elves May summon 2-5 5th lvl elvish fighters 1/yr
GIP - "The Stand" Touched -1 Will Saves   -1 Reaction.   Any member who faced Archdevils and is still a mortal (non-outsider) carries the effect of dealing with evil. They seem slightly sad, disturbed and a little broken
GIP - "The Stand" Infamy (Devils)

-4 Reaction all Illithids and direct servants/allies   +1 TH/Damage vs party

All Devils everywhere know of party. Actively seek to thwart and destroy and ally with most enemies. They attack at least 1/year wit CR10 (loved ones as well)

Mammon Curse of Greed

Will seek to develop and build a hoard of wealth. Needs to be at least 100,000gp per CR of Mandrake. All rolls at -4 unless actively perfoming actions toward this end

GIP - "The Stand" Fear not the Devil

Immune to Devilish Fear affects. May confer immunity to Fear from Devils (as std action) for 1rd + 1rd per Charisma point

GIP - "The Stand" Tame the Devil

+40 inherent bonus to Intimidate checks against devils, demons and daemons due to this Epic Battle.

GIP - "The Stand" Angelic Respect All angels and upper worldly outsiders will react at +2 Reaction due to this battle, In addition, PC will gain a +4 inherent bonus to Intimidate checks vs Angels
GIP - "The Stand" Wizardly Awe

All Wizards (aware of this battle) will suffer a -4 Morale bonus when using summoning against party members. In addition, party will gain a +4 Intimidate check against Wizards.

GIP - "The Stand" Knowledge of Devils +5 to Knowledge Devils (Circumstance Bonus) – may read Monster Manual on Devil Template
GIP - "The Stand" Reputation bonus

All party members gain a +2 Reputation bonus for this battle.

Lucifer Luficer's Malice

All those who stood before the onslaught of the Day of the Devil are cursed. Lucifer will always follow them and anywhere Lucifer’s hand may touch (not Land or Heaven), and the party fights non-divine beings, those beings are at a +10 Positive Levels. This includes TH, Dam, Skill, Save and Stat checks as well as Dispel Checks but not SR. This may be mitigated  (see DM for how)

Lucifer Curse of Mediocrity

That which matters shall not cross their path. They shall have the peace and quiet of those who no longer matter. The party will no longer be plagued nor involved in large events. They will be left alone. No Wander Encounters will exceed CR20. Anything they become involved in will tend to eventually be undone or be of little consequence.

Snatch Friendly GIP (Worm that walks) May grab allies with claws and/or mouth as a swift action (within reach)
Kyussworld Survival +2 unnamed bonus to survival in kyussworld, +3 Ranks knowledge Kyuss,
GIP - Wealth Feat (Filthy Rich) Avisarian Institute 500gp per session without keeping track
Spiritual Worm GIP Battle against Kyuss immune to worms of kyuss,
Good Karma Gift of God, on Kyussworld gain 3 rerolls, after the roll
Twin  Book may twin spells at cost of 4 levels higher
Gifting of Fate Gift of Ogma Mandragoran Gift of Fates costs only 10,000 xp to cast
Formidable Gift of Genin All plus items function as +5 in Mandrakes hands
Weapon Focus (Shirken) Gift At Bru Na Bonne +1 to hit
Weapon Specialization (Shirken) Gift At Bru Na Bonne +2 damage
Reputation Auidience at Bru Na Bonne +2 with winter court, -2 with summer court

Named Wizard of Fire Command by the Grand Druid - This power is a lost piece of lore from the Pacts that allows a Druids and other practitioners to command elementals to convert their existence on the Prime Plane (Shadow / Parallel / Elemental Planes included) to any Elemental Type spell (except the summoning of another elemental) of the same type as the elemental. The level of the spell desired can be no more than 1 level less than the level of spell required to summon the elemental. Example: A Druid summons a Water Elemental with an 8th level Spell. This Huge Elemental can then be commanded to serve the druid and any time before he must return the Druid can command the elemental to convert his power on Paradise to a water spell of 7th level or less. The elemental loses TWICE the Hit Dice as level of the spell expended (diminishes, not being killed/hurt). Thus a 3rd elemental commanded to do a 7th lvl spell wuld lose 14 HD. If this exceeds their current HD the spell fizzles and they fade. If they have enough HD they are reduced but live and may be used again. HD loss also means HP loss, saving throw reduction, etc. Should a Druid gain control of Epic Elementals, the DM may adjudicate the appropriate level of spell the Druid could invoke. He need not know the spell to request the elemental to perform it.

