
 1 Sheriff’s Association2
Ministries of the Regent 3
Judicial Branch
The Senate (Council of the Protectorate) - City Hall (Embassies Quarter 51 - 55) 3
Government Agencies
Rings of the Senator 5
Stone of the Rings in Council Chamber 5
Celadon Spy Network6
Churches and Shrines
Adventurers Guild - Selid-Din Chapter (15)
Mongos Bodyguards1
Mages Council of Selid-Din1

Sheriff’s Association


Loose affiliation of Sheriffs in the City started by the High Priestess Corin


High Priest Corin LeTrem (Veluna – French in personality).  Lvl 12


Precinct:/ Block Sheriffs                          133 Total (Various races)

Hobbit Lane Sheriffs                                           60

Dwarven Generals                                             9

Elven Striders                                                    54

Park Services (Magistrates Guards)                     15

Shield Knights                                                    16 (the Regent and his Ministers)



Recruitment and Training Favors





Ministries of the Regent

The Ministry is on the second floor of the City Hall and is a series of offices for the Ministers that do not have quarters in the Regents Keep. The following also lists their roles while the Regent travels after the *


The Senate - City Hall (Embassies Quarter 51 - 55)

The Senate

Honorific is formerly “Protector” but changed to Senator in Yr26. . Below is the current elected council. All have been sworn in and bear the "Ring of the Protector". This simple ring alights whenever a Protectorate meeting is being held. The Deputy can vote in the Protectors place as needed. They attend the meetings and normally advise the protector.


Senate Officers

§         Speaker for the Regent – Prime Minister Lt Commander Colin Dendlas LG  


§         Speaker for the Ellcrys – (non-voting) - Blax (Werebear guardian of tree) CG


§         City Treasurer:  Grievous Skrack (Article 2 Sec 2.02b) - Non-Voting


Senators and Deputy Senators


Liberal Members (Pro Populace and Civil Rights, Pro Tax)

§         Elves - Prince Merridrill Aranath ( Elven Ft/Sorcerer 6th/6th)


§         Wemics – Wold Manethrall (Wemic – Ft 3rd) CN  

o        Deputy Varl Manethrall (Wemic Ft 1st) CN


§         Trees – Barley Jones ( Ranger 8th lvl NG)

o        Deputy Bee-bee Jones ( Ranger 6th lvl NG ) Barley's Wife


§         Beasts – Brother Caras (Monk – 6th) LN  

o        Deputy Brother Dedra (Monk 1st) LN


§         Sylvan Life – Endlavar Stepfree the Merciful (Centaur War - 9th)

o        Deputy Coarse Stepfree (Centaur War 7th CG)

§         Druids – Sara Lee Baker (Hum Fem NG Peasant 1st)

o        Deputy Marvin Baker ( her Father - Peasant 1st NG)

Moderate Members (Swing back and forth based on issue)

§         Humans – Charis the Steel Lord


§         Halflings - Sebastian Briarberry (Hobbit Thief)


§         Adventurous –  "Padwah" Otellox Mistmorn (NG Jedi 1st)

o        Deputy: Unassigned


§         Faeires - The Queen always sends a representative from the fairies, bearing the Ring of the Protector. No single fairy is "elected" as getting them to agree on anything is futile. Always votes Chaotic Good in outlook.


Conservative Members (Pro Government control, Anti Tax)

§         Dwarves - Dorin Oakneshield (Dwarven Male Cleric 8th) LG  


§         Gnomes - Junior


§         Mushrooms – King of Mushrooms (Ranger 6th NG)


§         Merchants – David McBride


Mages – Bob Winters (LN)



Rings of the Senator


Stone of the Rings in Council Chamber

Immune to Charms and Compulsion Magic’s in Council

Mind Blank for all wearers of Ring of Protector (Acts as Ambassador Chamber - 60k)

Sanctum Sanctorum (as Sanctuary Spell DC 20 - Chamber cost: 6k)

Prismatic Sphere - While in session, Prismatic Sphere invoked around building. Protector Ring allow to bypass. (60k cost)

Hall of Noise - 4k - A whisper may be heard when somneone stands to speak

Chamber of Seeinf - Ture Seeing for all wearers of Ring (50k)

Chamber of Comfort (as Leos - 7500gp)

Engraved Circle of Protection - Evil (7500gp)

Everful Water Basin (4500gp)

Hall of Truth DC13 or tell Truth...aware of it!  - Ring of Protector requires you fail save or it glows black and loudly screams (6k)

Government Agencies

Tax Collection Agency is created

(CRC - City Revenue Committee)

§                                 Subcommittee with Bas, David, Wemic Protector, Junior and Sara Lee




Celadon Spy Network –(Lives in 104)

The upper floors is the headquarters for the Network. Usually one of the leaders and 3-5 lower level thieves are about. Geoff (Thief 8th level) CN Human and Janith ( Thief 8th level) CN Human run the show. Lorocus saved both these brothers from the dungeon of the Vampire, Baron of Blutspurr 

These two resourceful thieves are spies at the Celadon Forest that even the Great Druid is unaware. They also run a spy network of low level thieves in Guido's Chruch, Evermore, Greyhawk and Babylon so that Lorocus may be briefed on happenings in one location. Approx 40 thieves in all…they do provide data to the Druids and druid-positive forces when appropriate but don’t care much how they get the information (greatest good). They are well funded for now but things may get tight with the Grand Druid gone.




Adventures Guild - Selid-Din Chapter (15)


Mongos Bodyguards:    Mongos Bodyguards is a small shop attached to the Adventurers Guild.on Regent Blvd. It is a small slip of a shop where Mongo and various surly looking warriors play cards, dice, and drink and eat. Some may mistake it for a bar, but it is not and if you are not hiring, you are out on your ear.


It is run by Mongo (Hacdeshani barbarian, Bright Desert - 8th lvl) who is retired. He is 70 yrs old but still very strong (17). He has given up herding for an easy "wetlander" lifestyle. He has on retainer over 15 warriors and barbarians as bodyguards/adventurers. In addition, for juicy jobs that require it, he has connections with the Marshals (rangers) for jobs they may like (Mongo just legal agreement). Mongos contracts are all legally registered in the Hall of Adventures in the adventurer’s district. The contracts all are fully negotiable but usually involve a set daily fee (plus a cut of the treasure if adventuring). The fees range but are never less than 100gp per level per day and may go 1000gp per level per day if risky.


Some retainers usually at the shop if not working are Blaylock Pentangle (Fighter 12th - Bow specialist), Dorak Oakenshield ( Warrior -6th -Dwarf) and Ciris Cane (Swordmaster fem human 7th lvl).

Mages Council of Selid-Din

            Headquarterd ay theTower of Ralbane,this is a loose organization and more a social club. Many of the mages run intoeach other at the Tower and David holds luncheons and dinners for club membersonly. Members must be citizen and able to cast 6th lvl arcane spells. Thecouncil will only invite those who they would want to socialize with...


All mages of the Council of Selid-Din are allowed to pass freely 1/day (more at Davids whim). Mages who always go to Ralbane are: