Frost Barbarians (Kingdom of the Fruztii)
His Most Warlike Majesty, the King of the Fruztii (Fighter,
15th level)
Capital: Krakenheim Vilage (pop. 3,300)
Population: 50,000
Demi-humans: Few
Humanoids: Some
Resources: foodstuffs, furs, silver, gold
The Frost Barbarians are the weakest of the three nations (of Suel peoples)
inhabiting the Thillonrian Peninsula, called Rhizia by these peoples. They
have never recovered from the Battle of Shamblefield, and have been under
the suzerainty of the Schnai for the past two decades - and several times
previously as well. The supposed figurehead placed upon the throne of the
Fruztii has, however, built his kingdom carefully, and in actuality it
is now independent in all but oath. A recent pact concluded between the
Fruztfii and Ratik saw a joint army wreak havoc in the Bone
March, and during the next campaigning season clear the north pass
of the "Fists" (see HOLD OF STONEFIST).
Ice Barbarians (Kingdom of Cruski)
His Most Ferocious Majesty, the King of Cruski; Fasstal of all the Suell (Barbarian-14th lvl)
Capital: Glot (pop. 5,100)
Population: 60,000
Demi-humans: Few
Humanoids: Likely in mountains
Resources: furs, copper, gems (1)
The Ice Barbarians inhabit the bleak shores of the Thillonrian Peninsula's
north and east coasts. They will raid their cousins to the south, the Snow
and Frost Barbarians, or raid with them into Ratik
or the more tempting Great Kingdom. In high
summer they will often find fighting by rounding the coasts of the Hold
of Stonefist, and the Cruskii have both hatred and respect for the dour
inhabitants of that land. Their most despised enemy, however, is the Sea
Barons, whose ships they attack on sight, and usually at any price.
Of late these raiders have joined with Frost and Snow Barbarians in order
to counter the growing strength of the coastal defenders of the Great Kingdom
and the Sea Barons.
His Mighty Lordship, the Ataman of the Standards; Chief of the Wardogs (Fighter, 11 th level)
Population: 50,000?
Demi-humans: Few
Humanoids: Numerous
Resources: furs, gold
The tribes of nomadic peoples who dwell between the Wastes below the Icy Sea and the Fellreev Forest called themselves the People of the Plentiful Huntinglands, but their neighbors named them Rovers of the Barrens as they hadn't any permanent settlements, and the area they roamed seemed bleak. These tough nomads were content enough with their herds, hunting, and occasional raids upon Furyondy, the Bandit Kingdoms, or Tenh. The growth of the bandits' power and the swelling numbers of humanoids, however, have sharply reduced the territory, numbers, and power of these clans. At the great Battle of the Opicm River, the might of the Rovers of the Barrens gathered to war upon a combined host from the land of luz and the newly formed Homed Society. The wardog soldiers and light cavalry of the Rovers were decimated and scattered, and many of their chieftains were slain. Perhaps three or four clans of but a few tribes each are all that now remain of the force which once sent the tumans of the Wolf Nomads flying back across the Dulsi without their gray-tailed banners. The numerous people that formerly went where they would between the Dulsi and Veng Rivers to White Fanged Bay and the Zumker River are now reduced to a handful of warriors huddling from the Wastes to the Forlorn Forest. The light cavalry of these tribes ply lance and javelin, although many also use spears or short bows. Picked men use lariats to pull enemies down. Certain tribes furnish excellent medium horsemen who provide shock power. The wardogs are footmen able to run with cavalry and fight, hamstringing enemy mounts and disrupting their formations.
Snow Barbarians (Kingdom of Schnai)
His Bellicose Majesty, the King of the Schnai (Fighter, 16th level)
Capital: Soull (5,400)
Population: 90,000+
Demi-humans: Some
Humanoids: Many (in mountains)
Resources: copper, gems (1, 11)
The Snow Barbarians are the strongest and most numerous of the northern
peoples. Several decades ago they captured the west coast below Glot and
have managed to hold it since. For a time the Frost Barbarians were under
the thumb of the King of the Schnai, but the Fruztii are now free except
in pledge. This has not affected general concord with either neighbor,
as all three consider the Great Kingdom and the Sea Barons as their most
natural source of easy loot and profit Although fighting invading humanoids
has become a national pastime, there are sufficient men left to man the
longships when campaigning season in the south is at hand. It is rumored
that the Baron of Ratik has sent messages to the King of the Schnai proposing
four-way co-operation to take the Hold of Stonefist and the Bone March.
Supposedly this proposal offers Glot and Krakenheim as possible gains for
the Schnai, while the Fruztii and Cruski would divide the Hold, part of
would be returned to the Frost Barbarians, and Ratik would rule Bone March.
The reaction to these proposals can not be guessed, but the Schnai are
undoubtedly keeping an eye on the joint Fruzti-Ratik ventures of late.
