d20 |
Effect |
5 |
dizzy spins, -2 hit, -10
psi pts, -2 Dex, 1d3 turns |
10 |
vision loss
20’, -1 hit, no smell 1d3 turns |
15 |
dex loss -1/-2 Dex for
1d6 turns |
20 |
confusion W check or
confused 1d4 rounds |
25 |
headache 10%-40% loss
psi points, 10% miscast spell 1 hour |
30 |
unwariness surprised 3-6
1-3 hours |
35 |
giddiness +bravery,
+morale, take on large fights |
40 |
tiredness +4/+5
initiative d4 hours |
45 |
light-moderate d4 hours |
50 |
extreme sensory loss C
check or unconscious, vision 10’, d4 hours |
55 |
dizzy -5 Dex, +4
initiative d10 turns |
60 |
exhaustion ¾
move d4 hours |
65 |
lost stamina 10-30% hp
loss d8 hours |
70 |
1-2 points of both C and
S d8 hours |
75 |
dizzy/sight -3 to hit,
Dex check each round or trip |
80 |
stun, stun 2-5 seg as
spell |
85 |
drunk, really drunk see
90 |
loss of casting, cast at 1-3
lvl less d2 days |
95 |
fever, rest d4 days to
rid fever or -2 I |
100 |
euphoria +2 to hit,
damage and dex, overconfident |
105 |
exhaustion, move
½, slowed, -2-3 points S + D, 20% spell failure |
110 |
spell failure, 40% spell
failure, rest 7 days |
120 |
sickness, only fight one
more turn, rest 1 week |
125 |
level loss, 80% last one
day, 20% 3 days |
130 |
level/stat loss, stats at
½, lose one level temporarily |
135 |
unconsciousness |
150 |
death by channeling |
155 |
loss of channeling and
spell ability permanently |
200 |
permanent death |