Girru's Church of Fire

"fighting fire with fire..."

The clergy of Girru are known for their command of divine fire to create flames hot enough to forge magical weapons. They are the fire gods, blacksmiths, and weaponsmiths of the church.

Their expertise with fire make them formidable opponents and their ability to craft weapons givetheir city a valuable export. Clerics of Girru take this export role so seriously that their High Priests (9th lvl) are known by the title of Weoponsmith while their lower level clerics are known as Flametrainers (1st), Fireforgers (3rd), Blacksmiths (5th), and Blacksmiths of Divine Fire (7th). 


Their city, Trigol, exports weapons used throughout the Kingdom of Nyrond with specialized deals with several cities such as Leukish.


Taken from the rule of magic esposed by Wizards: "Fire permeates all" is a truism that depicts their main ethos. Fire is a part of all things, whether it is metaphorical, elemental, or physical in nature. Fire means activity and motion. It is the primary energy source used by thaumaturges and the blessed fire of Girru are required for the constuction of magical and holy weapons.

"Fight fire with fire" is a saying both created and lived by St. Rasha. Very direct, the clerics of Girru are apt to direct firey bolts at many of their problems - asking questions later. Unlike their brother church, Gibbil, the church of Girru is conservative, serving Nyrond and the Theocracy, while clerics of Gibbil serve Furyundy and the more liberal areas of Oerth.

The gift of divine fire is something that Girru has granted to Trigol and the Trigolese clerics. It is theirs to dole out and use those benefits as desired. Hence, the Trigolese will sell weapons to just about anyone - except wher Nyrundic law, dictated by King Gilgamesh says differently. They do not take kindly to ayone else telling them what they can and can't do with fire.

Spiritual Tenets of Fire

By a vote of 4-2 in YR3 of the Age of Heroes, the Council of Cardinals has adopted the Spiritual Tenets of Fire giving a spiritual component to all divine fire.

The Treatise on the Spiritual Tenants of Fire, produced in a bipartisan fashion by the Churches of Girru and Gibbil, espouses that flames called down from the gods have more than just an elemental fire component. They assert that such fire is a punishment by the gods that also reflects their spiirtual power. As such, fires called down by clerics do some damage to creatures that are even immune to fire. In addition, their treatise claims that such direct punishments by the hands of gods should have greater effects on those punished. After a large debate among the council as to whether this reinterpretation of divine fire should apply to all clergy or just that of the fire gods, it was determined to adopt the treatise in full (and thus apply to all gods) and futher recomendations to the Clerical Diocese were made to change the doctrine of such miracles to account for the change in religious dogma on the aspects of divine punishment and fire.

In short order, the Clerical Diocese passed changes in doctrine to account for the change in dogma. It was thereby proclaimed that the clerical miracle of Flame Strike would call down a column of flames from the sky as the miracle normally does. Damage done, however, would be a d6 per level with a saving throw for half damage. It is now true that half of the damage done is by true elemental fire and the other half is via a spiritual component of the god's anger. Because of this, creatures who are completely resistant to fire will take half of the damage from the miracle. Magic resistance and all other means to avoid such flames work normally.

Clerical Requirements

Clerics of Girru are required to have a strength score of 15 or higher to aid in their blacksmithing skill.
They are also required to place additional slots in blacksmithing or weaponsmithing skills as they gain levels.


Clerics of Girru can be trained in any type of wepon that the city exports. this includes swords! 

God-Granted Abilities

All fire miracles do half damage in elemental fire and half damage is spiritual fire (creatures with fire resistance still take half damage) due to the Spiritual Tenets of Fire.

1st- Affect Normal Fires 3/day (any extra damage caused is spiritual). May make magical weapons of +1
5th- Flame Strike 1/day. May make magical weapons of +2
9th- Firestorm 1/day. May make any magical weapons, including holy swords (may need special components, miracles, or mage)


Clerics of Girru may pray for any fire spell - including magic user, druid, and clerical spells
Clerics of Girru cannot heal.
Miracles create Girru's Oil ( a very hot burning oil similar to Greek Fire)
Miracles can create coal in large amounts.

Cathedral of St. Rasha in Trigol

Riam Rishpa, Archbishop of Trigol