His Most Grim and Terrible Might, the Master of the Hold (Barbarian, 18th level)
Capital: Velkstaad (pop. 2, 100)
Population: 60,000+
Demi-humans: Doubtful
Humanoids: Some
Resources: furs, ivory, silver, gems (1)
Stonefist, then Velk of Korune, founded his chiefdom in approximately
430 CY was cast out of the Rovers of the Barrens for banditry and
lying, but a small number of warriors and their families followed him as
leader. For several years he hung around the fringes of his homeland, raiding
and stealing from everyone without prejudice. These minor successes attracted
a growing following of fellow outcasts, bandits, criminals and like unsavory
types. Yet with this strange mixture of fighters, he mounted a highly successful
raid into Tenh, swung down into the Bandit Kingdoms recruiting more followers,
and then defeated a punitive expedition sent from Tenh. When threatened
by a bandit kinglet, Velk replied by surprising his stronghold, sacking
it, and carrying away most of its population. Riding unmolested through
the lands of his frontier people, but not caring to test their fighting
ability, Velk moved beyond White Fanged Bay and established a fortified
settlement as a permanent camp. The inhabitants of the area, the Coltens
Feodality, were tricked into negotiation with Velk. These negotiators and
their escorting force were slaughtered, the remainder of the Colt host
routed by surprise and ferocity, and Velk settled down to rule over the
whole territory. As Velk's infamy spread, malcontents from many nations
came to his standard, despite his new name of Stonefist (implying both
a terrible foe and an inflexible ruler). The Mastership of the Hold is
a semi-hereditary position and title. The descendants of Velk (he had 219
wives and 351 male children who survived to maturity) compete in a bi-annual
"Rite of Battle Fitness." The winner may challenge the Master, one of the
Atamen of the three towns, or lead a warband and become a chief. The surviving
losers join the standing warbands; (the "Fists"), those who did best becoming
chieftains, sub-chiefs, and leaders of raiding bands. These savage war
and raiding bands commonly raid Fruztii, Tenh, and even the Rovers of the
Barrens. About 30% or so of the population of the Hold dwell in permanent
settlements, and from these people are drawn the bulk of the footmen. Most
of the balance of the population are semi-nomadic, moving into the northern
tundra in the summer, and migrating south in the fall. From these people
come the horsemen and light infantry of the "Fists."
The Unvanquishable Tiger Lord, Ilkhan of the Chakyik Hordes ( Fighter)
Capital: Yecha (3,800)
Population: 70,000+ |
Demi-humans: Few |
Humanoids: Few |
Resources: furs, silver, gems (1) |
The Tiger Nomads are tough and hardy horsemen who dwell on the prairies
above the Yatil Montains.
They are herdsmen and hunters, roaming from the Burneal
Forest to the foothills of the Yatils, the Dramidj
Ocean to the banks of the Fier.
Because of their proximity to more civilized states, these nomads have
established a few villages, mine silver and gems, and conduct a fair amount
of trade with both Ekbir and Perrenland.
Naturally, they likewise raid both places and war continually with the
tribes of the Boreal and their cousins to the east, the Wolf Nomads. These
people are Oerid/Suel, and most do not even speak the common tongue of
the Flanaess. Their banners bear the likeness of a tiger, tiger tails,
etc. The Ilkhan's armour of state is a tiger skin, reportedly that from
a sabre-tooth, while the lesser khans wear the pelts of normal tigers.
Tiger nomads move about on horseback, with carts carrying tents and other
possessions. Their main force consists of light cavalry armed with horn
bows and lances. There is a small percentage of better protected cavalry
which is comparable to medium status. Infantry never accompanies a tuman
or horde on the march, except if the whole people is moving. Small garrison
forces of footmen are stationed in permanent settlements such as Yecha.
Various claims to royal titles exist (Thief 14th-16th level or Fighter of 12th-14th level usual for lords)
Capital (largest city in strongest state): Rookroost (pop. 17,310)
Population: 95, 000 +
Demi-humans: Few if any
Humanoids: Many
Resources: silver (mines in rift area)
The Bandit Kingdoms are a collection of petty holdings which were founded
sometime around 300 - 350 CY. This collection of small personal territories
stretches from the southern Shield Lands to the Bluff
Hills and northern verges of the Fellreev Forest, from the Ritensa
River to the Artonsamay
River in the east. The territorial boundaries of the holdings of these
kinglets are subject to rapid change due to sudden warfare and defeat or
victory. In all there are 17 states within the confines of the area, ruled
by 4 to 6 powerful lords, and the rest attempting either to become leading
rulers or simply to survive. The whole relationship exists because no single
bandit lord or barbarian chief is strong enough to conquer the whole territory,
and the combined strength of all is often required to defend against neighboring
states' retributive expeditions. So bandit and brigand band together in
self interest, and no kinglet, regardless of ambition, has seriously attempted
to rule the whole, for fear that threatened lords would turn to neighboring
states in spite - even at risk of destruction by the summoned "ally." Thus
the combined kinglets continue to stand more or less together. The total
military strength of all territories is quite considerable due to the fact
that each ruler controls a large force with which to raid and pillage.
(There are some 10,000 regular troops in total, armed and equipped as explained
in the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, Monster Manual: See
Men (Bandits)