Skills Key


Skill Points: 554 at 36th lvl (+23 GIP)
Total of 45 ranks in 5th Magic craft skills                                                                          .
Appraise Int 17 0 15 +2 aid another (starshine)
Balance Dex 7 1
Bluff Cha 40 32 8
Climb Str 2
Concentration Con 48 43 5
Craft (Computer Program) Int 25 10 15
Craft (Thaumaturgy) Int 24 9 15
Craft (Metalworking) Int 19 4 15
Craft* (Illusion) Int 46 31 15 (*sorcerer and Sorcerer in class)
Craft (Brewing) Int 19 4 15 (follow simple formulae DC 20)
WizardCraft* (Contracts) Int 20 5 15 (create contracts) +5 knowledge devils (The Stand)
Diplomacy Cha 63
8 +2 (cosmo) +2 (memorable) -1 (Touched) +2 (reputation)
+4 (bluff) +2 (sense motive)
+2 vs firemages (synergy knowledge)
-2 w/ snobs, +/- 5 dragons,  +4 vs melderyni mages
+4 fire elementals & azers, +2 other elementals
-4 vs effretti, +2 vs angels, upper outsiders
Disguise Cha 12 0 8 +4 (bluff)
Escape Artist Dex 5 0 5
Forgery Int 15 0 15
Gather Information Cha 8 0 8
Handle Animal* Cha n/a 7 +4 (Land Visitor)
Heal Wis 7 7
Hide Dex 5 5
Intimidate Cha 30 18.5 8  +4 (bluff)
 +40 vs demons, daemons, & devlis, +4 vs angels & mages
Jump Str 5 5
Knowledge* (Arcana) Int 60 43 15 +2 aid another (starshine)
 Knowledge* (Abberations) Int 29 4 15
Knowledge* (Dragonkind) Int 47 32 15
Knowledge* (Ethereal Plane) Int 44 29 15
Knowledge* (Fire Plane) Int 45 30 15
Knowledge* (Fire Mages) Int 23 8 15
Knowledge* (Planes) Int 43 20 15 +4 synergy (knowledge ethereal)+4 synergy (fire)
Knowledge* (Devils) Int 20 15 +5 knowledge devils (The Stand)
Knowledge* (Elves) Int 20 5 15
Knowledge* (Kyuss) Int 18 3 15
Knowledge*  (Demihuman Brain) Int 25 10 15
Knowledge* (Religion - Celts) Int 19 10 15
Knowledge* (Melderyn) Int 20 5 15
Knowledge* (Navigation) Int 21 6 15
Knowledge* (Travel Magics) Int 21 8 15
Knowledge* (Dimensions) Int 15
Knowledge (Chess) Int 23 8 15 5 Ranks Gained in Play at Bru Na Bonne
Listen Wis 12 1 7 +2 (Elvish), +2 (Alertness)
Move Silently Dex 16 6 +10 (Boots)
Perform (Dance) Chr 10 2 8
Perform (Sex) Chr 12 4 8
Profession* (Parliamentarian) Wis 12 5 7
Profession (Sailor) Wis 37 20 7 +2 per lvl thaumaturge with Cloudship (+10)
Profession (Teacher) Wis 11 4 7

Ride Dex 10 4 6
Search Int 15 15
Sense Motive Wis 28 17 7 +4 (empathy) 
Sleight of Hand* Dex 40 30
6 +4 (bluff) ( in class skill for illusionist levels - Mandor)
Spellcraft* Int 64 43
15 +4 (knl synergy),  +50 for identifying items, +2 aid another (starshine), +100 for fatemagics
Spot Wis 30 17 7 +2 (Elvish), +2 (Alertness) +2 aid another bonus (starshine)
Survival Wis 7 7 +4 on ethereal & fireplanes, +2 other planes, +2 kyussworld
Swim Str 6 4 2
Tumble* Dex 6
Use Magic Device* Cha 12 4 8 +4 on scrolls (synergy with spellcraft)
Ethereal Sight* Wis 17 10 7
Scry Int 59
15 +4 (synergy knowledge arcana)
Combined Five Magics Crafts Int 62 48 15 thaumaturgy 9 ranks, craft metalworking 4, craft illusion 27, craft brewing 4, craft contracts 4
To Overcome SR - 32 24 +8 (+4 staff, +4 greater spell penetration)
To Overcome SR (Illusions) - 29 16 +12 (+8 as above, +5 illusion focus)
+1 luck (dragon pin)
7 ranks left to spend for 40th lvl  

Psionics (Wilder) 
220 pnts

Teleport Other (DC 10 + 1/2 Char lvl + Int) = DC 46
Molecular Rearraingement

------------- Permanent Spells/Detects -------------
Detect Malagnation (16th lvl) - 60ft      Empathy (non magical)- 60ft
Detect Magic (19th lvl) - 90ft          Detect Scrying (8th lvl)- 40ft (contest caster levels to see scrier)24 hr duration (spectacles)
Detect Thoughts (25th lvl) - 90ft
Detect  Illusion (Thistle, familiar)- 60ft
Clear Senses (autosave vs illusions cast by illusionist +4 lvls or less, +7 competence bonus vs illusions)
Master of Illusion (as True sight except does not show true form of polymorphed creatures, ethereal plane or see through normal darkness)
Dragonsense - 200ft radius

------------------ Triggered Spells -------------------
         Wall of Force when wall of force taken down
Thoughtcasts (2)
         Wall of Force & Telekinesis
Returnment (Scroll at 20th lvl)
         cast on body
Sagely's Spectacular Retainer IV
         - see Draco Spectacula
Magic Jar (scroll (18th lvl) 
        Thistle has magic jar gem
Wish converts the next three feather fall spells (see wish list)

-------------- Spells Cast Weekly -------------------
Epic Fifth Magic - Mandragoran Aura

-------------- Spells Cast Daily -------------------
8th - Mind Blank - cast each day, before sunrise.
8th - Moment of Prescience - cast each day, before sunrise.
4th - Rary's Mneumonic Enhancer (+3 1st lvls) - cast each day, before sunrise.
4th - False Thoughts (long script of thoughts, vague enough to fit for most situations)
1st - Unseen Servant (Harold the herald)
     Thistle often gives him an illusionary appearance
      of a silly, pretentious looking bald old  
      prancing herald (may go up to 75 ft)
When on Golden draco Cordelia casts each day at dawn during prayers:
--Spell Immunity to 
--Spiritual Guardian (she knows when I'm in trouble)

--------------  Mandrake's Wish List ----------------
I Wish that I am safely teleported to a desired location just before i am about to receive a killing attack

I wish that the next three feather fall spells that I cast are instantly converted to monster summoning 1 spells at the target location

Limited Wish that my next miss-teleport is interrupted before i teleport

Limited Wish that the next time my expansion is about to destroy  any of my possessions, they would be transported in my large sack before they are damaged.

------------  First Council Wishes -------------------
I wish that my body is suspended outside time and space until I am ready to return to it when I use the Charm of Traveling while on First Council bussiness

I Wish that I receive the benefits of a Sorcerer's Iron Glare the next time my sorcery is about to be interupted while I am on First Council Buisiness

I wish that I am safely teleported to a desired location the next time I am about to be receive a disabling attack while I am on First Council buissiness.

XX I wish that the next time I am in the presence of an advanced technological device, I know its powers

XX I wish to know whenever I am in the presence of an agent of Satan while on First Council buisiness

XX=denotes currently used up and not replenished.

