Kingdom of Furyundy

CitiesDyvers, Willip, Chendl, Littleberg, Crockport, Grabford, Admunfort, Babylon

Ruler: His Pious Majesty, The King of Furyondy (Paladin, 14th level), Thrommel the IV

Capital: Dyvers

Population: 350,000+, including some demi-humans, but few if any humanoids

Resources: foodstuffs, cloth, gold, wood


 The Viceroyalty of Furyondy was founded upon several small states during the height of Aerdian power (c. 100 CY). It was aimed at giving the Aerdian Empire a strong satrapy on the western frontier from which further conquest could be launched. The Viceroy ruled from the Clatspur Mountains to the Nyr Dyv, from the Lortmils in the south to the far shores of Whyesfil Lake, and beyond, in the north. As the power of the Malachite Throne in Rauxes waned (c. 200 CY), the viceroys of Ferrond ruled more by their own writ and less by the leave of the Aerdi overlords. When Nyrond split from the Aerdian Empire, the empire broke apart. In C.Y. 300 the heir to Viceroy Stinvri (the Viceroyalty had become hereditary some years previously) was crowned in Dyvers as Thrommel I of House Belvor, King of Furyondy, Prince of Veluna, Provost of the Northern Reaches, Warden General of the Vesve Forest, Lord of Dyvers, etc under the auspices of the Theocracy of the Pale Mountains. With agreement from the clerical caste from the theocracy (the blessing of the gods on their new king by the ArchCleric), those in power were able to add an air of legitimacy to the crown and thus was born the Kingdom of Furyondy.

The adjunctive states were soon lost, but the central core of the kingdom was sound and viable and has persisted. United through constant warring upon the evil Homed Society and luz, as well as lending contingents to expeditions mounted by the Earl of the Shield Lands against the Bandit Kingdoms, the country has developed a strong alliance for the forces of good. In fact, the presence of such a strong and powerful threat of evil to the north created a heavy concentration of paladins (their smiting ability helped Furyondy survive) and the country has traditionally had a very good aligned slant. House Belvor was helped to power by the aid of a number of gold dragons and their blessing is still rumoured to be upon the royal line. As it stands now, the country of Furyondy maintains strong institutionalized feudalism.

A Magna Carta exists which limits the King’s power and strengthens the hands of the local feudal lords. The seven largest houses dwarf in magnitude the other smaller houses. These seven houses, most driven by their own mercantile or military interests, determine the policies of Furyondy—it is only when there is not strong agreement that the King can exert his power. As a case in point, as directed by the Magna Carta, the King cannot even place a Noble of Furyundy in jail unless the noble is first tried and judged by 25 of the Noble’s peers(other Noble houses). The King is served by six Grand Marshals—the Grand Marshal of the Northlands, Southlands, Western Lands, Eastern Lands, the Far Southern Lands, and the Grand Marshal of Central Furyondy... Each of the Grand Marshals have sworn fealty to the King, but their armies, of course, have sworn fealty to the Grand Marshal directly, and it is up to the grand Marshal how they are deployed and when. It is the Grand Marshals who execute and manage the policing of the laws within their respective regions. Thus, the King remains at the pleasure of the Noble houses.

During the Dark Times, Furyundy suffered some losses as Gorsend, city to Kothar Wa-hasis, was reduced to ruins, and later Chendl (attacked) and Littleberg (fell) came under attack by the forces of Ket. An early map of Furyundy from CY550 (approximately 30 years before the battle at Tovag Baragu and the end of the Age of Sorrows) shows a very different place than current Furyundy:

Furyundy CY 550

Most recently, with the appointment of a Grand Marshal of the Far Southern Territories, Lord Taran Soothra, Furyondy has expanded its borders to parts of the Sea of Dust including Babylon.


Landstradd Houses (7 big shots)

There are 50 other houses of nobility in Furyundy.

Rulership of Furyundy

Notable Characters 

Members of the Order of the Hart

Dragon Scales

Medals of Honor