The Apprentice's Chaos Mage Spells

0-Level Spells (Cantrips)

  Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.

1st-Level Spells

2nd-Level Spells

3rd-Level Spells

4th-Level Spells

5th-Level Spells

6th-Level Spells

7th-Level Spells

8th-Level Spells

9th-Level Spells

                  Leshay born

Scrolls1  (2 x chaos magic spell Random Deflector (7th) affects all melee attacks (but not spells or missile weapons). Redirectsattacks to a random creature within 30ft (may or may not be an ally) and 2x Random Target Deflector (does missile weapons only). Cast at 15th lvl.

Crystal Magnification Shard  - widens, enhances, and heightens (+5) ray spells casts though the crystal (causes some discoloration, 3 uses left, not rechargeable) [Apprentice]

Scorp Lord Bracers: +5 deflection bonus on saves, quickened lightning bolt 2/day (15th lvl), gives the feat of greater spell penetration (+4) - does not stack [apprentice]

Medal of Spell Might 
Grants +2 to DC of all spells and a +4 unnamed bonus on spellcraft checks. Wand has 47 charges. "Your father has done us great honor with his gift of 1 million gold pieces, his people's aid, and his great work of art in our church. We have heard that you are gifted with his skills. For the last two years we have collected research and supplies for art magic. Perhaps after you visit his studios, you might consider gifting us with a painting or two." She smilles. 'hear hear' eachoes you in the crowd.

Babylonian Dress Clothes
Clothes befitting a lord or a prince, with an ornateley black and gold embrodered collared white shirt, long coat, dark breeches, and flaired boots.  They give a +2 competence bonus to diplomacy/reaction and a +2 competence bonus to Apperance (charisma for appearance based skills). They take up a cloak, clothing, belt, and boot slots (respecitvely). And each will take on the powers of another cloak, belt, boots, or clothing, respectively, that is owned by the wearer on this or another plane (but not accross dimensions). (which items they draw upon may be changed as a full round action). They are self cleaning and self mending.