---Special Grantings-------
Any 4 fire elementals summoned by spell or device will be friendly

Any 3 fire elementals summoned by spell or device will be one place larger

Any 2 fire spells cast will br maximized and enlarged

Any 2 fire spells cast by device will be maximized and enlarged (counts on bulwark)

---------- Spells to remember to cast in battle -----------
+4 cover bonus (shield spell) 
+4 haste (cuircumstance bonus)
displacement (50% miss chance)
enhanced mirror image 1.5*d4+4 images
improved blink (75% miss chance)

Equipment Worn

Left Side   Weight Center Weight Right Side  Weight
Bracer of The Golden Dragon 1 Tattoo of Golden Dragon Bracer of The Golden Dragon 1
stonedowner  Dagger* (Affixed to bracer)
may be used to recreate Landrake
1 Cloak of Protection (+5 resistence to Saves & AC) 4 +2 TH Dagger* (Affixed to bracer) 1
Deck of Many things + Trumps
up sleeve (hidden DC 51)
0.1 Mandragoran Robe of Stars, Adaptation
 +5 luck bonus to saves
1 Deck of Bad Things
up sleeve (hidden DC 26)
Silver rings with leather inset - Vladian Amulet of Wizardry* 0.1 Silver rings with leather inset -
Pouches* (small) 1-2 4 Pouches* (small) 3-4 4 Pouches* (small) 5-6 4
Thigh wandsheeths - Belt of Illusions* 1 Thigh wandsheeths -
Wand of Eyebites(sheeth) .1 Am Ameon's Dagger* (Tucked in belt) 1 Wand of Fire (sheeth)given to Shambala .1
Wand of Animation(25)(sheeth) .1 Eye Cusps for Epic Domination (wearing on default) Wand of Lim. Wishes (20)(sheeth) .1
Dragon Pin  (chest) - Elven Boots of Flying* (H.S.) +10 MS 1 4 normal card w/ sepia snake sigils
(hidden in bracers DC 47)
Ion Stone +1 Dex) - Ivory scrolltube* (inside robes) 4 Normal deck of cards (pouch 6) .1
Psychic Crystal (Forehead) - Magnetic Ring (non magical) -

+1 luckstone - all rolls (Lorocus) p1
- staff stickums (palm)
---currently no stikums
silk socks s.b
Longsword* +5 defender 4 plain white shirt s.b. scabbard for longsword 1
Mandragoran Signet Ring - plain brown breeches s.b. Ring of Gaxx* -
Staff of Spell Energy* (in hand)
Perm Illus of left arm holding staff
6 rod of empowerment
(hanging off back of belt)
Staff of the Archmagist* (in hand) 8
all clothes (considered royal for weight) 15
Legion of Gold Tattoo
Medium bag of Holding* (belt) 4
Small rod of telepathy (3/day) (Bag)
staff of transmutation -42 (harold) (U.S.) Harold also carries one rod of empowerment
 Total Weight: 55.90

66lbs or less needed for light load at current strength
* items denote that they have a leather strap expertly crafted onto them, a small piece of that leather strap is affixed in symetrical fashion to one of the silver rings for thaumaturgical purposes (24 total)

-------------  Mandrake's Pouches ----------------------

Made from an expensive, quality tanned leather with an intricate embossing design

Each pouch has its own unique design and costs about 2,500gp. The Pouch is surrounded in a low quality netting that obscures it value.

Pouches 1-6 Have the following spell cast:
For every single object placed in the pouch on a regular basis (as listed on the above sheet) there is a Magic Mouth cast at 22nd level. If the item to which it is assigned leaves the pouch without mandrake holding it, the pouch begins to scream for the return of that item - "oh please, my ring my ring, i must have the ring..." (note that the mouths would still be triggered by a mind blank thief because it does not rely on the magic sensing the thief)

There are over 75 individual magic mouths on each pouch, some left over from items that are no longer in the pouch.

Each pouch also has a magic mouth triggered by anyone else's hand or appendage reaching into the pouch. And a second one triggered by removal of the pouch from the belt.

Pouches 1, 3 and 6 have a deep pockets cast.
Pouch number 1 has a glyph of warding
Pouches 2, 4, and 6 have Arcane Lock cast on the snaps so only mandrake may open them.

All pouches are snapped to his belt via metal snaps - each with an Arcane lock so that only mandrake may remove them from the belt. The belt is likewise snapped to his robes. Arcane Marks cover the pouches which Mandrake has placed to commemorate various events. An invisible arcane mark visible to detect magic, detect inviso and True sight has Mandrake's symbol and the mark for reward. Spell component vials are of different shapes and textures so they may be differentiated by touch.
Pouch 1 (Glyphed) (Deep Pockets) Pouch 2 (Locked) Pouch 3 (Deep Pockets)
Ring of protection +3, 80,000gp ruby Ring of Pychic Impersonation 3d6 dice (add to one roll)
Ring of protection +5,  eyedrops of scrying (13 uses) Potion of antidote (1) Ring of Daemonic power
necklace of water breathing extra leather ties (6) (bonded to rings) potion of slipperyness
spell components, short piece of copper wire spell components, lodestone vial with 3 live crickets
brass key, sulphur, lime, red, yellow & blue sand parchment rolled into a cone piece of string and bit of wood
bits of iron golem fashioned into nails (10) merucry, gum arabic, fleece eyelash in arabic
-15,000gp ruby dust, 5gp doll of mandrake (not voodoo) powdered corn extract, clay powder from clear gem
Pouch 4 (Locked) Pouch 5 Pouch 6 (Locked) (Deep Pockets)
pistachio nuts, 4,000gp jade circlet, gauze Greater ring of fire pro (DR 60) potions of super heroism (3)
6 potions of dbl extra healing (2d8+10), vial of smoke primrose dragon herbs, iron fillings spell components, 50,000gp Diamond
gold & platinum toothpicks Dust of dissapearance (5) fresh fruit (if have access)
smal iron bars attached to two B&W canine statues spell components pork rinds & butter, Iron Flask DC 40
-2 blue gems 6,000gp each skunk cabbage leaves, bat guanno mind flayer brainmatter in vial
Voodoo Doll of Mandrake with returnment cast on it (scroll) eye cusps for epic scry (spare) 1,000gp worth of diamond dust
spare eye cusps for Domination
Mirror of life trapping -DC 35 save, 3 cells
Bag of Holding:
60 gp ivory plaque, vials of extra planar dirt
stone from godstone isle, traveling journal, bracers +8 ac,
Deck of Cards (Normal)
Leomund's Chest replica
small dancing, flaming, spell storing +3
dwarfen Waraxe of mighty cleaving [chest]

eye cusps for epic scry
3 Dragon Arrows (kyussworld dungeon)
200 gp, 200 pp, 200 sp, earth from kyussworld


Bracers of The Golden Dragon (Epic)

Seathing golden dragons on bracer forearms; +12 AC SR 20 
Immunity to Dragon's Breath
;  Breath as dragon of bearer's age (Su) 18d10 in Fire or Gas (90x30 cone) 3/day
May use in tandem with breath wepon while in dragon form. 

may choose on shapechange whether they stays with form i change into as bracer (will change size as appropriate) - 1,500xp to perm (may choose at time of shifting)

Tattoo of the Golden Dragon
Mandragoran tattoo of a flaming Golden Dragon pulses with Mandrakes heartbeat and appears to writhe; +6 to Intelligence,
Wisdom, and Charisma

Staff of the Archmagist Mandrake Mandragoran (Artifact)
In Bo Go Bahn, village of the celts, Genin poured the power of his staff into the Staff of the Archmagist giving it a hard point and making it a full artifact.
   50% Unadjustable SR (50% chance of magic failure)
   May absorb spells and spell like abilities that are rays or single target spells directed at bearer.
  100 levels maximum! (does NOT communicate spell lvl)
  These do not use charges: (cast at sum of levels in spellcasting classes (40))
             Detect Magic   Enlarge   Hold Portal
             Mage armor      Light      Mage Hand
   The following drain 2 charge per usage
             Greater Dispell Magic (at 39th),
Improved Invisibility
             Delayed Blast Fireball (120 hp, maximized,, 40 ft radius)) DC 34
             Ice Storm (DC 29), Lighting Bolt (20d6)  DC 28, Knock
             Passwall, Wall of Fire (DC 31),  Web (DC 27)
  The following drain 4 charges
            Monster summoning IX
            Telekinesis (750 lbs or 30 creatures in 20ft area) Will DC 30 
Combat maneuver contests at +55 (40 caster level +15 primary stat)
  Gate 9th lvl spell
            Whirlwind 10ft base 3d6/d8, DC 34, 8th lvl Dr spell
   +5 to hit, Retributive Strike (if broken or adsorb >100 lvls)
   (In Mandrakes hands, adds +4 to Spell Penetration - Magician Greater Tarot Card)
   has Ogrom's NonM Magnetic Band - may draw 10ft
   SR with staff powers  +48 ( +39 Caster lvl +4 staff +4 spell penetration +1 luck bonus)

Staff Stickums +10 pull from grasp,full rnd to drop

Staff of Steven Amber - Spell Energy*
- carried in hand or by unseen servant (called Draco)
-attacked to wrist by titanium chain (5000gp)
- holds 100 spell levels, only cast spells in memory
- recharges 10/day automatically (cannot put spells in to recharge more quickly)

Mandragorin Signet Ring (Unknown)
Has symbols of all 12 Celts surrounding Mandragorin symbol. Forged by Mandrake and King Genin, learned Gobnie had a hand in its creation
Ring of 6 Wishes -rechargeable ( 3 left )
 · Brigit -As Ring of Major Fire Res
· Silvanus - Speak with Plants / Animals      Pass without Trace (Cannot be tracked via Magic or traced
· Lugh - Power used against bearer 1 / day at +1 level better (free action)
· Morgana - May chase and catch any enemy that flees battle (no matter means) & Only bearer follows not others (Move Action)
· Diancecht - Immune to death magic & May use self heal on others (no limit)
· Oghma - SR29 vs Netherworldly Magics
· Arawn - Undead shall have no resistance vs blessed ring bearer. May Hide, Stun, Critical and treat undead as if living for attack purposes.
· Dunatis - Any stone edifice bearer defends blessed to Dunatis. Acts as Dimensional Anchor and makes walls and defenders SR30. Defenders may not use magics or protection fades
- Nuada - May deflect weapon with hands as free action 1/ rd for up to 1 rd/lvl per day
  Gibnie - Blessed Ring - Effects unknown - Talked about the ability to choose which 0f the fate cards is selected in the Mandragoran Curse of Fates.
  Mac-nanan-Mac-Lir - NONE
  Dagda -Has Blessed the Ring, Effects unknown
Acts as ring of spellturning vs non touch, non AOE sp

Ring of Gaxx (Artifact)
1.    Empathy
Target gains empathy for one day.  Empathy is powerful and informative, but can leave bearer open to some mental type attacks (-3 to Psi blast or other mental attacks with saves…x2 cost for Psi defense) Range of empathy is  24”. If another s targeted, this ability works only for target for entire day.
2.    Med Tech
Can heal 120 HP and Cure Disease/Blindness/Poison once per day per target. If power is given to another cannot be used except by target for entire day.
3.    Force Screen
Creates mobile Wall of Force that can absorb 100HP of physical damage per day. It is immune to magic and magical damage and magic cannot pass thru as Wall of Force. If given to another lasts one day and cannot be reset unless released by target.
4.    Laser Beam
Range Touch Attack (+21) does 12d6, no save. Can bore thru steel! Items may save. Usable 4/day.
5.    Stun Beam
Stuns singles target as symbol of stunning, for 1d4 Turns. Usable 4 times per day.
6.    Space Suit
Immune to Space and Gases for 1 day. Vacuum/gases never actually touch the skin or lungs. Only usable once per day.
7.    Hologram
Will produce and maintain a fully believed illusion for what target desires lasting 6 hrs. Mirage Arcana or Major Image. Ring maintains concentration.
8.    Tricorder
Target gains info on type and powers of all creatures in AOE (24”). No protections of 9th lvl or under apply
9.    Radiation
Spills radiation into area. Those not protected take 1 HP/Rd in permanent damage and may affect reproduction!
10.    Beaming
Transports target within 2000 miles up to 5,000lbs within 10ft area. Items or beings may be transported. If  no site is decided, target transported into orbit.
11.    Computer Download
1 question per day, Acts as Divine Level 5 in power

Mandragoran Robe of the Stars a la Vlad +5
Acts as necklace of adaption (may exist in space)
Immune to gasses, +5 luck bonus to saves

Psychic Crystal (clear crystal in forehead)
use one additional psionic discipline as a free action each rnd

Belt of Illusions*
20 charges per day,
+3 unnamed bonus to saves vs illusions
Mislead 6 chrgs,
Mirage Arcana 5 chrgs
Hallucinatory Terrain 4 chrgs
Major Image 3chrgs
(for Mandrake adds +3 DC with illusions)

Amulet of Wizardry
doubles base spells per day for 1st and 2nd lvl

Elvish Boots of Flying
Acts as Elvish boots (+10 MS) +2 dodge AC, Flying 5/day at 20th lvl.

Wand of Eyebiting
Gift from Alexander after New Evermore sewer adventure. Wand of Eyebite (35 charges, if have spell in memory and a charge is used during casting adds +4 to DC (spell is also expended)

Amameon's Blessed Dagger +4 (grants DR 100 vs Fire)
Dagger is tied with leather strap on pommel (same
leather is tied on ring for thaumaturgical purposes)
See below for a description of Mandrake's pouches

Starsight, the Spectacles of Coolness
8th lvl Item - HP 12 glasses are +6 on all saves(8th lvl)
Grants +6 Enhancement bonus to all stats, +2 reputation in Sidhe
Communication: Telepathy (if touched)
Perception: Sight and Darkvision
Align LN  I14 W13 Ch9
Saves Will +6  Ref/Fort +0
Skills: Apprase +11  Know Arcana +11  Spellcraft +11  Spot +11
Feats: Extend Ability (Locate Object x2 range=1280 ft - quarter mile), Exted Ability (Charm Person x2 Duration)  Unique Ability ( +10 to Search Checks and Wilderness Lore checks foir tracking),
Unique Ability: Track mages on same plane once he has detected magic...can identify mages magic (like Arcnae Mark) by flavor and do Spellcraft on residual magics to see what was cast in area.
Spell Like Ability,  Charm Person, Detect Magic, Locate Object, Read Magic, Unseen Servant, Silent Image, Identify Scrier (1st, Malhavok III, pg 10, get name of scrier), Scrytalk (2nd Malhavoc) Detect Scrying (4th - lasts 24 hrs) Scry Retaliaton (3rd, Malhavoc)- channel blast of destructive energy 10d6 ref 1/2 or send single target, non touch spell of 3rd lvl or less - (siggestion, whispering wind, levitate -probuse  sensory deprivation?
Starsight has access to all Malhavoc III scry related spells as it advances....
To gain a level requires 1/4 noirmal PC level XPs (thus, to make 5th lvl he would need 5000xp/4 or 1250xp. Anyone can infuse item by touching (but must be higher lvl than item)

Gold Dragon Pin
+5% luck (once), permanent unseen servant
Harold has an illusion cast upon him so he looks like a visible, balding, aged manservant, he generally carries staves for mandrake

Command word to The Living Vault
Trumps  Mandrake, Kothlun, Lorocus, Sagely, Alexia, Golden Draco,
Wand of Fire*,
Wand of Animation
(animate object) 25 chrgs
Deck of Mostly Bad Things - 1. Balance 2. Donjon 3. Fool 4. Gem 5. Star 6. Skull 7. Knight 8. Void

*All items have leather coverings/protectors adding +1 onto saves and adds 50gp value, bits of leather for each item are set in mandrakes silver rings (nonmagic)
3 rods of empower spell (1 in bag of holding, 1 on back of belt, 1 carried by harold)

Scrolls: in an enchanted Mithril Scroll Tube (Hardness 20) and is resistent to fire and acid. Tube grants total concealment to the scrolls within.

 Say "Nom" to bring the Living Vault

Legion of Gold Auxilary Members





Lazarus Mendal







Current Abilities


Conditional Bonuses
Strength 15 2 -1 Fortitude +28 +16 +2 +5 luck (robes) +5 resist (cloak)  +2 vs evil, +3 unamed vs illusions (belt)
Dexterity 16 3 18 4 Reflex +27 +14 +3 +5 luck (robes) +5 resist (cloak)  +2 vs evil,+3 unamed vs illusions (belt
Constitution 14 2
-1 Will +37 +19 +7 +5 luck (robes) +5 resist (cloak)
+2 Iron Will -1 (touched)
+2 vs evil,+3 unamed vs illusions (belt
Intelligence 34 12 40 15
Wisdom 18 4 24 7 Spell Resistence 50%/20 +1 all rolls (luck)
Charisma 20 5 26 8 -4 all rolls (if horde too small)

Hit points down

Psionic Points Down

Spell Battery (100) used:

Staff Charges (64+/-5)

HP dragon form
- 50 gp to make kothluns platform 636
-8 +52 -80
-111(-6 con damage) xps levels down: curses 229 -111 (-6 con dam)
-3 vile -300 -164 -4 vile
-10 evil -7 167 -34 evil
Thistle's ring of teleport no error - 5/day   Gaxian Empathy 1/day
Boots of Flying -5/day
Gaxian Computer Access 1/day
Aarons Force Cube (36/day) -18
Gaxian Force Screen (100 Hp/day)
Gaxian Med Tech Healing (120) mandrake
Gaxian Spacesuit spellweaver
Gaxian Laser Beam 4/day xX
stoneskin 90
Gaxian Stun Beam 4/day
images 6 Lugh's Better Power
Belt of Illusions charges (20/day) Rounds of Nuada's Deflection (37/day)

+2 fort +10 reflex +10 will +4 rings

extend, widen, spell focus abjuration

spells on aaron

Spells Currently Up   White Gold Spell List
Mandragoran Gift of Fates
false thoughts (see char sheet)
wishes (see char sheet)
mandragoran aura
stoneskin (see chart for hp's off)

Dont forget everyone near Mandrake and who is his freind gets:
+6 enhancement to intelligence, +6 enhancement to skills, +5 temp hit points,
Is affacted as if wearing a ring of major fire resistence, SR 29 to nether magic, immune to death magic,
also speak with plants and pass without trace and deflect weapons 1/rnd/lvl,

wizard spells used (not including spell battery)

sorcerer spells used
1st lvl illusions (14)

2nd lvl ilusion  (14)

3rd lvl illusions (7)

4th lvl illusions (7)

5th lvl illusions (5)

6th lvl illusions (5)

7th lvl illusions (4)

Adventure Notes
tarpit could be smelled from the beach
within 100 yards hard to breathe (gas, stinking cloud) no magic
about 750ft,   hot tar           

5 collosal forest undead skeletons sons of kyuss?
brain worm -

aaron to summon wall of ice and a flaming sphere
cut up the wall of ice into 90ftx10ftx9 inches thick 3x9=27hp thick
cut up with the flaming sphere, chip off ice from the corners
use thaumaturgy to block tarballs by moving wall in front
((If a creature tries to break through the wall with a single attack, the DC for the Strength check is 15 + 9=24.
think about Casting Aarow mind

spacesuit on the spellweaver
cast mandrakes paradoxical sensory disorganizer (+2 dc illusions)

shadow conjurations stilled and empowered for monster summoning iii, but ill take the 1-3 1st level and summon celestial monkeys
-me, spellweaver, arron, avisar, randolf?
cast veil spell -its a glammer undead arent affected by cmpulsions phamtasms or patterns
make the monkeys look like us and us look like the monkeys
dual shadow conjurations doing sleet storms 40ft radius, 20ft high heightened  to 4th to ninth level,and stilled DC 34 (36 with sensory)
to stop two of them

wished that next three feather fall spells cast by me are converted to monster summoning 1 spells.

plane of atlantis, very close to water
he has great SR
cold freeze or hot fire (energy resistence)---this is the key, burn and consume
clime run burrow and swim
goes through them
powers - mess with their mind
dangers attack - beware evascular mass - black ray of necrometive energy - (range touch attack) has many of them
kioled by him becomes a spawn
size = huge - hide himself not be seen by any spell, secrecy and non detection,
summon his psionic guards - massive worms of collosal in size
can discorporate himself - sights as all worms as a corporate creature
big dr what is the DR vs? likely dr-  
regenerates quickly - limited wish for sagely's baloon summoning to coat the wounds with acid (after burning them off with fire)
known for fighting with a large balled mace, [ring deflection]
sometimes slams with fists [slam is a bludgeoning attack and get immunity from that from the enhanced (duration+) rockhard]

this island has a unique balance, from volcano comes pure earth
results are 3 elements, east wind cast from courts of winds - made of pure

prison special piece of stone, as prison of kyuss
has served the dozen king for many years
fought off the atlanteans for many years to keep control of island and prison

Mr Weaver - 
2 sixth level or under

ogrom at natural +1 on timing

control carpet through thaumaturgy - dc 25 thaumaturgy craft

firestorm peak;
soul chill fever and brude spawn
wish for extended cold flame fire shield

treasure at leviathan
wand of poly with 26
periapt +3 wisdom necklace   --- liguarios
band of protection  (collar, )+5 AC
band of armour +6 armor
lavender and green ion stone 25 spell levels remaining - aaron
peraly white ion stone 9 regeneration one point for damage per hour. --tom
major cloak of displacement --kothlun 
8000gp in jewelry
vials of bloof of leviathan (5)

peons loresratt low levels now at min 5th
42 charge staff of transmutations from kothlun to bladel

starider -prformed and clamed people

742 Febuary 7th
time of day - 7pm after
1 hour

fresh experience for perm detect magic and detect malag

rsing of Father Llymic
priestlike projects from dream prison to lure the unknowing to their certain doom on firestorm peak
used to be a powerful volcanic mountain
using vaste gate summoned forth  - went to too far realm
father llymic has returned
imprisoned him deep beneath the mountain
deadly cold that he exudes
treasure - frosty fingers of father lymic (5)

treasure dragon
hammer dwarvish f thunderbolts - mandrake
wnd of daylight 8 chrgs aaron
bracers +6
scroll of restoration - restoration
staff of golemcoolness - mandrake
book of abberations - aaron
8 shards - consumed in casting of a light type spell, doubles level of caster of that light spell 4/4
scabbard of sharpness - item that is sheethed becomes keen
codex of the anathema - net effect written by distant wzard, reading highetens  +2 intel -2 wis, many skill points 5 - dunegeoeering
boots of perpetual flight?

knowledge -  abberations (not natural, alien) worthwhile to take
brood spawn - notes frost giants are icy, stalagtite like, no fur, icicle like and alien, spikey & sharp
three eyes
shapechange dispelled
Pandoram caball of wizards that looked for spaces in between places - gods didnt like
caball wanted to find weapon to fight the gods
skew plane - sentinent singularity
bound it to a contract, couldnt hold it due to its alean psych, trapped in a city
only touches our multiverse at one point
epic outsider, aberation
--callierat of the seventh - obligatum his job was to release or destroy pandoram.
bar maid named toon maggie, father
go directly eternals plane - the crystaline prison

Golden Draco Current 
6hull pints damage rear port side
7 hull points font starboard

60ft per round * mph cnvsn
2*thaumaturgy adds to sailing skill check (profession)

+book skill forcus knowledge aberations
knowledge brood spawn ++15
8400 gold
12900 silver

first; can i bluff to put a neg on a save vs an illusion (especially of something im known for doing)?
bluff so well you can implant a suggestion,
bluff while casting an illusion (maybe of a spell they normally expect) so suggestion makes them give up their save. (oh you totally believed this was coming)
bluff is normally at +33 Add +10 (serene visage) to get +43 or add +23 (MOP) to get +56
voice of the dragon +10 enhancement (4th) can limited wish for an extended VOD (durration 480 mins or 8 hrs) = 6th lvl spell no xps +66 wit MOP or +53 with SV

Say "Nom" to bring the Living Vault

glimmer had dream of gods turned deaf to beseaching of the world
dream of rethemi resistence island, beautiful metalic silver dragon deep inside bowls of mountain with some wizard sapping its life for to power a device of war

glimmer with sagely

chick getting sacrified
kothlun, the ripper
rethem soldiers
entire farmlands beset with worms
snakes have turned against us

remember headig from atlatntis
head in bag of holding, favorably

treasure from worm
greater rod of empowerment
bracers of armour +5
periapt of thinking +6 of wisdom (symbol of his scroll, symbol of oghma)

old battle at

Hit points down

Psionic Points Down

Spell Battery (100) used:

Staff Charges (64+/-5)

-1 -20 -2-2-2-2-2-2-2-4 - 50 gp to make kothluns platform
Thistle's ring of teleport no error - 5/day   Gaxian Empathy 1/day
Boots of Flying -5/day Gaxian Computer Access 1/day
Aarons Force Cube - Gaxian Force Screen (100 Hp/day)
Gaxian Med Tech Healing (120)
Gaxian Spacesuit open Gaxian Laser Beam 4/day
stoneskin Gaxian Stun Beam 4/day
Lugh's Better Power
Belt of Illusions charges (20/day) Rounds of Nuada's Deflection (36/day)

Spells Currently Up   Tomb of Horrors - White Gold Spell List
mind blank (cast but taken down for spellweaver)
false thoughts (see char sheet)
2 wishes (see char sheet)
illusory light (arrons shirt), illusionary light (my staff) Kato, sword
mandragoran aura
stoneskin (see chart for hp's off)
shapechange (cast vs lich)

The Legion of Gold, supporting Mandrake in his Divine War, fight their way in the Tomb of Horrors to follow Eldwin Tolstaff, Parliment member for the Melderyn town of Pelios.
Mandrake looks up and see's flying toward, amazingly, a pseudo dragon! From the smell Mandrake recognizes Krenal, the psudo dragon of Lazarus Mendal. But he is amazingly old and nearly spent.
Within Mandrakes mind he hears "Grand Shodhei, thank the Maker I have found you. I have been guided across space and time by the Sun God. I have travelled many weird planes and safely arrived. But my life is near its end, and I must deliver this plea to you."
"Master, it has been six weeks since you have left. Your time differential is huge here on the skew plane. I saw in my dragon dream delivered from the Morninglord that this plane was designed in this way. Every hour is a week!"
"Oh Lord, the times have been hard in Harn! I have been instructed to release this magic. Ask 3 questions of me and if the Loresratt knew the answer at the time of this casting, I may answer."
Krenal gathers himself up and says "For you, master Mendal, I love you with akll my heart." He then screams "LAZARUS"! and his body suddenly bursts into a white hot flame, and the voice of Lazarus is heard coming fromt he flaming ball that contunes to burn before you.
"Thanks to you, Krenal, for your service, love and life. Krenal is another name for loyaty to me now and forever."
"Grand Shodhei. Here is my report for the last week. It was urgent you know these things..."
Battle of Gelimo
Unbeliveable loss! All Haruchai and supprting Meldern army decimated by undead.
Undead MUCH stringer than anyone thought
Golden Draco went to battlefield afetrward to try to help and determine reason for loss.
Determined the use of a "Army Killer" used to destory Harucahi
Armykillers – Single use device that, when dropped from above detonates 100ft over and casts Wall of Impregnability (dome) that surround a area…filled with a Solid Fog Cloudkill (8th lvl – made permanent)  and a Dimensional Anchor (inside) as well as some other damageing magics
Haruchai in area have arisen in form of undead!
Al-Ajah-Haru has also been raised and serves this army and Gorguth as a Sword Wraith!
Over 1000 haruchai remain in Elven Forest. They have no leader now....honor is besmirched
Arathorn missing - believed alive but may be captured.
Wizardy summoing is stopped altogether. Flame no longer pentrates all...
Ivanshu War -
All Nether Warriors we sent have been wiped out. The Empire has sent forces to support us...more are needed. (Nick - Please mark these off)
Empire arrived and holds village and is assisting in several other mainland (westernmost) villages. The Empire insists on guarding the foodstuffs and has been very fair, but forceful, in the defense of the food. Most of the forces occupying Melderyn towns are of Kaldorian decent.
Kaldor has been "assisted" as well but sometimes in armed conflicts (or Empuire assisted uprisings).
Azadmere has been under assault by some skirimishers from Orbal. The Empire disavows any knowledge but it is said to be like they are testing the dwarves defenses
Healing has been more and more difficult. A Ur-Priest named Cairia Xasten has been seen in visions from various prophets as the cause of great death.
Blood Moon
All intial meetings are now 2 ranks toward hostile.
 Caused huge unrest in cities. Hundreds dead and murdered. Many fleeing cities to surrounding hills. Joining into small bands along former tribal lines or joining existing tribes (barbarians)
 Centipedes and Worms - becoming more prevalent.
Empire offers protection to all Melderyn mainland towns – sending ground forces from Orbal
Druids arrived and have begun "seaweed farms" to help make it thru the winter
Larkin the Weird reports that he did indeed find the Dolman. As he closed on the creature to speak a Weird Hut arose from the waters and floated upon them. it drew the Dolman into its open, black door where a old crone awaited. it was magically bound ion barbed chaions and screaming. He watched as the old crone gathered up the tears of the creature in a vial.
She then spoke acorss the waters. "Weird one...these tears are valuable. Ask your master what he will give me in return for these tears. Coin works fine for me, as we are allies and fellow council members. Of course, this creature has much to cry about and may continue to produce these tears. I will keep them safe for him and deliver to him as I have no doubt he will desire them. I would never threaten your master nor harm his holdings. But business is business, and a old woman must make her gruel money. Perhaps 100,000 Gold Raq's per vial of tears. I assume we shall see one vial every month...with proper torture"
Silver Dragon Rescue
We have recived a letter from the Rethemi Resistance movement and the exiled King's Wizard.
They desire terms for reinstating their governmet...otherwise they shall damn both Sagely and the Silver Dragon. Any further "resuce" efforts will mean their damnation...
Catrina Rescue - Has gone horrobly wrong. We have been betrayed. It seems that Catrina Sylvanyoung was being tortured by Gargun. Asimov and Glimmer rescued her. When she was on the ship she had several reduced AntiPaladins in her pouch and attacked! More I cannot tell you in this message without revealing our private defenses. At one point the ship decided to use the Trumps to summon the Grand Druid. Instread of the Grand Druid, a huge and terrible monster appeared. May have been a dragon but VERY entered Firestorm Peak and chased out Catrina and ate the Antipaladins with her (they had Rethemi markings). The beats is still in the mountain! Suffice it to say we have a huge and horrid creature within the Firestorm peak and we cannot approach the gate nor your troves.
Asimov was slain by Catrina
I have lost an eye to Antipaladins
22 Nether Warriors have been slain by Antipaladins
The troves have lost:
1    Scroll of 3 arcane spells    32,500    black tentacles (level 4) wall of ice (level 4) contagion (level 4)
1    Scroll of 3 arcane spells    20,000    freezing sphere (level 6) seeming (level 5) mages private sanctum (level 5)
1    shield +3 with intelligence and additional powers  
    leather +4  
1    Cloak of displacement, minor   
200,000 woth of gems/jewelery 
King Genin has been found dead! WHAT???!!!??? The Kingdom is in a uproar....
Lazarus says..."Mandrake, please return. We cannot hold...!"
The blazing light awaits 3 questions!!!
Finally, after the questions are asked and answered, the light fades. In the haze of the glow, Mandrake see's a beatuful blonde haired man wielding a blade made of three baldes in one.
"Sorry I am late, Mandrake. Figured if the Legion of Gold was at war, least I could do was lend a hand." The speakers eyes glow gold, winking at Starrider.
Behind Loric, in his wake, stand a silver cappped wizard and a unknown warrior with striking silver armor.
"Well now, this makes the entire Legion involved in some way on this one, doesnt it Mandragorin?" says Kilbob.
"Turns out we are with you, Elf. Woe to those that are against you!" says the snarling warrior wearing Andril. Darnock himself...
 Notes on zoerathean end
- soulema

- eye of atropal

ghost nets
clasps that grant stuff
rods wwith leather straps - aiel pain round scrooges
angel helm
books on aberation
25 pieces of jewelry 2,000gp

 neutral elemental creature that ferries souls to the afterlife, imprisoned in graveyard and freed by mandrake and randolf and sent to deliver a message to the druids at Deneb.
+1 to knowledge planes and knowledge travel magics to mandrake familiar and aaron

Blood from the leviathan (enough for 5 flasks)

zorathian battle

prep spells
flying (70ft above)
shield x2
enhanced, scented mirror images 
protection from evil
webs around statues/in area
thistle ready with spellcatch
force screen to fighter
spell battery (meteor storm, wish)
fly x 2
mnoment of prescience
project image,
project image,
charges off staff archmagist10
raise water

6 ogre tempests
+1 mithril blestplate
+1 adamantium double axe hasted when held
+2 cloak of resitence
6 potions each at 10th level:
6 double strength bulls strength potions (+8 str)
6 double strength cure light wounds potions at 10th level (2d8+10)
6 double strength protection from good potions (+4 vs good)
6 double strength shield of faith potions at 10th level (+6 deflection bonus to AC)

6 war trolls
 3 masterwork longbow +8 may strength adjust up to a 30 of strength

each of us gain 3 rerolls (after the roll) from the good spirits of spiritual karma
aaron only gains 1
+5 dagger of wounding
eversmoking bottle
flask of sovereng glue

piles of stone - detects dont work on them of secrecy - 100 stones of 100 pounds each
artifcat level --- each stone projects 60ft field of mental static, prevents all psionics
fire stones - dangerous
earth stones - temporal component
water stones - have absorbed moisture - suck up water

3 dragon arrows (many powers, very leathal vs dragons) - mandrake carries
divine scroll lesser animate
unholy aura

treasure (may read a book for feat already have and retrain original to something else)
book of feats: craft staff
book of feats: craft wonderous item
book of feats: forge ring
book of feats: improved toughness
book of feats: quicken spell
book of feats: maximize spell
+7 boots of the winterlands
+6 ring of protection
smashed worms from kyuss (5)

age 1 year from kyussworld

Ragnora - Mother of Monsters

satans lies that mandragoran chooses for dimension means they are picking strength of good or evil - they are when they are judging the compact.,
its a lie that the dimension has to be neutral, that the gods require it to be neutral, that satan must reign in hell for earthpower to exist here. its the compact - it was here already.. it is not true that in order for the compact to be here that satan must have the hells, the dimension is boen of draco paladin when he hid away after the hells attack. magic and the dragon are the same, so is genin,

what is the lie? - maybe they didnt contract for divine power, they made some other deal - the deal was part lie or the lie was told after the deal. lie that there was a deal.
have been told by morigan thatthe priests will use there reality shaping in my cause